Accelerated Reading, Writing, and Critical Thinking

Los Medanos College
Reading, Writing,
and Critical Thinking
English 95
C. Mitchell
Fall 2015
Mitchell 1
Table of
Semester plan
Unit plan
Reading guides (selection)
Reading quizzes
Essay prompt
Essay rubric
Mitchell 2
I plan to teach a unit on “Motivation and Success” with a cohort next semester, but for
my project, I decided to focus on the criminal justice system. I am particularly interested in
selecting materials that are relevant to our current national discussions because I think it helps
students to see the importance of the work they complete in the course. Through their reading
and writing, students are participating in a national conversation.
The primary texts for the course will likely be Amy Bach’s Ordinary Injustice and
Michelle Alexander’s The New Jim Crow. In conjunction, the works detail an in-depth
investigation into the failures of the justice system. I know that Alexander’s work has been used
successfully in other accelerated courses. I need to do further research (and reading) to determine
if Bach’s work will be effective as well. From my preliminary research, though, it seems like a
good fit. I think that once that I have taught English 95, I will have a better idea if Bach’s piece
will be effective in the course.
Instead of a traditional memoir, I decided to use selections from Serial, a podcast. I used
the podcast in English 90 this semester, and it worked well. The podcast details the experience of
Adnan Syed, a teenager convicted of murdering his ex-girlfriend in 1999. Sarah Koenig, the
narrator, tells the story much like a Dateline murder-mystery. Even so, she raises important
questions about the criminal justice system. The selections equate to over 200 pages of text and
about five hours of audio. The length of the work and the narrative-style reflect a memoir, so it
isn’t much of a stretch for students. Moreover, I liked using the podcast because it introduces
students to another medium, and it is also useful in improving students’ auditory skills. I asked
students to listen to it as they followed along with the transcript and took notes. In a 95 course on
the justice system, after a semester of discussing the problems with the criminal justice system,
Mitchell 3
the podcast should provide students with an interesting case study to apply the knowledge that
they gained from the readings in the first two units.
For my project, I adapted my English 90 Serial unit to fit with the pedagogical principles
of English 95. While I made numerous changes, the two most significant changes that I made to
the unit was redesigning my materials to be less prescriptive and transitioning my focus
throughout the unit to a thinking-orientated curriculum.
For example, I adapted my reading guides to reflect the pedagogy of acceleration that
encourages critical thinking and allows students to engage with the issues that they identify as
important. In my original unit plan, my reading guides were incredibly prescriptive. I pointed to
specific moments and specific conversations in the podcast and asked students to report on these
ideas. I didn’t really provide students with the space to challenge themselves to identify
important areas and key concepts on their own. Moreover, I found that I nullified an emphasis on
critical thinking and instead emphasized plot summary and basic comprehension. In my revision
for this project, I asked students to take notes on key points, but I did not specifically call their
attention to details. In doing so, I moved away from comprehension and encouraged students to
use their critical thinking skills to prioritize information, summarize, and reflect. I hope to
encourage students to complete a purposeful reading that is driven by their own abilities to
identify and summarize key information. By asking students to locate key concepts, I am
challenging students to use critical thinking skills while tracking their own comprehension.
In my unit plan, I also included more time for students to process and engage with the
podcast. When I first taught the unit, I thought that the basic timeline of events would prove
challenging for students. My lessons were often aimed at these basics. However, I realized that
students had little trouble with the overview of the case, but instead they needed time to wrestle
Mitchell 4
with the nuances of the criminal justice system. Students struggled with some of the complex
aspects of the investigation and others had a hard time sorting through the nuances of the
lawyers’ tactics. I also saw that students were ready to engage with these larger concepts, despite
their struggles, and that they were not as interested in reviewing plot points. In my modified unit,
I built in time for students to make sense of these complexities. I focused on challenging students
to dig deeper to tackle these complex concepts by creating space for student-directed discussion
and by introducing more activities based on critical thinking. My reading quizzes reflect this new
focus on nuance and depth rather than a surface reading focused on basic comprehension.
