Annotated Bibliography - Kayla McDonald, RN, BSN

Annotated Bibliography
Kayla McDonald
Dixie State University
Annotated Bibliography
NOTE: The main theme of this annotated bibliography is to explore the literature regarding the
influence of telehealth in the critical care setting.
Henderson, K., Carlisle Davis, T., Smith, M., & King, M. (2014). Nurse practitioners in
telehealth: Bridging the gaps in healthcare delivery. The Journal for Nurse
Practitioners, 10(10), 845-850. doi:
According to Kristi Henderson, DNP, FNP, Tearsanee Carlisle Davis, DNP,
FNP, Mary Smith, DNP, FNP, and Melissa King, MSN, FNP, many changes must be
made in the health care delivery system in order to meet the needs of all people and
improve the health of our nation. Advances in technology has allowed telehealth to
greatly improve patient access to health care and equipped providers with innovative
tools to provide quality health care. Geographic location no longer limits the health
care services patients and health care providers can access, thanks to telehealth. The
tele-ICU systems allows critical care patients to be monitored 24 hours a day by
experienced critical care nurses, in addition to the bedside critical care nurse.
However, there is data that is conflicting with the cost to benefit analysis, but results
do suggest an increase in safety and quality concerns which keep the program active
and expanding. Nice description of Telehealth and the need for more study of its
Khunlertkit, A., & Carayon, P. (2013). Contributions of tele-intensive care unit (tele-ICU)
technology to quality of care and patient safety. Journal of Critical Care, 28(3), 315.e112. doi:
Adjhaporn Khunlertkit, and Pascale Carayon, from the Center for Quality and
Productivity Improvement, explain that although tele-ICU use has spread rapidly, the
benefits vary widely among studies, and little is known about the specific
characteristics of tele-ICU that contribute positively or negatively to the care process
and patient outcomes. This study comes from a different angle than other cited
articles, this study collected its data from tele-ICU staff instead of ICU staff. This
study found that the tele-ICU provided contributions to the critical care process and
outcomes. There were more positive contributions than negative contributions found
in this study. The main contributions were tele-ICU provided extra resources for ICU
patient care, served as quality improvement trigger for ICUs, supported medication
management, interacted with patients and families. This study introduces selection
bias by only collecting data from tele-ICU staff which may have impacted the study’s
results. This paragraph exemplifies how studies are influenced by bias but can still
be very relevant—nicely outlined.
Kumar, S., Merchant, S., & Reynolds, R. (2013). Credentials are not listed in the reference. TeleICU: Efficacy and cost-effectiveness of remotely managing critical care. Perspectives in
Health Information Management, 1-1f. Retrieved from
This the proper place for credentials. The authors Sajeesh Kumar, PhD, Shezana
Merchant, MD, Rebecca Reynolds, EdD, RHIA, review current literature to
determine the efficacy and cost-effectiveness of tele-ICU. The article finds that
research is in the early steps and more studies will need to be done before tele-ICU
becomes widely adopted. Cost-effectiveness also requires more research. Many
studies draw conclusions on cost based mortality and length of stay, but actual costs
were not reported. Cost is an important consideration, especially for smaller facilities
that want to ensure a return on their investment. Great point are addressed
Moeckli, J., Cram, P., Cunningham, C., & Reisinger, H. S. (2013). Staff acceptance of a
telemedicine intensive care unit program: A qualitative study. Journal of Critical
Care, 28(6), 890-901. doi:
In this article Jane Moeckli, Peter Cram, Cassie Cunningham, and Heather Reisinger
[credentials?] conducted an evaluation to identify factors related to ICU staff
acceptance of tele-ICU system in the pre-implementation and post-implementation
phases. The study found staff acceptance was complicated by inconsistent knowledge
about the program, differing needs for and perceptions of the tele-ICU, varying
organizational support, and a lack of recognition of how disruptive the tele-ICU
would be in ICU practice. The article suggests that hospitals considering
implementation of tele-ICU should prepare substantial resources to educate and train
ICU staff and continual education and evaluation of ICU and tele-ICU practices in
response to systematic changes.
