Amplitude Modulation Objectives To understand the concept of multiplying two sinusoidal waveforms To recognise that the result of such a multiplication is amplitude modulation To determine the modulation index of an amplitude modulated signal To investigate the spectrum of an amplitude modulated signal To investigate demodulation of an amplitude modulated signal using an envelope detector and subsequent filtering To investigate demodulation of an amplitude modulated signal using a product detector and subsequent filtering Practical 1: Double Sideband Amplitude Modulation with Full Carrier Objectives and Background In this practical you will investigate how two sinusoidal signals are multiplied together to produce a modulated signal. The two signals are generated on the workboard. The signal that is to be modulated onto the carrier is usually refer to as the “baseband” signal, as it often has frequencies close to dc and sometimes a dc component. In the simplest amplitude modulator, the carrier is multiplied by only positive magnitudes of baseband signal. The baseband signal is usually bipolar so, when a true, four-quadrant multiplier is used as a modulator, an offset has to be added to change the baseband signal to unipolar, so that the carrier is only multiplied by positive values. The result of this is usually referred to as amplitude modulation with full carrier, as the amplitude of the carrier signal is controlled, or modulated, by the baseband. The frequency of the carrier is determined by the transmission method. For example, it might be a particular radio frequency. The modulation may take many forms: a complex digital signal or simply audio speech for example. As you can see the modulation is being “carried” by the carrier. In the practical you will be using simple sine waves so that the principles are easier to understand. In this simplest form of amplitude modulation the instantaneous amplitude of the modulated waveform is proportional to the instantaneous amplitude of the modulation. The diagram shows such a signal in the time domain. Notice that when the modulation is at its maximum amplitude the modulated waveform amplitude is at maximum and that when the modulation is minimum the modulated waveform amplitude is zero. Because most modulating signals have no dc component, the carrier is at half the modulated waveform’s peak amplitude when the modulation is zero. Mathematically, amplitude modulation is the result of multiplying the two signals together. However such a process would not produce exactly the signal seen above. Imagine two sine waves with peak amplitudes of 1, i.e. their instantaneous values vary between +1 and –1. If they were multiplied together, the output would also vary between +1 and –1. However, during the time that the modulation was -1, the output would not be zero but would be the carrier multiplied by –1; i.e. its phase would be reversed. Hence the need for a modulating signal that varies between zero and +1. This would be produced by adding a constant of value +1 to the modulation in the mathematics. This is equivalent to adding a dc offset voltage to the modulation. The example shows the maximum amount of modulation that can be applied to the carrier. The amplitude of the modulated waveform varies from zero to twice its mean value. The amount of modulation is referred to as “modulation index” and it is expressed as a parameter between zero to 1. It is sometimes expressed as a percentage. Sidebands If the modulation process were simply an addition of the two signals, the output would consist only of the two frequency components put in. However, as the process is that of multiplication, the output consists of some new frequency components: the carrier plus the modulating frequency and the carrier minus the modulating frequency. These are called sidebands. Their existence can easily be proved mathematically by multiplying two sine wave equations together (see the Modulation Maths Concept). In the case just looked at, with the dc offset, the output also contains a component at the carrier frequency. The diagram shows such a signal in the frequency domain. In a real system the modulation would comprise a band of frequencies rather than simply one. The diagram below shows how the spectrum would look. This type of transmission is called amplitude modulation with full carrier. The reason for this is obvious, in that the carrier is transmitted as well as the two sidebands. Historically, it has been used extensively as the equipment needed to produce it, and to receive it, is very simple. In the practical you will use a balanced modulator to generate the modulated signal and use a dc offset on the baseband signal. Note that there is a low pass filter at the output of the modulator, before it reaches the instrumentation. This is so you can see more clearly the modulated signal on the spectrum analyser without having to be concerned about the second harmonic of the carrier frequency that is caused by small, but inevitable, distortion in the modulator. Practical 1: Modulation and Demodulation of Double Sideband with Full Carrier Perform Practical Use the Make Connections diagram to make the required connections on the hardware. Open the voltmeter and use it to set the dc Source voltage to give a Carrier offset of approximately +0.25 volts. Set the modulating signal amplitude (I Mod) by adjusting the Signal Level Control to half scale. In the IQ Modulator block, set all of the controls to half scale. Open the oscilloscope and note the waveform on the upper trace (the modulated waveform). Compare it to that on the lower trace (the modulating waveform). Connect the voltmeter probe (green) to the modulating signal (monitor point 3) and set the voltmeter functions to ac p-p. Use the Signal Level Control to set the