I am excited for my new unit. I think the changes will allow students to produce stronger
essays and encourage students to better use their critical thinking skills. I also think that students
will be further engaged with the material.
Mitchell 5
1. Read actively and demonstrate critical thinking skills through the ability to comprehend,
summarize, analyze, synthesize, and evaluate a variety of primarily non-fiction texts, which
would include diverse perspectives and worldviews. (PSLOs 1,2,3,4)
2. Write, edit, and revise expository essays, which integrate and synthesize course readings and
are clearly focused, fully developed, logically organized, and show developing syntactic
maturity. (PSLOs 1,2,3,4)
3. Demonstrate awareness and use of strategies for academic success (PSLO 5).
Semester Plan
Weeks 1-2
(in-class essay,
5% (of 10%)
-Carol Dweck, Mindset (selections)
-Cox, The College Fear Factor
-Mike Rose, “I just want to be average”
Week 3-6
-Synthesis Essay #1
(out of class, graded,
4 pages)
-Two reading
-Major Essay 15%
-Reading quizzes
-Amy Bach’s Ordinary Injustice
-Supplemental readings on mandatory
sentencing, “War on Drugs”
-Data on incarceration rates
Week 7-10
-Synthesis Essay #2
(out of class, graded,
4-6 pages)
-Two reading
-Major Essay 20%
-Reading quizzes
-Michelle Alexander’s The New Jim Crow
-Supplemental readings on the text
-Data on incarceration rates
Week 11-15
-Synthesis Essay #3
(out of class, graded,
5-6 pages)
- Two reading
-Major Essay 20%
-Reading quizzes
-Serial “Season 1”
-Supplemental readings on the podcast
Week 16-17
-Revision Portfolio
(in-class/out of
-Final Exam (inclass essay, graded)
-Smaller assignment
5% (of 10%)
-Major Essay 10%
-Review of semester readings for revision
-Review of semester readings for
synthesis essay that connects readings
from semester
Mitchell 6
Serial Unit Plan
Week 11:
Class 1:
Class 2:
Learning Goals: SLO 1(activating schema, comprehension,
reading strategies for podcast)
Learning Goals: SLO 1 (tracking comprehension; summarizing
key points; introduction to synthesis)
Warm-up: Schema question
Warm-up: Comprehension question
Lecture: Lead class through pre-reading of podcast
Lecture: Introduce synthesis and tracking stories/ideas;
summary of episode 3
Activities: Review photos from case to make predictions;
talking to the text practice; listen to episode 1 in class;
practice together; reading guide 1; “Think Aloud” and “Talk
to the Text”
Homework: listen to episode 2; reading guide 2
Activities: “Who says what?” activity; Color-coordinated
synthesis chart; role of race/religion theme tracker
Homework: episode 4 and theme tracker; handout: “Why
people change stories?”
Week 12:
Class 1:
Class 2:
Learning Goals: SLO 1 (synthesis)
Learning Goals: SLO 1 (synthesis and analysis); SLO2 (fully
Warm-up: synthesis question
Warm-up: analysis question
Lecture: Synthesis (concept review)
Lecture: Analysis (concept review)
Activities: “Draw it” synthesis activity; episode 5 in class;
reading guide 5; Discussion (small/large group) on key
Homework: listen to episode 6; reading guide 6
Activities: Reading quiz 1 (episode 1-6); focused analysis activity;
quoting exercise (finding quotes to support claims)
Homework: episode 7 reading guide and listen to episode 8;
reading guide 8
Week 13:
Class 1:
Class 2:
Learning Goals: SLO 1 (synthesis and evaluation); SLO 2
(fully developed)
Learning Goals: SLO 1 (evaluation and analysis); SLO 2 (logically
organized and fully developed)
Warm-up: reading question/reflection question
Warm-up: Evaluation question
Lecture: Episode 9 summary
Lecture: Evaluation (concept review); Episode 11 summary
Activities: “What we know now” activity; “building a case
by evaluating a case” activity; note-taking strategy for
essay; begin theme based groups and focused reflection
Activities: “Impact” profile; argument exercise; free write on
essay prompts; theme based units develop list of potential
examples and must present case to class
Homework: episode 10 and reading guide
Homework: episode 12 and reading guide
Mitchell 7
Week 14:
Class 1:
Learning Goals: SLO 1 (comprehension and analysis)
and SLO 2 (fully developed)
Warm-up: Comprehension reflection question
Lecture: N/A
Activities: open discussion; group work for
brainstorming ideas; reading quiz 2
Homework: chunking outline
Class 2:
Learning Goals: SLO 2 (logically organized)
Warm-up: organization question
Lecture: (as needed)
Activities: organization exercise; group essay activity; topic
sentence review; in class time to begin essay in lab
Homework: rough draft
Week 15:
Class 1:
Class 2:
Learning Goals: SLO 2 (fully developed; logically
Learning Goals: SLO 2 (fully developed, logically organized)
and SLO 3 (strategies for success)
Warm-up: revision question.
