Skills and knowledge Year 9 – Autumn

French Progression Route
Year 9 Autumn Term M and C BAND
Progression map Studio 3 vert/rouge
No. of Weeks – 15
Studio 3 Module 1
Phonics and classroom language
LC3 Conversation (dealing with
the unexpected)
LC5 Speaking coherently and
Talking about Facebook
GV1 Tenses (present)
Using present tense verbs
LC3 Conversation
LC6 Reading comprehension
LC4 Expressing ideas (writing)
Giving your opinion about
someone/ describing self
Using direct object pronouns
GV2 Grammatical structures
(direct object pronouns;
adjectival agreement)
GV3 Opinions and discussions
LC3 Conversation (dealing with
the unexpected)
LC5 Speaking coherently and
Arranging to go out
GV1 Tenses (near future)
Using the near future tense
GV3 Developing vocabulary
LC3 Conversation
LC6 Reading comprehension
GV1 Tenses (perfect)
Describing a date
LC2 Transcription
Using the perfect tense
LC3 Conversation (dealing with
the unexpected)
LC6 Reading comprehension
Describing a music event
Using three tenses
GV1 Tenses (past, present and
GV4 Accuracy (grammar;
spelling; punctuation)
LC1 Listening and responding
LC4 Expressing ideas (writing)
Assessments FCSE
Studio 3 Vert/rouge – Module 2 Bien dans sa peau
1 Touché!
GV2 Grammatical structures (à +
definite article; on)
(pp. 32–33)
Learning the parts of the body
GV3 Developing vocabulary
Using à + the definite article
LC2 Transcription
2 Le sport et le fitness
GV2 Grammatical structures (il
faut; depuis)
(pp. 34–35)
Talking about sport
Using il faut
LC6 Reading comprehension
GV3 Opinions and discussions
LC3 Conversation (dealing with
the unexpected)
LC4 Expressing ideas (writing)
3 Mes résolutions pour manger
GV1 Tenses (future)
GV2 Grammatical structures
(pp. 36–37)
Learning about healthy eating
LC1 Listening and responding
Using the future tense
LC8 Writing creatively
4 Je serai en forme!
GV1 Tenses (future)
(pp. 38–39)
LC1 Listening and responding
Making plans to get fit
LC6 Reading comprehension
Practising the future tense
LC4 Expressing ideas (writing)
5 Es-tu en forme?
GV1 Tenses (past, present and
(pp. 40–41)
Describing levels of fitness
Using three tenses together
LC4 Expressing ideas (writing)
LC5 Speaking coherently and
LC6 Reading comprehension
Assessments FCSE