Latitude dd:mm:ss Station dd:mm:ss Drainage Region Catchment Area km**2 Page 1 Description ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------G1R001 Voelvlei River @ Vogel Vallij 33:20:22 19:01:45 G10F 42 Voelvlei Dam FSL Parameters -------------- G1R001 Data ----------- Gauge Plate (m) 8.50 8.50 8.50 17.65 17.65 17.65 10.70 100.00 230.09 500.70 515.70 741.70 2065.70 2070.70 Components of G1R001 -------------G1H066 G1H068 0042227 G1H065 G1E002 G1H069 G1H070 G1H067 Reduced Level (m) 70.18 70.18 70.18 79.33 79.33 79.33 Surface area (ha) 0.00 1099.49 1099.49 1580.70 1573.00 1524.20 Rainfall (mm.) Level (Metres) Level (m) Wind Direc (Deg) Wind Speed (M/s) Solar Rad.(mW/ Air Temperature () Relative Humidity(P) Net capacity (mill m**3) 0.00 45.46 45.46 168.02 164.31 158.58 Gross capacity (mill m**3) 0.00 56.22 56.22 178.78 172.82 165.49 1951-06-25 1951-06-26 1952-10-01 1970-08-01 1978-10-01 1999-10-01 Original Basin survey Basin survey Raised Basin survey Basin survey Data Period 2003-02-19 2006-04-26 1951-06-25 2015-08-20 2014-02-19 2014-05-03 2003-02-19 2006-04-26 2003-02-19 2006-04-26 2003-02-19 2006-04-26 2003-02-19 2006-04-26 2003-04-07 2006-04-26 Tipping Bucket 4 Water Cello Raw logger data Raw logger data Raw logger data Raw logger data Raw logger data 5% 5% 8% 4% 2% missing missing missing missing missing Component Period 1951-06-25 1951-06-25 1951-06-26 1951-10-01 1952-07-01 1958-02-01 1982-06-01 1971-02-01 1972-05-04 Little Berg River@Inlet Canal @ Nieuwkloof Swartland-Pipeline @ Vogel Vallij Tulbagh Canal From Voelvlei@Dam @ Vogel Vallij Vogel Vallij @ Voelvlei Dam Ics-Pipeline @ Vogel Vallij Cape Town Pipeline @ Vogel Vallij Vier-En-Twintig-Riv.@Inlet Canal @ Doorn Boom ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------G1R002 Wemmers River @ Winterhoek 33:49:58 19:04:56 G10B 87 Wemmershoek Dam FSL Parameters -------------- Gauge Plate (m) 53.34 53.34 Components of G1R002 -------------G1E001 G1E003 G1H072 G1H071 Reduced Level (m) 296.70 296.70 Surface area (ha) 296.00 296.00 Net capacity (mill m**3) 59.74 58.71 Gross capacity (mill m**3) 59.90 58.80 Wellington Zachariashoek @ Wemmershoek Dam Compensation@Pipeline @ Winterhoek Pipeline From Wemmershoek Dam @ Winterhoek 1957-05-03 1984-10-01 Original Basin survey Component 1957-05-03 1957-09-07 1957-10-01 1957-11-01 Period 1957-09-06 1991-09-01 1992-08-31 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------G1R003 Berg River @ Misverstand 33:01:29 18:47:20 G10K 3972 Misverstand Dam FSL Parameters -------------- Gauge Plate (m) 3.64 3.64 Reduced Level (m) 26.13 26.13 Surface area (ha) 260.30 255.20 Net capacity (mill m**3) 6.52 6.44 Gross capacity (mill m**3) 7.89 7.74 1977-07-12 1988-10-01 Original Basin survey Latitude dd:mm:ss Station G1R003 (continued) G1R003 Data ----------10.70 100.00 230.09 815.70 815.71 815.72 815.73 815.74 815.75 815.76 821.70 821.71 821.72 821.73 821.74 821.75 821.76 Rainfall (mm.) Level (Metres) Level (m) Temp (Deg C) Temp (Deg C) Temp (Deg C) Temp (Deg C) Temp (Deg C) Temp (Deg C) Temp (Deg C) Conduct. (Specific) Conduct. (Specific) Conduct. (Specific) Conduct. (Specific) Conduct. (Specific) Conduct. (Specific) Conduct. (Specific) Components of G1R003 -------------0041301 G1E002 G1E007 G1E008 G1H048 G1E009 G1H075 Koringberg Vogel Vallij @ Voelvlei Dam Langebaan @ Langebaan Road Misverstand @ Misverstand Dam Pipeline To Withoogte @ Misverstand Withoogte @ Purification Works Misverstand Dam Longitude Drainage dd:mm:ss Region Tipping Bucket 4 Water Cello Raw logger data 70m/left bank, 5m/top 50m/left bank, 3m/top 50m/left bank, 1m/top 70m/left bank, 1m/top 70m/left bank, 3m/top 125m/left bank, 1m/top Raw logger data 70m/left bank, 5m/top 50m/left bank, 3m/top 50m/left bank, 1m/top 70m/left bank, 1m/top 70m/left bank, 3m/top 125m/left bank, 1m/top Catchment Area km**2 Page Data Period 2003-04-10 2012-08-28 1977-07-12 2015-08-26 2014-02-13 2014-05-12 2004-11-10 2008-06-06 2006-06-08 2008-08-05 2006-06-08 