Figure S1 – Study area in the Western Swiss Alps (indicated in black on the map of Switzerland). Black dots indicate sampled locations. Dot size is proportional to the number of butterfly species found at that location. Figure S2 – Butterfly phylogeny. Shown is the consensus tree using a Bayesian ultrametric approach of the species of butterfly species found in the study area, belonging to the six families of butterflies, viz. Nymphalidae, Lycaenidae, Pieridae, Papilionidae, Riodinidae and Hesperiidae. Phylogenetic relationships were inferred using DNA sequences obtained from GenBank and including two nuclear markers (EF1-alpha, Wgl) and four mitochondrial markers (16s, COI, NDH1, NDH5). Figure S3 ˗ Molecular dated phylogenetic tree of 231 angiosperm species from the Western Swiss Alps. Posterior means of divergence are in relative time units with all nodes scaled from a common basal divergence of 130 Mya. The nodes were well resolved and supported, with 77% nodes receiving posterior probabilities greater than 90%. Two outgroup species Abies alba Mill. and Picea abies (L.) H. Karst. were used to root the tree. The resulting phylogenetic trees were checked against the Angiosperm Phylogeny Group tree for accepted relationships among plant orders and families The phylogenetic reconstructions, including divergence time estimations, produced well-supported phylogenetic trees with nodes congruent to taxonomic groups defined by the APG III classification. A total of 56% of the nodes in the dated tree had 100% bootstrap support. A total of 77% nodes had posterior probabilities greater than 90%. In general, only a few nodes showed low support, such as the placement of Cirsium spinosissimum (L.) Scop. and Cirsium oleraceum (L.) Scop. within the Asteraceae family, and some nodes within the Cyperaceae and Lamiaceae family. Table S1 – Description of the habitat types or alliances defined from phytosociological analyses and based on Delarzes et al. (2000), “Les milieux naturels de Suisse”. Grasslands are grouped into floristic units based on the composition of plant species sampled. Grassland habitats Mesobromion Arrhenaterion Cynosurion Calthion Polygono trisetion Nardion Seslerion Caricion ferruginae Poion alpinae Rumicion alpini Petasition paradoxi Thlaspion rotundifolii Arabidion caeruleae Elynion Description dry meadow on poor soil low altitude mowed meadow low and mid altitude pasture moist meadow high altitude mowed meadow high altitude acidic meadow high altitude calcareous dry meadow high altitude calcareous moist meadow high altitude pasture high altitude vegetation on overfertilized soil moist calcareous scree vegetation high altitude calcareous scree vegetation calcareous snow bed vegetation high altitude ridge vegetation Table S2 – Results of the best models explaining a) phylogenetic alpha diversity and b) species richness based on minimizing AIC when only plant species known to interact with butterfly species (based on literature data) were considered to compute community trait and plant phylogenetic diversity values. Parameter a) Phylogenetic diversity (SES MPD) Degree-days SLA mean SLA mean, 2 SLA diversity Plant phylogenetic diversity (MNTD) Estimate 0.0010 -2.6200 1.88 0.07 0.0004 t 5.22 -2.29 1.89 1.98 0.19 * * * * R2=0.12 R2=0.23 AIC=387.0 b) Species richness Degree-days Solar radiations Plant richness LDMC diversity Plant phylogenetic diversity (MNTD) 0.001 0.0006 0.1589 -0.0074 0.01 AIC=1058. 