Grade 6 Girls Districts 2015 May 12th -13th

Grade 6 Girls Districts May 12th-13th 2015
Day 1, May 12th at Devon and Nasis: Games will be 2 sets total points, highest ranked team in
each of the 4 groups move onto the Semi-Finals on May 13th @ Devon Middle School.
Group A: George, Bliss Green, FCA. Group B: K.V, ESA, Stanley Group C: Nasis Blue, Bliss Gold,
CNBA. Group D: Harvey, Devon, Nasis Red
May 12th Nasis Court 1:
4:00 George vs Bliss Green
5:00 Bliss Green vs FCA
6:00 FCA vs George
May 12th Nasis Court 2:
4:00 KV vs ESA
5:00 ESA vs Stanley
6:00 Stanley vs KV
May 12th Nasis Court 3:
4:00 Nasis Blue vs Bliss Gold
5:00 Bliss Gold vs CNBA
6:00 Nasis Blue vs CNBA
May 12th Devon:
4:00 Devon vs Nasis Red
5:00 Nasis Red vs Harvey
6:00 Devon vs Harvey
DAY 2 May 13th @ Devon best 2/3 sets
3:30 Semi Final #1
1st group A vs 1st group D
5:00 Semi Final #2
1st group B vs 1st group C
6:30 Finals
Semis Final winners