Latino Heritage Month Celebration Field Experience 1 Latino Heritage Month Celebration Seth Hickerson EDLP 711 1 Latino Heritage Month Celebration 2 Program Overview To first help in framing the program I am evaluating it would be important to understand the University and the campus culture on which this program, the stakeholders, and clients work. The University is a private, highly selective liberal arts academic institution that provides a collaborative learning and research environment unlike any other institution in higher education. The University offers students a combination of the liberal arts with law, business and leadership studies. The University provides several innovative programs for enhancing the lives of students both inside and outside the classroom. The program I will be evaluating, the Latino Heritage month celebration, aims to enhance cultural awareness and diversity among the student body. The mission of the University is to sustain a collaborative learning and research community that supports the personal development of its members and the creation of new knowledge. An education from this campus prepares students to live lives of purpose, thoughtful inquiry, and responsible leadership in a global and pluralistic society. The focal document that is responsible for shaping the future for the University is President’s strategic plan. The plan stands on five intertwining commitments. One of the main principles speaks specifically to diversity and inclusivity. The principle states the University will work towards providing a defining spirit of opportunity and welcome to excellent students, faculty, and staff of all means and backgrounds, sustained through a bold program of financial aid, a dedication to fairness in all that we do, and an authentic culture of inclusivity that seeks and prizes diversity of experience, belief, and thought. It is highly evident that increasing and promoting diversity on campus is paramount to the University moving forward. Latino Heritage Month Celebration 3 Program Organization In order to facilitate these principles there are numerous departments on campus that are committed to diversity. For this program evaluation I will be working with the Office of Multicultural Affairs. The Office of Multicultural Affairs was established in 1987 as a resource to support the enrollment and retention of under-represented students on this Universities campus. The office also serves as a vehicle to promote a campus community that embraces difference and values inclusive diversity. One of the many programs that this office offers is the Latino Heritage Month celebration. This celebration has been ongoing since 2009. The celebration was developed to recognize Latino heritage. The programs typically take place from mid-September through mid-October and consist of varying formats such as carnivals and other themed events. The Office of Multicultural Affairs understands the importance of the cultural context and more importantly the opportunity to share it with the campus community. By highlighting the history of Hispanic Heritage Month, they provide an overview of the cultural context by discussing how, during Hispanic Heritage Month, America celebrates the culture and traditions of residents who trace their roots to Spain, Mexico, and the Spanish-speaking nations in Central America, South America, and the Caribbean. As mentioned previously the Office of Multicultural Affairs offers several programs to enhance student awareness of the Latino culture and heritage. For this academic year the programs were a night of celebration and kick-off dinner. For this event students, faculty, staff, and local community members were invited to the Dining Center to launch the University's Latino-Hispanic Heritage month celebration. Authentic cuisine from Latin American regions was prepared by the dining staff. Student and guest performers also entertained. Latino Heritage Month Celebration 4 In narrowing my focus for this program evaluation, I decided to research and evaluate the most recent event which was the Latino Heritage Month Celebration-Carnival on campus. This year the Latino and Hispanic Heritage Month committee hosted a Carnival which was a celebration of the many forms of arts and expression amongst the Latino/Hispanic community in the United States. Students were invited to come out and enjoy dance lessons, Latin American games, food, music, and many other forms of art. The purpose of this evaluation will be to evaluate the effectiveness of this program and to work with the office of Multicultural affairs to see if the program is meeting the needs of the department and the intended students and staff on campus. The Chain of Command for the Office of Multicultural Affairs is represented in Figure 1. Director Assistant to the Director Associate Director Facilitator, Men's Coordinator Figure 1. Organizational Chart Stakeholders and their involvement The primary stakeholders for this program are the Office of Multicultural Affairs and the Spanish and Latino Student Alliance (S.A.L.S.A). The mission of this student-led group is to promote awareness about Hispanic and Latin American culture through social and cultural events as well as educational programs. Latino Heritage Month Celebration The group hopes to empower students to use their talents and diverse backgrounds to make a lasting impact on the campus’ Latino population through community service. Through neighborhood outreach events and on-campus programs, such as the Latino Heritage month celebration, they hope to expand the Universities community and cultural awareness into the greater Richmond area. Additional stakeholders that contribute to this program are the faculty and staff that make up the Office of the President, Office of Multicultural Affairs and the Office of Common Ground. Inevitably, the overarching aim of this program should have a positive effect on both the minority and majority students. Figure 2 is a schematic representation of the stakeholders and their proximity to and relationships with each other and their proximity to the goal of the program. The stakeholder map as depicted in Figure 2 shows the central idea or target goal for the program and the surrounding stakeholders that are instrumental in the development and implementation of the program. Each stakeholder contributes to the goal and has to work together in many capacities to achieve the task at hand. The ability for a program such as this to be successful will need to have cooperation and communication among all the invested stakeholders. 5 Latino Heritage Month Celebration 6 Officeof the President Minority Students and Student group (SALSA) Majority Students Latino Heritage month celebration to increase diversity awareness on Campus Office of Multicultural Affairs Office of Common Ground Faculty and Staff Figure 2. Stakeholder Map Goals of the Program The goal of the celebration is to create awareness at the University in regard to the Latino culture. Another goal is to provide an opportunity to create a bond and a welcoming environment amongst people who identify with Latino culture. The aim of the most recent Carnival program was to provide a festive event where people can enjoy Latino culture via music, games, food and fellowship. Ultimately the overarching aspiration is to not only provide an opportunity for an underrepresented group but to also connect and establish bonds and friendships among varying cultures and demographics. The event hopes to raise awareness of the diverse populations and cultures on campus by providing exposure and education to the majority of students in the campus community. Target Audience and Logic Model The target audience is the University campus community of Faculty, Staff and Students. It was worth noting, and not surprisingly, that the majority of participants that attended the most Latino Heritage Month Celebration 7 recent festival were of Latino background. Although students from racial and varying ethnical cultures can have diverse backgrounds, for some Latino students, there is a sense of comfort in attending programs that showcase their collective cultural pride, particularly at predominantly white institutions such as the one this program is held on. Even though the program is targeted to the Latino community, the hope is that there will be a blanket effect that reaches students of non-Latino backgrounds. A Logic Model as depicted in Table 1 further illustrates program actions. The purpose of this table is to clearly state what it is that the program does or plans to do. What are the resources needed and utilized along with the short term and long term outcomes. Latino Heritage Month Celebration 8 Table 1 The Latino Heritage Celebration Logic Model Inputs Providing staff to facilitate the programming for event Process/Activities Organizing the planning committee Outputs Established plan of events for festival with specific details Outcomes Increase the number of Latino students attending events Provide food as an incentive Review previous year(s) program information Establish target number of current Latino/Hispanic students on campus Provide funding for event Plan for coming year celebration event Establish number of cultural awareness programs on campus currently being offered Increase opportunities for Latino/Hispanic students to demonstrate culture Increase on campus of community integration Facilities to host event Establish culturally relevant activities and games for festival Establish targeted amount of students (minority/majority) to attend event Training to prepare staff and students for event Establish targeted amount of faculty/staff (minority/majority) to attend event Impact Increase diversity and cultural awareness on campus Provide atmosphere that is welcoming to minority students Increase the number of minority students applying and admitted to the University Reduce perception on campus that University is homogenous