2008-08-05 2006-06-14 2008-07-25 2006-06-14 2008-08-05 2006-06-08 2008-08-05 2006-06-14 2009-09-03 2004-11-10 2008-06-06 2006-06-08 2008-08-05 2006-06-08 2008-08-05 2006-06-14 2008-08-05 2006-06-14 2008-08-05 2006-06-08 2008-08-05 2006-06-14 2009-09-03 Component 1977-07-13 1977-07-13 1978-11-17 1979-03-08 1986-03-01 1999-03-01 2006-07-13 2 Description 10% missing 12% missing 29% missing 9% missing Period 1999-03-01 2005-07-01 1992-03-01 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------G1R004 Berg River @ Skuifraam 33:54:31 19:03:28 G10A 78 Berg River dam FSL Parameters -------------G1R004 Data ----------- Gauge Plate (m) 42.00 100.00 Components of G1R004 -------------G1E006 G1H077 Reduced Level (m) 250.00 Level Surface area (ha) 536.80 Net capacity (mill m**3) 127.05 Gross capacity (mill m**3) 130.01 2007-07-30 Basin survey Data Period 2007-08-17 2015-09-17 (Metres) Component Period 2007-08-17 2008-05-28 Assegaaibos Bergriver Dam W-Component ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------G2R001 Jonkershoek River @ Jonkershoek 33:58:29 18:56:34 G22F 30 Kleinplaas Dam FSL Parameters -------------- G2R001 Data ----------- Gauge Plate (m) 11.00 10.95 100.00 127.00 Reduced Level (m) 267.00 267.04 Surface area (ha) 7.60 6.94 Level (Metres) Level Over Spill (m) Net capacity (mill m**3) 0.36 0.29 Gross capacity (mill m**3) 0.36 0.29 1982-06-03 1992-10-01 Basin survey Basin survey Data Period 1983-01-14 2015-09-16 2002-08-15 2015-09-16 14% missing 2% missing Latitude dd:mm:ss Station G2R001 (continued) 127.70 127.90 Components of G2R001 -------------G2H005 G2H027 G2H034 G2H036 G2H031 G2H032 G2H033 G2E013 G2H035 Longitude Drainage dd:mm:ss Region Catchment Area km**2 Level Over Spill (m) Level Over Spill (m) 2008-10-30 2009-05-28 Jonkershoek River @ Jonkershoek Kwv/Experimental-@Farm Pipeline @ Nietgegund Pipeline To Capetown From Tunnel @ Nietgegund Paradyskloof@Pipeline @ Nietgegund Jonkershoek Tunnel@Outlet (Valve 1) @ Jonkershoek Jonkershoek Tunnel@Outlet (Valve 2) @ Jonkershoek Jonkershoek Tunnel@Outlet (Valve 3) @ Jonkershoek Jonkershoek @ Manor House Stellenbosch/Kwv@Pipeline From Tun. @ Nietgegund Component Period 1983-01-14 1983-01-14 1992-01-01 1983-01-14 1983-11-01 1984-05-01 1984-03-01 1984-03-01 1984-03-01 1984-05-01 1984-05-01 Page 3 Description 2015-09-16 2015-09-16 15% missing 52% missing ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------G4R001 Steenbras River @ Kogel Baai 34:11:13 18:51:08 G40A 67 Steenbras Dam-Lower FSL Parameters -------------- G4R001 Data ----------- Gauge Plate (m) 9.14 9.75 21.41 23.39 23.39 23.39 100.00 Components of G4R001 -------------0005611 G4H028 G4E001 Reduced Level (m) 332.23 332.84 344.50 346.48 346.48 346.04 Level Surface area (ha) 93.61 101.43 329.16 390.40 370.50 364.20 Net capacity (mill m**3) 2.96 3.56 27.19 34.23 36.09 33.88 Gross capacity (mill m**3) 2.96 3.56 27.19 34.23 36.13 33.90 1921-10-01 1924-09-01 1927-10-01 1954-10-01 1979-10-01 1992-10-01 Original Raised Raised Raised Basin survey Basin survey Data Period 1989-01-01 2015-11-30 (Metres) STEENBRAS DAM Pipeline From Steen-@Bras Dam (Lower) @ Kogel Baai Kogel Baai @ Steenbrasdam-Lower 9% missing Component Period 1924-11-01 1950-01-01 1924-11-01 1991-08-31 1989-01-01 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------G4R007 Steenbras River @ Steenbras River 34:10:05 18:54:05 G40A 30 Steenbras Dam-Upper FSL Parameters -------------- G4R007 Data ----------- Gauge Plate (m) 25.00 25.00 100.00 Components of G4R007 -------------G4H023 Reduced Level (m) 370.00 370.00 Level Surface area (ha) 275.00 275.00 Net capacity (mill m**3) 31.81 31.81 (Metres) Rockview-Steenbras@Inflow Canal @ Rock View Gross capacity (mill m**3) 32.48 32.48 1988-03-01 1988-10-01 Original Basin survey Data Period 1993-07-01 2015-11-30 Component Period 1988-03-01 1% missing Berg River dam Kleinplaas Dam Misverstand Dam Steenbras Dam-Lower Steenbras Dam-Upper Voelvlei Dam Wemmershoek Dam 2 2 1 3 3 1 1