Name________________________________________ Period____ Date__________ Topic 4 Study Guide: Conservation and Biodiversity 4.1 Biodiversity in ecosystems Define/explain: biodiversity genetic diversity species diversity habitat diversity species speciation natural selection Explain how natural selection works. What is the difference between natural selection and artificial selection? How does geographic isolation differ from behavioural isolation. How does each contribute to speciation? Using Figure 4.2, draw and label a diagram of the Earth’s layers. What are tectonic plates? How many are there? Give reasons why marsupial mammals are only found in Australia. What types of movement of the Earth’s plates can lead to speciation? How do land bridges affect species and speciation? Explain why complex food webs make an ecosystem more stable. Define/explain: primary succession secondary succession How can human interference lead to a secondary succession? 4.2 Evaluating biodiversity and vulnerability What factors lead to the loss of biodiversity? 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Why is the rainforest an especially vulnerable ecosystem? Why are rainforests slow to regenerate? Define/explain: endemic species background extinction rate List the 5 mass extinctions and indicate the loss of species for each below: Extinction 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Time Loss of species (estimate) What is the sixth mass extinction? What factors make a species more or less vulnerable to extinction? 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. What is the IUCN Red LIst? Define/explain: extinct (E) endangered (EN) vulnerable (V) least concern (LC) 4.3 Conservation of biodiversity List three important reasons to conserve species and habitats. 1. 2. 3. Why is international cooperation important in conservation and the preservation of biodiversity? Compare and contrast the role of government organizations (GOs) and non-governmental organizations (NGOs) in conserving biodiversity. Provide one example of each. What is the IUCN? What is CITES? What are some strengths and weaknesses of CITES? How are size, shape and edge effects important in the design of a protected area for wildlife? Why are wildlife corridors and buffer zones important to species in protected areas? Define/explain: ex situ in situ What are some advantages and disadvantages of captive breeding programs. reintroduction programs and zoos? Complete End-of-topic questions 1-3 on page 211.