1 R2=0.17 4.65 2.74 2.95 -029 0.44 * * * R2=0.3 R2=0.19 R2=0.32 Table S3 – Results of the lowest AIC models explaining a) phylogenetic alpha diversity and b) species richness based on minimizing AIC for each of the most frequent families (Pieridae, Lycaenidae, Nymphalidae, Hesperiidae) considered separately. Papilionidae and Riodinidae were not considered because of the restricted number of species from those two families occurring in the study area. Parameter Pieridae a) Phylogenetic diversity (SES MPD) Degree-days b) Species richness Degree-days Plant richness Lycaenidae a) Phylogenetic diversity (SES MPD) SLA mean b) Species richness Moisture index Plant richness Nymphalidae a) Phylogenetic diversity (SES MPD) Moisture index b) Species richness Moisture index Hesperiidae a) Phylogenetic diversity (SES MPD) SLA mean b) Species richness Degree-days Plant richness Estimate t -0.0001 AIC=401.7 -2.47 * 0.0011 0.02 AIC=492.7 5.66 2.79 * * 0.05 AIC=294.8 2.66 * -0.0012 0.02 AIC=320.2 -5.58 3.22 * * -0.001 AIC=328.8 -3.47 * -0.01 AIC=841.3 -6.6 -0.0903 AIC=230.8 -2.66 0.0017 0.02 AIC=542 7.57 1.92 R2=0.04 R2=0.24 R2=0.13 R2=0.28 R2=0.07 R2=0.28 R2=0.19 R2=0.32 R2=0.08 * R2=0.22 * R2=0.1 * * R2=0.33 R2=0.11 R2=0.35 Table S4 – Results of the correlations between a) butterfly taxonomic beta diversity b) butterfly phylogenetic beta diversity with SES MPD and c) butterfly phylogenetic beta diversity with SES MNTD, when only plant species known to interact with butterfly species (based on literature data) were considered to compute community trait and plant phylogenetic beta diversity values. Mantel r a) Taxonomic diversity β plant taxonomic β plant C/N β plant N β plant LDMC β plant SLA β plant phylogenetic (MPD) β plant phylogenetic (MNTD) b) Phylogenetic diversity (SES MPD) β plant taxonomic β plant C/N β plant N β plant LDMC β plant SLA β plant phylogenetic (MPD) β plant phylogenetic (MNTD) c) Phylogenetic diversity (SES MNTD) β plant taxonomic β plant C/N β plant N β plant LDMC β plant SLA β plant phylogenetic (MPD) β plant phylogenetic (MNTD) Partial r 0.26 0.17 0.16 0.29 0.22 * * * * * 0.09 0.09 0.22 0.14 * * * * 0.3 * 0.23 * 0.42 * 0.35 * 0.17 0.08 0.01 0.17 0.01 * * NS * NS 0.05 0.01 0.12 0.01 NS NS * NS 0.22 * 0.18 * 0.33 * 0.29 * 0.05 0.1 0.06 0.18 0.005 * * * * * 0.09 0.04 0.17 0.001 * NS * NS 0.13 * 0.12 * 0.18 * 0.18 * Table S5 – Results of the correlation between a) butterfly taxonomic beta diversity and b) and c) phylogenetic beta diversity (with SES MPD and SES MNTD respectively) for each of the most frequent families (Pieridae, Lycaenidae, Nymphalidae, Hesperiidae) considered separately. Papilionidae and Riodinidae were not included because of the restricted number of species from those two families occurring in the study area. Mantel r Partial r Mantel r Partial r Mantel r Nymphalidae Lycaenidae Pieridae a) Taxonomic diversity a) Taxonomic diversity a) Taxonomic diversity β plant taxonomic 0.25 * β plant taxonomic 0.17 * β plant C/N 0.09 * 0.01 NS β plant C/N 0.13 * 0.08 β plant N 0.1 * 0.03 NS β plant N 0.13 * β plant LDMC 0.08 * 0.01 NS β plant LDMC 0.15 β plant SLA 0.19 * 0.11 * β plant SLA β plant phylogenetic (MPD) 0.26 * 0.18 * β plant phylogenetic (MNTD) 0.3 * 0.22 * Δ degree-days 0.52 Δ frost days Δ moisture Δ solar radiations Partial r Mantel r Partial r Hesperiidae a) Taxonomic diversity β plant taxonomic 0.18 * β plant C/N 0.08 * 0.03 NS β plant C/N 0.1 * 0.04 NS 0.08 * β plant N 0.08 * 0.02 NS β plant N 0.09 * 0.03 NS * 0.1 * β plant LDMC 0.09 * 0.03 NS β plant LDMC 0.15 * 0.1 * 0.15 * 0.1 * β plant SLA 0.09 * 0.04 NS β plant SLA 0.14 * 0.09 * β plant phylogenetic (MPD) 0.32 * 0.29 * β plant phylogenetic (MPD) 0.25 * 0.21 * β plant phylogenetic (MPD) 0.22 * 0.18 * β plant phylogenetic (MNTD) 0.39 * 0.28 * β plant phylogenetic (MNTD) 0.31 * 0.23 * β plant phylogenetic (MNTD) 0.25 * 0.2 * * Δ degree-days 0.28 * Δ degree-days 0.31 * Δ degree-days 0.25 * 0.33 * Δ frost days 0.36 * Δ frost days 0.3 * Δ frost days 0.25 * 0.37 * Δ moisture 0.31 * Δ moisture 0.25 * Δ moisture 0.23 * 0.04 NS Δ solar radiations 0.02 NS Δ solar radiations 0.02 NS Δ solar radiations 0.08 * β plant taxonomic 0.07 * β plant taxonomic 0.05 NS β plant taxonomic 0.15 * β plant C/N 0.005 NS 0.002 β plant C/N 0.06 NS 0.02 NS β plant C/N 0.09 * 0.07 * β plant N 0.004 NS β plant N 0.1 * 0.06 NS β plant N 0.09 * 0.07 * β plant LDMC 0.04 NS 0.05 NS 0.02 NS β plant SLA 0.02 β plant phylogenetic (MPD) 0.006 β plant phylogenetic (MNTD) b) Phylogenetic diversity (SES MPD) b) Phylogenetic diversity (SES MPD) β plant taxonomic b) Phylogenetic diversity (SES MPD) 0.2 b) Phylogenetic diversity (SES MPD) β plant taxonomic 0.14 NS β plant C/N 0.05 NS 0.01 NS -0.001 NS β plant N 0.11 * 0.08 * 0.02 NS β plant LDMC 0.06 NS 0.03 NS β plant LDMC 0.06 NS 0.03 NS β plant LDMC NS 0.01 NS β plant SLA 0.04 NS 0.01 NS β plant SLA 0.02 NS -0.001 NS β plant SLA 0.2 * 0.16 * NS 0.001 NS β plant phylogenetic (MPD) 0.09 * 0.08 * β plant phylogenetic (MPD) 0.04 NS 0.01 NS β plant phylogenetic (MPD) 0.11 * 0.09 * 0.04 NS 0.01 NS β plant phylogenetic (MNTD) 0.22 * 0.18 * β plant phylogenetic (MNTD) 0.08 * 0.06 NS β plant phylogenetic (MNTD) 0.16 * 0.14 * Δ degree-days 0.1 * Δ degree-days 0.08 * Δ degree-days 0.09 * Δ degree-days 0.31 * Δ frost days 0.02 NS Δ frost days 0.28 * Δ frost days 0.01 NS Δ frost days 0.12 * Δ moisture 0.07 * Δ moisture 0.06 NS Δ moisture 0.07 * Δ moisture 0.14 * Δ solar radiations 0.02 NS Δ solar radiations 0.01 NS Δ solar radiations 0.02 NS Δ solar radiations 0.03 NS β plant taxonomic 0.04 NS β plant taxonomic 0.08 * β plant taxonomic 0.07 * β plant taxonomic 0.08 * β plant C/N 0.08 * 0.07 NS β plant C/N 0.07 * 0.07 * β plant C/N 0.04 NS 0.01 NS β plant C/N 0.05 NS 0.02 NS β plant N 0.08 * 0.07 NS β plant N 0.04 NS -0.001 NS β plant N 0.05 NS 0.02 NS β plant N 0.03 NS 0.01 NS β plant LDMC 0.17 * 0.16 * β plant LDMC 0.003 NS 0.001 NS β plant LDMC 0.08 * 0.06 NS β plant LDMC 0.001 NS -0.002 NS β plant SLA 0.01 NS -0.001 NS β plant SLA 0.009 NS 0.002 NS β plant SLA 0.01 NS 0.001 NS β plant SLA 0.16 * 0.14 * β plant phylogenetic (MPD) 0.07 * 0.06 NS β plant phylogenetic (MPD) 0.09 * 0.07 * β plant phylogenetic (MPD) 0.13 * 0.1 * β plant phylogenetic (MPD) 0.05 NS 0.02 NS β plant phylogenetic (MNTD) 0.1 * 0.09 * β plant phylogenetic (MNTD) 0.19 * 0.16 * β plant phylogenetic (MNTD) 0.13 * 0.1 * β plant phylogenetic (MNTD) 0.06 NS 0.03 NS Δ degree-days 0.21 * Δ degree-days 0.09 * Δ degree-days 0.08 * Δ degree-days 0.28 * Δ frost days 0.006 NS Δ frost days 0.26 * Δ frost days 0.14 * Δ frost days 0.03 NS c) Phylogenetic diversity (SES MNTD) c) Phylogenetic diversity (SES MNTD) c) Phylogenetic diversity (SES MNTD) c) Phylogenetic diversity (SES MNTD) Δ moisture 0.12 * Δ solar radiations 0.008 NS Δ moisture 0.04 NS Δ moisture 0.07 * Δ solar radiations 0.007 NS Δ solar radiations 0.01 NS Δ moisture 0.12 * Δ solar radiations 0.001 NS