amplitude of the modulating signal to 0.25 volts peak to peak. Use the oscilloscope cursors to measure the values A1 and A2 shown below. Use the formula to calculate modulation index m. m A1 A2 A1 A2 Try other values of modulation signal amplitude and measure A1 and A2 and thus calculate m. Compare the values with the ratios of the modulation signal peak value to the dc offset. Launch an Excel spreadsheet to tabulate your results Note that the voltmeter reads peak to peak values. Open the spectrum analyser and observe the spectrum of the modulated signal (monitor point 4). Adjust the modulation amplitude using the Signal Level Control and observe the spectrum. Use the cursors to measure the relative levels of the two sidebands to the carrier at m=1, 0.5 and 0. Move the spectrum analyser probe (orange) to the modulation source (monitor point 3). Measure modulating frequency using the cursor. Return to the modulated output (monitor point 4) and measure the frequencies of the two sidebands. Calculate the frequency difference between the carrier and the upper sideband, and the carrier and the lower sideband. Now measure the modulating frequency on the second channel. Compare the values. Set the modulation index to 1 using the oscilloscope display. Open the phasescope. Move the reference probe (yellow) to the carrier source (monitor point 1) and the input probe (blue) to the modulated signal (monitor point 4). Note that the display shows a signal with constant phase changing in amplitude between a radial point to zero. Change the modulation amplitude and note that the phase does not change but the variation in amplitude does. What happens when the amplitude is zero? Change the modulation source from the 62.5 kHz Locked Sine Source to the Function Generator. Set the Function Generator to Fast and the output to a sine wave. Adjust the Frequency control and observe the spacing of the sidebands from the carrier on the spectrum analyser. Amplitude Shift Keying Objectives To appreciate the principle of amplitude shift keying and its relationship to analogue amplitude modulation To understand the terms ‘bit rate’ and ‘symbol rate’ associated with digitally modulated signals To generate a two-level (binary) amplitude shift keyed signal and investigate the spectrum and bandwidth associated with it To investigate multi-level ASK To investigate the demodulation of an ASK signal Practical 1: Generating Amplitude Shift Keying Objectives and Background In this assignment you will generate an amplitude shift keyed (ASK) signal. Amplitude shift keying is simply an amplitude modulation where the modulation is not a continuous analogue signal, where all levels are present, but a digital one where only a few levels are present. The simplest from of digital modulation comprises only two levels and is called binary keying. The name keying as referred to digital modulation originates from the oldest form of digital modulation: Morse code. Characters are represented by sequences of dots and dashes in the Morse code. Morse was sent in the very early days of communications along cables by simply turning a voltage off and on. When radio was developed the same code simply turned the carrier off and on to represent the dots and dashes. The operator used a hand operated switch to form the code and this switch was referred to as a ‘key’. Hence the carrier was ‘keyed’ and this name remains with us today. Morse code sent in this way was binary amplitude shift keying (ASK), because it changed the amplitude of the carrier between two levels: off and on. ASK can exist as an amplitude shift between any two levels but ‘on-off’ keying is used because it is easier to tell the difference between on and off than between on and ‘slightly on’. In this Practical, a balanced modulator with a dc offset is used (exactly as was used to produce AM double sideband) and the modulation, sometimes referred to as the data, is represented by a square wave signal. You can think of this as simply a stream of ones and zeros. In a real system the sequence of ones and zeros would be data, but not necessarily its raw form. Various encoding methods are used to help with the synchronisation of both carrier and bit rate recovery. For the purposes of understanding the concepts, how the data is encoded is unimportant. It is also important that you understand the terms ‘bit rate’ and ‘symbol rate’, as it is the symbol rate that determines the minimum bandwidth that the signal occupies and the ratio of symbol rate to bit rate gives a measure of the efficiency of the system. If you do not understand these terms refer to the Concept resources. You should also be aware that very sudden changes in amplitude in a signal mean that high order harmonics are present which, of course, means more occupied bandwidth. There is no purpose in having very sharp transitions, providing that the transitions are sharp enough not to take so long to reach one state from another that it is impossible to decode. This problem is called ‘intersymbol interference’ Use the Concept resources for more information on this. Since ASK is amplitude modulation with full carrier, then is it possible to have ASK with suppressed carrier? The answer is “yes” but, because the phase reverses and the amplitude stays the same to represent the two symbols, it is actually regarded as phase modulation. This particular form of modulation is binary phase shift keying with a phase shift of 180 degrees and is explored fully in the assignments on phase modulation. In this Practical you will see what a binary ASK signal looks like and how a pre-modulation filter controls unnecessary occupied bandwidth. Practical 1: Generating Amplitude Shift Keying Perform Practical Use the Make Connections diagram to show the required connections on the hardware. Open the oscilloscope