THE PLANNING BOARD OF EFFINGHAM COUNTY, GA JANUARY 26, 2015 I. CALL TO ORDER Chairman Dave Burns called the meeting to order. II. INVOCATION Board Member Jasper Lee gave the invocation. III. PLEDGE TO THE FLAG Chairman Dave Burns led the pledge. IV. AGENDA APPROVAL Chairman Dave Burns asked if there were any changes to the agenda. Mr. George Shaw said we needed to add a vote for the by-laws for the end of the meeting. Board Member Peter Higgins made a motion to approve the agenda as read. Board Member Alan Zipperer seconded the motion. The motion carried by unanimously. V. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Chairman Dave Burns asked if there were any corrections or additions to the December 22, 2014 meeting minutes. Board Member Jasper Lee made a motion to approve the minutes as read. Board Member Alan Zipperer seconded the motion. The motion carried by unanimously. VI. Election Mr. George Shaw asked the board to nominate a chairman and vice chairman for the planning board. Board Member Alan Zipperer made a motion to nominate Dave Burns as the chairman; Board Member Peter Higgins seconded the motion. Board Member Alan Zipperer made a motion to nominate Peter Higgins at the vice chairman, Board Member seconded the motion. Members Attending: Mr. Alan Zipperer, Mr. Dave Burns, Mr. Jasper Lee, Mr. Peter Higgins, Mr. Bill Sillers, Mr. Alphonso Giles, Mrs. Juanita Golden “MINUTES OF THE EFFINGHAM COUNTY PLANNING BOARD – JANUARY 26, 2015” Members Absent: Mr. Tim Uzupan Staff Present: Mr. George Shaw, Zoning Administrator and Mrs. Kayla Phillips, Planning Board Secretary Persons Attending: Mr. Tracy Williams, Mrs. Lisa Cannon, Mr. Mark Glisson, Mr. Steve Lynch, Mr. Jeff Thompson, Mr. Allen Spivey, Mrs. Pamela Thompson, Mr. Allen Newkirk, Mr. Lynn Jeffers VII. PUBLIC HEARINGS Board Member Peter Higgins stated all items voted on would be presented at the February 17, 2015 Board of Commissioners meeting as a public hearing (with the exception of residential business and pond requests) Christopher & Tonya Meushaw – PUBLIC HEARING (1): The applicant requests a rural business for [Map# 277A Parcel#5] located at 109 Ogeechee River Drive for raising hog hunting dogs and bully dogs, zoned AR-1. (First District) Mr. George Shaw stated that the applicant called and requested to withdraw their application for a rural business. Mr. Tracy Williams is a neighbor and said that the Meushaws are conducting a business on the property and have a website where they are selling the dogs. Mr. Williams brought in pictures of the website and some of the dogs. Mr. George Shaw said that we could have code enforcement check on the issue. Lisa Cannon - PUBLIC HEARING (2): The applicant requests to rezone 6.73 acres for [Map# 329B Parcel# 4] located at 183 Meldrim Road from AR-1 to AR-2. (First District) Mr. Alan Zipperer made a motion to approve the request with the following stipulations: 1. Each lot shall meet the requirements of the AR-2 Zoning District. 2. Site development plans shall comply with the Effingham County Water Resources Protection Ordinance and the Storm Water Management Local Design Manual. 3. All wetland impacts shall be permitted by the USACE. 4. Subdivision plat shall be approved by the Health Department and the Zoning Office. The motion was seconded by Mr. Peter Higgins. The motion was carried by all. Chairman Dave Burns recused himself. -2- “MINUTES OF THE EFFINGHAM COUNTY PLANNING BOARD – JANUARY 26, 2015” Wilson Burns – PUBLIC HEARING (3): The applicant requests a sketch plan for [Map# 466A Parcel#55] located on Goshen Road for the final phase of Goshen Hills zoned R-1. (Second District) Mr. Mark Glisson was present for the meeting. In 2008 the property was rezoned and the front portion of the subdivision was undeveloped. Mr. Mark Glisson stated that the first lot has wetlands across the middle of the property and wanted a driveway access off of Goshen Road. Mr. Steve Lynch owns a lot already in Goshen Hills and said that before they developed the final phase they needed to work on the drainage and flooding issues. Mr. Lynch asked about the septic systems, Mr. George Shaw said that the final phase of Goshen Hills would be on the county’s sewer system. Mrs. Pamela Thompson also was concerned about the drainage issues that currently exist. Mr. Shaw said that the developers may need to look in to a retention pond. Mr. Alan Zipperer made a motion to approve the request with the following stipulations: 1. Each lot shall meet the requirements of the R-1 Zoning District. 