Warm-up: reflection question.
Lecture: (as needed)
Lecture: as needed
Activities: self-review; revision plan; conferences with
instructor to prep for revision of rough draft
Activities: peer review; in class writing and reflection time in
lab; self-annotation exercise; peer annotation exercise
Homework: revise rough draft (bring updated copy to
Homework: revise essay (due next class)
Mitchell 8
Reading Guides (Selection)
Serial Episode Tracker
Directions: After finishing an episode, write down a short summary of events and key points. Make sure
to write one for each episode. This will be helpful when you go to write your paper.
Episode 1: The Alibi
Sections assigned:
Episode 2: The Break-Up
Sections assigned:
Episode 3: Leakin Park
Sections assigned:
Episode 4: Inconsistencies
Sections assigned:
Episode 5: Route Talk
Sections assigned:
Episode 6: The Case Against Adnan Syed
Sections assigned:
Mitchell 9
Episode 7: The Opposite of the Prosecution
Sections assigned:
Episode 8: The Deal with Jay
Sections assigned:
Episode 9: To Be Suspected
Sections assigned:
Episode 10: The Best Defense is a Good Defense
Sections assigned:
Episode 11: Rumors
Sections assigned:
Episode 12: What We Know
Sections assigned:
Mitchell 10
Serial Episode 1: The Alibi
Directions: As you listen to the first episode, take notes on the various versions of events. Pay attention
to the motivations, the timeline, and the differences of opinion.
Why does Rabia think Adnan did NOT do it? Summarize her reasoning. Be specific.
What does the state (prosecutor) say happened that day? Who is responsible for the murder? Who
was involved? Why did they do it? Summarize the prosecution’s argument. Be specific.
What does Jay say happened? Pay attention to his timeline and his depiction of Adnan. Summarize
his version of events. Be specific.
Mitchell 11
What does Adnan remember about that day? Summarize his version of events. Be specific.
In the letters that Asia writes to Adnan, what does she say happened that day? Summarize her version
of events. Be specific.
Explain what happens with the letters and with Asia’s testimony. Follow the events from 1999 through
Sarah’s conversation with Asia and the hearing.
Mitchell 12
Serial Episode 2: The Breakup
Directions: For this episode, you will read some of the transcript of the text and you will also listen to a
portion of the episode. You will also be asked to summarize, predict, reflect, and respond. Make sure to
pay close attention to the instructions. For the first portion of the episode, read the following selections
and then respond.
Read the following excerpt:
Sarah Koenig:
“So to pick up where we left off, last episode, you heard how the prosecution told the story of
this murder at Adnan’s trial. And the motive the State supplied, the basis for the whole thing,
was that after Hae broke up with Adnan, he couldn’t accept it. He was so wounded by her, and so
furious, that he decided to kill her. Prosecutor Kevin Urick told the jury in his opening statement,
“He became enraged. He felt betrayed that his honor had been besmirched, and he became very
angry, and he set out to kill Hae Min Lee.” Or this is from closing, “It was humiliating, what she
did to him. Make no mistake about it, ladies and gentlemen. This was not a crime about love, this
was a crime about pride.”
But was that what their relationship and breakup were really like? Was he so hurt that he decided
to kill her. That’s what I’m trying to find out in today’s episode, by talking to lots of people who
knew Hae and Adnan.”
