Licence 002 005 011 014 Boat Harvester Concord Boy Adrian Divine Star Registration LK 26 LK 657 LK 115 LK 624 017 Osprey LK 158 020 LK 973 024 031 032 034 Elona Oyster Catcher II Nordic Bride Resolute Tussan M 1024 LK 703 LK395 LK 165 036 041 044 Julie Ann The Liberty Shalimar LM LK 292 LK369 LK 803 052 059 074 Girl Lynsey Relief Dolphin LK 10 LK 968 LK 755 084 087 096 Lianne Verania Sea Star LK 149 LK 298 LK 273 101 104 Mareel Adorn 107 Start Finish 4th June 2012 7th June 2012 4th June 2012 2nd July 2012 4th June 2012 6th August 2012 30th July 2012 1st August 2012 30th July 2012 3rd Sept 2012 30th July 2012 1st October 2012 LK119 LK 54 4th June 2012 23rd July 2012 2nd July 2012 4th June 2012 4th June 2012 4th June 2012 23rd July 2012 6th August 2012 4th June 2012 4th June 2012 13th August 2012 9th July 2012 4th June 2012 4th June 2012 25/06/2012 Star of Hope LK 277 25th June 2012 109 110 139 144 149 Shemara II June Rose Ivy Leaf Trust Emeritus LK 27 LK 779 Lk CY7 LK 989 150 Elsie M LK126 17th June 2012 9th July 2012 4th June 2012 4th June 2012 4th June 2012 4th June 2012 151 154 156 Coral Sceptre Halcyon LK 696 LK 443 LK 166 167 168 172 176 Sedna Cornucopia Good Hope Sirius RP Hopefull LK 655 LK 372 WK 209 LK 76 LK7 181 Gina C LK570 1st July 2012 4th June 2012 4th June 2012 11th June 2012` 4th June 2012 4th June 2012 4th June 2012 4th June 2012 16th June 2012 30th July 2012 17th Sept 2012 3rd Sept 2012 30th July 2012 30th July 2012 30th July 2012 17th Sept 2012 1st October 2012 30th July 2012 30th July 2012 1st October 2012 3rd Sept 2012 30th July 2012 30th July 2012 21/08/2012 20th August 2012 18th August 2012 3rd Sept 2012 30th July 2012 30th July 2012 30th July 2012 30th July 2012 27th August 2012 30th July 2012 30th July 2012 6th August 2012 30th July 2012 30th July 2012 30th July 2012 30th July 2012 10th Sept 2012 188 Mellisa Louise LK 347 25/06/2012 21/08/2012 189 194 195 198 202 203 206 Amazing Grace Wexfordian Valentina Curlew Laika Victory II WildRose LK406 LK 784 LK73 LK350 LK356 LK 18th June 2012 9th July 2012 30th July 2012 25/06/2012 2nd July 2012 18/06/2012 4th June 2012 13th August 2012 3rd Sept 2012 24th Sept 2012 20/08/2012 3rd Sept 2012 13/08/2012 30th July 2012