2. Site development plans shall comply with the Effingham County Water Resources Protection Ordinance and the Storm Water Management Local Design Manual. 3. All wetland impacts shall be permitted by the USACE. 4. Subdivision plat shall be approved by the Health Department and the Zoning Office. 5. Proper drainage for run-off water. The motion was seconded by Mrs. Juanita Golden. The motion carried 4/1 with Mr. Bill Sillers opposing the motion. Carrie Turnbull – PUBLIC HEARING (4): The applicant requests a pond less than 1 acre for [Map# 415 Parcel#20] located at 399 Hodgeville Road zoned AR-1. (Second District) Mr. Allen Newkirk said that the dirt for the pond being dug on the property will be leaving the property. Mr. Lynn Jeffers said that the Newkirks have been hauling dirt and rock in and out of the property for the past two years. He has called code enforcement to the property. Mr. George Shaw said that there is six month time limit for ponds under one acre. Mr. Newkirk says he has taken 7 loads of dirt to his church, and has brought in concrete and dirt for a driveway. Mr. Alan Zipperer made a motion to approve the request with the following stipulations: 1. Applicant must meet all requirements of Sec. 3.17A Ponds of the Effingham County zoning ordinance. 2. Hours of operation being between 8:00am to 5:00pm Monday through Friday. The motion was seconded by Mr. Jasper Lee. The motion carried unanimously -3- “MINUTES OF THE EFFINGHAM COUNTY PLANNING BOARD – JANUARY 26, 2015” James & Myrtle Hall – PUBLIC HEARING (5): The applicant requests a variance for [Map# 367 Parcel# 7] located at 270 Cypress Point Drive to allow them to live in a camper on the property while they build their home zoned AR-1. (Third District) Mr. James Hall said that they had sold their home before they were able to build their new home and wanted to live in the camper on the property while building their new home. There is already a septic tank on the property that they can tie their camper into. Jasper Lee motioned to approve the request with the following stipulations; 1. That there is an eight month time limit to have their home built and move into the home and out of the camper. Alphonso Giles seconded the motion. The motion carried unanimously. Chairman Dave Burns recused himself. Wilson Burns – PUBLIC HEARING (6): The applicant requests a sketch plan for [Map# 392 Parcel# 2] located on Little McCall Road for The Cottages Phase I. (Forth District) George Shaw said that Wilson Burns would like to table this request until the next meeting on February 23, 2015. Jasper Lee motioned to approve the request. Juanita Golden seconded the motion. The motion carried unanimously. VIII. By-Laws George Shaw stated that the by-laws are being amended to remove the AtLarge seats for the Planning Board. By voting to amend the by-laws the Planning Board would go from eight seats to five seats. Peter Higgins motioned to deny the request. The motion was seconded by Jasper Lee. The motion carried unanimously. IX. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 6:57 pm. ______________________________________ CHAIRMAN OF PLANNING BOARD EFFINGHAM COUNTY, GEORGIA ___________________ DATE _______________________________________ PLANNING BOARD SECRETARY ___________________ DATE -4- “MINUTES OF THE EFFINGHAM COUNTY PLANNING BOARD – JANUARY 26, 2015” -5-