Read the following excerpt:
Sarah Koenig:
Since he and Hae both had immigrant parents, they understood the expectations, and the
constraints. Do well in school, go to college, take care of your younger brother, and for Adnan,
no girls. If a female friend rode in his car, for instance, she’d have to make sure not to leave any
long hairs behind. Or if a girl gave Adnan a ride home, she’d have to drop him off down the
block so his parents wouldn’t see who was at the wheel.
Adnan Syed
You know, it was really easy to date someone that kind of lived within the same
parameters that I did with regards to, you know, she didn’t have the expectation to me
coming to her house for dinner with her family, you know, she understood that, you
know, that um if she was to call my house and you know speak to my mother or father I
would get in trouble, and vice versa. You know, so we would have to kinda set up our
talks on the phone. Usually we would talk late at night when our parents were sleeping.
Sarah Koenig
They had a whole system for this. One would page the other when the coast was clear. This was
1998, so not many cell phones around. Then that person would call some 1-800 service like the
weather or the time and the other one would call in so the phone wouldn’t actually ring. It would
come in through call waiting and the dozing parents would never be the wiser.
They hung around all that summer before senior year. They’d meet up after work and drive
around. They were seventeen. They were in love. They were active. They’d have sex whenever
Mitchell 13
and wherever possible. Sometimes at motels or the car or at a park or at other people’s houses or
apartments. Sometimes they’d fight and then they’d quickly make up. A couple of times, Hae
called it off but then would ask for Adnan back after a day or two or three.
Read the following excerpt:
Sarah Koenig
It is true that no one at the time described Adnan as acting obsessed or menacing in any way. Not
even Aisha. And in her diary, Hae never expresses any concerns about Adnan’s post breakup
behavior. In fact, she writes about a time just before Christmas, so after they’d broken up, when
she gets into a little car accident and calls up Adnan to come get her from work. Both Don, her
new crush, and Adnan look at the car together and decide it’s unsafe to drive, so Adnan takes her
home. Apparently it was all very cordial. Even Don said so. He wouldn’t talk to me for this
story, but he testified at the trial.
At this point, I’m going to say flat out that I don’t buy the motive for this murder, at least not
how the State explained it. I just don’t see it. Not one person says he was acting strangely after
they broke up. He and Hae, again by all accounts were still friends. He was interested in other
girls. He was working at his job. He was headed to college. About two weeks after his arrest, he
gets an orientation packet from the University of Maryland. I don’t think he was some empty
shell of a kid who betrayed his family and his religion and was now left with nothing and
conjured up a murderous rage for a girl that broke his heart. I simply don’t buy it. And the reason
I don’t buy it is because no one who knew him, then or now, says that’s how it was. I want to be
clear, though, that that doesn’t mean he didn’t do it. It just means that so far, I think the State’s
story about why he killed her doesn’t hold up. Maybe it was more of a spur of the moment thing.
Maybe despite the other girls he was running after, he was privately stewing about Hae. After all
she was apparently still flirting with him after they broke up. Still paging him with loving
messages. She bought him an expensive jacket that Christmas. Maybe he thought he still had a
chance with her. Like their friend Debbie told me, maybe once Don came on the scene, he
thought “that’s a slap in the face! How dare you continue to lead me on like this?”
Listen to the following selection: Start the recording at 10:15 (10 minutes and 15 seconds) and
listen until 19:05 (19 minutes and 5 seconds)
Summarize: What did the state say was Adnan’s motive for killing Hae? Do they think it was a crime
of passion or do they think it was premeditated? Why does it matter?
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Summarize: What were Adnan and Hae’s parents’ expectations of them? How did Hae and
Adnan’s relationship break this expectation? Why was this relevant to the case?
How does Adnan explain the role of religion in his relationship?
Adnan’s mother was upset with Adnan’s behavior. What did she think was appropriate
behavior for Adnan?
Sarah Koenig gives a list of examples of information that can either be used against Adnan or
be meaningless in trial. Write down the examples.
For each example, explain how they either be “bad” for Adnan or be meaningless.