Pfrimmer, D., & Roslien, J. (2011). The tele-ICU: A new dimension in critical care nursing
education and practice. The Journal of Continuing Education in Nursing, 42(8), 342-3.
In this article the authors Dale Pfrimmer, MS, RN, and Jennifer Roslien, MS, RN-BC,
suggest that the implementation of tele-ICUs are associated with a decreased ICU
mortality rate and length of stay. Tele-ICU was designed to bring clinical expertise to
remote facilities. Tele-ICU uses quality equipment to connect patients with the tele-
ICU team. Two way non-recordable audio-video is used to communicate and view
patients and staff to assist with needs. Pfrimmer and Roslien predict tele-ICUs will
be a key element of the future of critical health care in America. Barriers such as
reimbursement and IT interoperability must be resolved before adequate functioning
can take place. Physician, nurse, and leadership support are crucial for success in this
new model of critical care delivery. Cost effectiveness seems to be a consistent
barrier indicated in every article
Shahpori, R., Hebert, M., Kushniruk, A., & Zuege, D. (2011). Telemedicine in the intensive care
unit environment--A survey of the attitudes and perspectives of critical care
clinicians. Journal of Critical Care, 26(3), 328.e9-15.
According to an article published by the Journal of Critical Care, researchers Reza
Shahpori, Marilynne, Andre Kushniruk, and Dan Zuege found a significant degree of
skepticism expressed by ICU healthcare providers regarding the ability of tele-ICU to
address the challenges of human resource limitation and the delivery of quality care.
This article addresses the ability of tele-ICU to provide an additional layer of
monitoring and positive impacts on patient safety and quality care. However, this
study also identifies significant uncertainty and concern related to the ability of this
technology to positively influence the challenge of human resource limitation and the
delivery of quality critical care in the critical care environment. This study also
suggests, as well as previously cited articles, that there is a need for significant
additional studies demonstrating improved patient outcomes before tele-ICU will
likely be accepted by critical care staff.
Kayla, your articles are extremely well discussed and follow a common topic of study –
telehealth’s effectiveness in enhancing patient outcomes and its cost effectiveness. You
have few errors in APA. You will notice that credentials are needed only in the body of the
paragraph but not in the reference itself. Overall your paper is easily read and very
interesting, covering the topic in a complete and concise manner. Please see rubric
scoring below. Kathy
Rubric for Annotated Bibliography
Student: ____Kayla McDonald__________ Date: _____Nov. 28, 2014_________
Sources are
relevant to the
topic Sources are
Sources are
interesting Not all are
related to the topic
Authors are
identified along
with their
Most authors are
Credentials of authors
are excellent
Sources cover
related topic
Relevance to
topic is not
ntials of these
authors are
A variety of
sources are
identified Each
source is written
well for the
intended audience
Each article is less
than 5 years old
Articles are
“important” work
The main idea of
the articles are
are clearly linked
to one another
A variety of selected
research sources is
selected Most are
written for the
intended audience
s are less varied
but written for
the intended
Most (5/6) articles
have been published
within 5 years
Articles are considered
“important” work
Main points of the
article are clearly
summarized The
connection between
sources are apparent
½ of the
articles are
older than 5
None of the
articles are less
than 5 years old
No attention was paid
to the timeframe of
your articles
The pain point
of the articles
are summarized
The connection
articles are less
You make no attempt
to summarize the
There are no
comparisons between
APA formatting is
done correctly on
all 6 sources. Paper
has few spelling
/grammatical errors
APA formatting is
correct on all 5/6
sources; Paper has
APA formatting
You try to
summarize the
sources but seem
to have trouble
focusing on the
main Idea
There is no
between sources
APA style is done
on less than 4
There are many
ng errors
throughout the
APA and
Total Points ____28_______
is correct on
4/6 sources
Paper has few
atical errors
Some sources
cover topic
Sources are
authors are
identified and
their credentials
are not relevant to
the topic
source is type
selected Few are
written for the
intended audience
Few sources are
relevant There seems
to be nothing
interesting in this
Authors and
their credentials are
not identified
One source type is
selected None is
written for the
intended audience
APA style is not
followed, spelling and
grammatical errors
occurs throughout the