and the spectrum analyser. Set the modulation Signal Level Control and the IQ Modulator block controls to approximately half scale. Set the Function Generator to Fast and the output to a square wave. Open the voltmeter and set the Carrier offset voltage to +0.25 volts using the dc Source control. Close the voltmeter. Use the oscilloscope cursor to adjust the Frequency on the function generator so that the ‘bit’ period is about 20 μS. Adjust the modulation Signal Level Control so that, for a bit zero, the amplitude of the carrier is almost zero. The oscilloscope should now show amplitude shift keying. Note that the sidebands on the spectrum analyser show that the occupied bandwidth is extremely large. Change the Frequency of the function generator and note the effect. Open the phasescope. Move the reference probe (yellow) for the phase scope to the carrier (monitor point 1) and note the constellation, showing constant phase with amplitude from a value (your ‘one state’ amplitude) to zero. Return the probe to the data signal (monitor point 2). Refer to the Make Connections diagram and remove connection 1 and add connections 10 and 11. This places a pre-modulation filter in circuit. Adjust the function generator back to 20 μS bit period. Notice that the bandwidth has been significantly reduced and the rapid amplitude changes on the oscilloscope have been smoothed. If you increase the frequency of the function generator you will see that if the bit rate is too near the filter cut-off then significant inter-symbol interference takes place. Practical 2: Generating Multi Level Amplitude Shift Keying Objectives and Background In Practical 1 you generated simple binary ASK. It is possible to have ASK that contains more than one level. In this practical you will investigate 4-level ASK. The method of generating it is similar to that used for binary ASK, but the data source is the microprocessor which, with its digital to analogue converter, has the ability to generate a voltage containing four levels representing a stream of random 2-bit numbers. In practice, these 2-bit numbers would be mapped from data containing a wider data format. The important point is that the symbol rate is half the bit rate. So, for a given bandwidth, twice the bit rate can be transmitted. Of course, the signal could have any number of levels but demodulation becomes more and more difficult and the advantages over analogue AM diminish. In fact, with an infinite number of levels it becomes analogue AM! Practical 2: Generating Multi-level Amplitude Shift Keying Perform Practical Use the Make Connections diagram to show the required connections on the hardware. Open the voltmeter and set the Carrier offset voltage to +0.25 volts using the dc Source control. Set the modulation Signal Level Control and the IQ Modulator block controls to approximately half scale. Open the oscilloscope and look at the signals. You should see that the modulating data (blue trace) contains a finite number of different levels within the waveform. Decrease the oscilloscope timebase, if necessary, to see this more clearly. The modulated signal (yellow trace) contains the same number of carrier amplitudes. This is 16-level ASK. Think about the relationship between symbol rate and bit rate. Work out how much higher the bit rate is for the same symbol rate as binary ASK. Change to 4-level and 8-level and observe the effects. Set the data to 4 levels. Practical 3: Demodulating Amplitude Shift Keying Objectives and Background The demodulation of ASK is achieved in exactly the same way as for analogue AM. The output from the demodulator would then be decoded in some way to regenerate whatever data was being sent. To achieve this may need bit synchronisation. In this Practical you will use both an envelope detector and a product detector and you will see that the results are similar. The product detector offers some advantages when operating on a noisy signal but requires that an onfrequency and in-phase local oscillator be generated. In general, because ASK has rather poor performance in the presence of noise, it is only used in simple systems with simple demodulators. An interesting aside is that Morse code is still used employing ASK to turn a carrier off and on and works extremely well at very low signal-to-noise ratios. The reason for this is that the demodulator output is an audio tone, which is then fed to one of the best decoders in the world – the human ears and brain! Practical 3: Demodulating Amplitude Shift Keying Perform Practical Use the Make Connections diagram to show the required connections on the hardware. Ensure that the balance controls associated with the IQ Modulator and IQ Demodulator blocks are set to their mid positions. Open the oscilloscope and the spectrum analyser. Open the voltmeter and set the dc Carrier offset voltage to +0.25 volts using the left-hand dc Source control. Set the Function Generator to Fast and select a square wave output. Set the modulation Signal Level Control to about half scale. Adjust the Function Generator Frequency so you can see at least one cycle of data on the screen. Use the Signal Level Control to adjust the modulation level to 100%. This would correspond with the greatest probability of receiving data with no errors. Note we are not using a pre-modulation filter, so the spectrum is very wide. Move the oscilloscope Channel 1 probe (blue) to the envelope detector output. Note that the output signal follows the modulation, although the edges are not so fast. Adjust the modulation level using the Signal Level Control and compare the output waveforms. Note that the output from the envelope detector is at maximum when the modulation is 100%. Increasing the signal level further does not affect the amplitude of the output from the envelope detector.