Mitchell 15
Serial Episode 4: Inconsistencies
Directions: As you listen to a portion of this episode, take notes on relationship between Jay and Adnan.
Start the episode at 11:35 (11 minutes and 35 seconds) and listen through 33:41 (33 minutes and 41
According to Jay, why does Adnan ask him to help him to commit the crime? Give specific details.
Given our previous readings, why might his reasons be valid.
Why does Jay say he would go along with Adnan’s plan instead of turning him in? Give specific details.
Given our previous readings, why might his reasons be the valid.
According to the State, why does Adnan ask Jay to help him to commit the crime? Given our previous
readings, why might his reasons be the valid.
Take notes on the changes in Jay’s version of events (I count 8 examples):
Choose three examples and explain why they are significant. Choose three examples and explain why they
are insignificant.
Mitchell 16
Serial Episode 5: Route Talk
Directions: As you listen to a portion of this episode, take notes on the way the cell phone records are
used in court. Start the episode at 27:38 and listen through 43:22.
Summarize: How did the state use the cell phone records? Explain the problems with the use of these
Serial Episode 8: The Deal with Jay
Directions: As you continue to listen to the first part of the episode, take notes on the various versions of
events. Pay attention to the assumptions people make and ways those assumptions may be wrong. Start
the episode at the beginning and listen through 19:15.
Summarize Sarah’s conversation with Stella, the juror. What important or critical information did
Stella reveal about her understanding of Jay’s involvement? Why?
Summarize Christina’s tactics during the trial. Give specific examples.
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Serial Episode 12: What We Know
Directions: As you listen to this episode, take notes on the various versions of events. Pay attention to
the motivations, the timeline, and the differences of opinion.
Reflect on Adnan’s experience. What do we know?
Choose an essay prompt. Answer the question.
Mitchell 18
Serial Reading Quiz #1
Directions: Answer 5 of the following questions (your choice). This is an open-book and opennote and closed-neighbor quiz. You may use notes and transcripts, but you must complete the
quiz on your own.
Episodes covered: Episode 1, Episode 2, Episode 4, Episode 5, Episode 6
1. A judge ruled that Christina Gutierrez’s decision to not use Asia’s alibi was strategic.
Explain why the judge may have been correct in drawing this conclusion.
2. Jay’s story shifts many times. Summarize three ways that Jay’s story changes to further
incriminate Adnan. Explain why these changes hurt Adnan.
3. Explain how Adnan’s religion and heritage was used against him in the trial. Do you
think it was fair?
4. In your own words, summarize the reasons that Jay gives for going along with Adnan’s
plan. Do you think it was valid? Explain why.
5. Explain how the prosecution used the cell phone records to convict Adnan. Identify and
explain the problems with the prosecution’s use of the cell phone records.
6. Koenig lays out some incriminating evidence against Adnan. Using the evidence she
provides, take the side of the prosecution and explain why this evidence looks bad for
Adnan. Then, take the side of the defense and explain why this evidence doesn’t mean
Mitchell 19
Serial Reading Quiz #2
Directions: Answer 5 of the following questions (your choice). This is an open-book and opennote and closed-neighbor quiz. You may use notes and transcripts, but you must complete the
quiz on your own.
Episodes covered: Episode 7, Episode 8, Episode 10, Episode 12
1. Christina Gutierrez argued with the judge about having access to evidence during the first
trial. Summarize the situation. Then, explain how this situation reflects the larger
problem with Christina’s tactics during the trial.
2. The prosecution apologizes for misleading the court during the bail hearing. Summarize
three examples of the evidence that was inaccurate or exaggerated. Explain the
significance of this evidence on the outcome of the hearing.
3. Dierdre Enright discusses the issue of finding evidence “inside/outside the crime scene.”
Explain what it means to define a crime scene and how this impacted Adnan’s case.
4. When interviewed, the jury explains what had the biggest impact on their decisions.
Summarize three examples. Explain how the jury may have been misinformed or unfair
in their thinking.
5. In your own words, define the term “bad evidence” and explain how this idea may have
played a part in Adnan’s case. Use a specific example.
6. In your own words, define the term “verification bias” and explain how this idea may
have played a part in Adnan’s case. Use a specific example.
7. Adnan’s lawyer asks the judge to consider this a crime of passion. Explain why the
lawyer does this (even against Adnan’s will) and how it is actually helpful for Adnan.
Mitchell 20
Writing Cycle #4 Essay Prompt
Context: Serial focuses on the specific problems that Adnan faces with the legal system, but we
know that Adnan’s experience is not unique. Many people face similar obstacles when seeking a
fair trial. As such, the podcast highlights larger issues with the justice system.
Task: After listening to Serial and reading a series of articles that explore issues surrounding the
criminal justice system, you are invited to weigh in. Using careful reasoning and strong support,
use examples from Serial to write a 4-6 page paper that makes an argument about the justice
Choose 1 of the following questions to respond to:
1. Deirdre Enright believes the prosecution should not have “brought” the case. What
evidence was used to convict Adnan? Do you think there was a sufficient amount? What
does this say about the criminal justice system?
2. At times, Koenig is shocked by the prosecution’s tactics and actions. What are some
things that the prosecution does to ensure a conviction? Do you think these are ethical or
fair tactics? What does this say about the criminal justice system?
3. Adnan was granted a new hearing because of mistakes his lawyer made. What are some
of the problems with Adnan’s lawyers? What does this say about the role of defense
lawyers in trial?
4. Koenig believes that prejudice, specifically racism, was not a factor in the trial. Why
might she be wrong about this assessment? What does Adnan’s experience (and even
Jay’s) reveal about the role of prejudice in the justice system?
-4-6 pages, typed, double-spaced, 12-point font, Times New Roman
-Use at least 2 articles
-No outside sources
- Cite your sources in-text and in a works cited page
- You must have a level-3 thesis, clearly stated at the end of your introduction.
-You must support your thesis with details, examples, quotations, reasons
List of Readings (note: additional readings may be assigned):
Mitchell 21
Essay has a clearly stated
thesis, usually placed
near the end of the
introduction. Thesis is
appropriate for audience
and purpose. Points/topic
sentences and supporting
examples all stay focused
on the thesis.
B-Very Good
The thesis though
defined and
appropriate, lacks the
insight of the ‘A’
paper. Essay may
have very minor
staying from thesis or
relatively insignificant
lapses in clarity.
Essay adequately fulfills its
purpose, and has some
commendable features. Essay
has an identifiable thesis,
although it may be faulty (too
broad / too narrow). One
point and/or a few supporting
examples may somewhat
stray from the thesis.
The paper is seriously
weak in at least one of the
following criteria: the
thesis may be unclear or
may not address the
assignment task, or many
points and/or supporting
examples don’t clearly
support the thesis.
F or NP-Unacceptable
The essay has no
recognizable central idea,
and/or no clearly defined
or apparent plan of
development. Essay isn’t
focused on a thesis.
Each paragraph has a
clear topic sentence or
point that is relevant to
the thesis. Essay displays
coherence within each
paragraph. Essay
transitions appropriately,
and organization is
smooth with clear
connections between
Paragraph unity and/or
coherence may have
insignificant lapses in
clarity. May need
more (or better)
transitions in select
Organization was
attempted but is weak in
that paragraphs may lack
clear topic sentences or
points. Many paragraphs
may lack coherence.
Points and/or examples
are extremely choppy
with very little use (if
any) of transitions.
Lacks an organizational
structure. Essay may
have disunified or
incoherent paragraphs.
Each paragraph contains
abundant specific
examples, details and
illustrations drawn from
the sources to fully
develop the main point as
expressed in the topic
sentence. Paragraphs
show thoughtfulness (e.g.
analysis, reflection,
explanation, commentary,
synthesis). Conclusion
ties together ideas and
provides closure.
The ideas in the essay
may be seriously
underdeveloped and/or
evidence is used that
doesn’t clearly support
the thesis. Writing may
reflect a significant
misreading of the text.
Consistently vague or
non-specific support. No
evidence of reading
completion or
Essay has few sentence
level errors. Essay
displays sentence
structure variety and
maturity. Sentences are
focused and concise.
Though relatively
substantial and
specific, the
development in a “B”
essay is not as
extensive, in-depth, or
varied as in the “A”
paper (may lack a
complete development
of analysis or context
in certain areas, have
minor redundancies, or
have limited text-totext or text-to-world
thinking), but it still
reflects a full response
to the assignment and
a solid comprehension
of the readings.
Essay may contain
some errors in
grammar, punctuation,
or proofreading. The
essay reflects focused,
complex sentences for
the most part though
sentence structure may
be occasionally
awkward, incorrect, or
Essay has a recognizable
organizational structure,
although there may be some
weak transitions, an
occasional unclear topic
sentence (or point), and/or
some lack of coherence
within paragraphs that
nevertheless does not
significantly interfere with
understanding. Points may be
somewhat choppy.
The essay provides
development of its thesis/
points through specific
examples and some
elaboration although support
may be minimal, predictable,
redundant, and/or may reflect
a slight lack of reading
Proofreading, punctuation, or
grammar errors may persist;
however, they do not impede
understanding. Student
attempts to write mature,
focused sentences while using
sentence structure variety
though many times sentences
may be awkward,
unsuccessful, or choppy.
Essay displays many
proofreading and/or
grammar usage errors.
Student is clearly
struggling with sentence
focus and/or variety (too
many choppy sentences).
Sentences are flawed in
Frequent errors, both
major and minor, in
grammar, punctuation,
and spelling. No evidence
of focused, concise
sentences or variety in
structure. Essay may
contain too many flaws in
sentence structure
impeding understanding
Student correctly uses
MLA format for
formatting and citation
purposes. Essay is
submitted with all
accompanying materials
if in a portfolio.
May have one or two more
serious errors in MLA format
or citation but they are not
Student may have
significant problems with
task comprehension or
may not have understood
the reading assignment.
Major errors in MLA
format or citation.
Paper may be too brief,
off topic, plagiarized, or
otherwise non-adherent to
the requirements of the
Presentation may be
missing a component
or two and a few
minor formatting
Mitchell 22
I am looking forward to teaching English 95. The pedagogical principles and strategies
align with my teaching philosophy. I have high expectations for my students, but I also offer a
great deal of support. I work to challenge students to use their critical thinking skills to produce
thesis-driven essays that are backed by strong support. I think that my approach will fit well with
the “backwards design” and “thinking-orientated curriculum” of acceleration.
I am also excited to use full-length works and center a semester on a specific theme. My
experience with composition as a student followed this model. As an undergrad, each
composition course had a different theme, and we read full-length works over the course of the
semester. As a student, I found it interesting and the work reflected assignments from my other
classes, so it felt very “college.” I am excited to implement a similar curriculum as an instructor.
Additionally, I look forward to including full-length works because I think it will allow students
to read more and dive deeper into the issues. It will also challenge students to wrestle with the
concepts in ways that shorter readings with multiple themes do not.
I think a challenge that I will face in 95 is keeping students both focused and engaged.
When teaching Serial this semester, I found that there were times when students were almost
distracted by the content of the podcast itself. They were so excited to talk about the issues. At
times, it was difficult to get students to focus in a productive manner. I accounted for this in my
English 95 unit by building in time for students to discuss and debrief about the material.
Hopefully, after given some space to debrief, students will be able to engage with the material in
a meaningful way. I also developed lessons around focused discussion and focused reflection.
On the other hand, by the end of the podcast, students were tired. I wasn’t sure if students could
handle the listening load, so I took a lot of time to work through the material. I found that
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students were very capable of managing the load, and many even chose to listen ahead. Many
students noted that they “binged” it. I adjusted for this in my lesson plan by having students
move through the podcast faster. It will hopefully ensure that students do not get too tired with
the material. I think any semester focused on a single theme can wear students out. I am hoping
that by looking at the theme through a different lens with a different focus for each unit will help
to keep students engaged. Moreover, I think ending the semester with a case study presented
through a new medium will further help keep students interested and engaged.
After a semester of preparing, I am ready to get in the classroom and get some first-hand