Supporting Information Appendix S1: Electronic supplement for ‘Saltwater upconing due to cyclic pumping by horizontal wells in freshwater lenses’, by Pieter S. Pauw, Anton Leijnse, Sjoerd. E.A.T.M. van der Zee, and Gualbert H.P. Oude Essink. Pieter S. Pauw. Corresponding author: Department of Soil and Groundwater, Deltares, P.O. Box 85467, 3508 AL Utrecht, The Netherlands // Department of Soil Physics and Land Management, Wageningen University, P.O. Box 47, 6700 AA Wageningen, The Netherlands. +31 623786887. Sjoerd E.A.T.M. van der Zee. Department of Soil Physics and Land Management, Wageningen University, Wageningen, The Netherlands. Anton Leijnse. Department of Soil Physics and Land Management, Wageningen University, Wageningen, The Netherlands. Gualbert H.P. Oude Essink. Department of Soil and Groundwater, Deltares, Utrecht, The Netherlands // Department of Physical Geography, University of Utrecht, Utrecht, The Netherlands. Abstract (main text) This paper deals with the quantification of saltwater upconing below horizontal wells in freshwater lenses using analytical solutions, as a computationally fast alternative to numerical simulations. Comparisons between analytical calculations and numerical simulations are presented regarding three aspects: 1) cyclic pumping, 2) dispersion, and 3) finite horizontal wells in a finite domain (a freshwater lens). Various hydrogeological conditions and pumping regimes within a dry half year are considered. The results show that the influence of elastic and phreatic storage (which are not taken into account in the analytical solutions) on the upconing of the interface is minor. Furthermore, the analytical calculations based on the interface approach compare well with numerical simulations as long as the dimensionless interface upconing is below 1/3, which is in line with previous studies on steady pumping. Superimposing an analytical solution for mixing by dispersion below the well over an analytical solution based on the interface approach is appropriate in case the vertical flow velocity around the interface is nearly constant, but should not be used for estimating the salinity of the pumped groundwater. The analytical calculations of interface upconing below a finite horizontal well compare well with the numerical simulations in case the distance between the horizontal well and the initial interface does not vary significantly along the well, and in case the natural fluctuation of the freshwater lens is small. For maintaining a low salinity in the well during a dry half year, the dimensionless analytically calculated interface upconing should stay below 0.25. Table of contents 1. Introduction 2. Analytical solutions 2.1 Derivation of interface Equations 3 and 10 of the main text 2.2 Derivation of dispersion Equations 6 and 7 in the main text 2.3 Illustration of the analytical calculation of interface upconing due to cyclic pumping 2.4 Illustration of the analytical calculation of interface upconing below a finite horizontal well 2.5 Perturbation theory and implications for the applicability of Equations 3 and 10 in the main text 2.6 ‘Critical rise’ 3. Parameter combinations used for the comparison between the numerical simulations and analytical calculations using the 2D model 4. Brief description of the 3D numerical model 5. Numerical simulation results of the reference model 6. List of symbols 7. References 1 Introduction In this Supporting Information, additional information on the analytical equations and set-up of the numerical models is presented. Furthermore, some results that were for brevity omitted in the main text are presented and discussed. Finally, an overview of all symbols used in the main text and the Supporting Information (except for the ones used in references/previous studies) is given. 2 Analytical solutions 2.1 Derivation of interface Equations 3 and 10 of the main text Equation 3 and 10 in the main text are based Equations 43 and 69 of Dagan and Bear (1968), respectively. Below it is shown how Equation 43 of Dagan and Bear (1968) was transformed into Equation 3. Equation 43 of Dagan and Bear is given by: x, t 1Q 1 cosh[ (a d )] t 1 exp cos( x) d . (S1) 0 sinh( a) 1 coth( a) 2 coth(b) Similar as in the main text, λ is the variable of integration. Furthermore, the variables x (horizontal coordinate) [L], t (time) [T], a (initial thickness of the fresh groundwater zone) [L], b (initial thickness of the saline groundwater zone) [L], d (vertical distance between the interface at t = 0 and the well) [L], and n (porosity), are defined as in the main text. ζ and Q correspond with ζan (analytically calculated interface depth) [L] and Qd (the pumping rate of the well per unit length of the well) [L2 T-1]in the main text, respectively. The subscript 1 refers to fresh groundwater, 2 refers to saline groundwater. The integral form Equations 3 and 10 of the main text were solved numerically using the Python function ‘quad’ (see They can also be transformed into ‘closed-form’ (i.e., not in integral form) solutions, in case it is assumed that the parameters a and b (initial thickness of the zones of fresh groundwater and saline groundwater, respectively) are infinite. Dagan and Bear (1968) presented the closedform solution of Equation 43 (Equation 49 in their work), whereas the closed-form solution of Equation 69 of Dagan and Bear (1968) was presented by Schmorak and Mercado (1969). An interesting difference between the 2D and 3D equations (both in integral form and closed form) is that for the 3D equation a steady-state end-point of the interface can be reached (t ∞) in case of continuous pumping, whereas for the 2D equation there is not an end-point, so there is a continuous rise of the interface through time. Returning to Equation (S1): using the subscript ‘f’ for subscript 1 and ‘s’ for 2, α1 and α2 are defined as: f s 1 , 2 . (S2) μf and μf are the dynamic viscosity [M L-1 T-1] of fresh and saline groundwater, respectively. κ is the isotropic permeability [L2]. Δγ is equal to g(ρs - ρf), where g (gravitational acceleration) [L2 T-1], ρs (density of saline groundwater) [M L-3], and ρf (density of fresh groundwater) [M L-3] are defined as in the main text. β1 is equal to nα1 and β2 is equal to nα2. Using the definition of δ (the dimensionless density difference): s f , f (S3) (ρs - ρf) is equal to δρf, so that Δγ is equal to gδρf. Inserting this into Equation (S2) yields: f s . (S4) 1 , 2 g f g f It was assumed that the dynamic viscosity was based on fresh groundwater, such that μs = μf, α1 = α2, and β1 = β2. Furthermore, the isotropic hydraulic conductivity K [L T-1] is also based on fresh groundwater, and defined as: f g . f (S5) 1 n , 1 2 . K K (S6) K Therefore: 1 Using the definitions above, Equation (S1) can be written as: Q 1 cosh[ ( a d )] t an d cos( x) d . (S7) 1 exp n n K 0 sinh( a) coth( a) coth(b) K K Bear and Dagan (1965) derived relationships to transfer an isotropic problem into an anisotropic one. Following these relationships for this 2D case, the parameters Qd, K, and x are changed into: Qd Qd Kz Kz , , K Kz , x x Kx Kx Kz (S8) where Kx [L T-1] is the horizontal hydraulic conductivity and Kz [L T-1] is the vertical hydraulic conductivity, both based on fresh groundwater. Using Equation (S8) in combination with the reference level at the top of the aquifer results in the following equation, which is equal to Equation 3 in the main text: Kz 1 cosh[ ( a d )] t cos( x an ( x, t ) 1 exp ) d a. n n K K x K z 0 sinh( a) x coth(a ) coth(b ) Kz Kz Qd (S9) In a similar way, Equation 69 of Dagan and Bear (1968) was changed into Equation 10 of the main text. 2.2 Derivation of dispersion Equations 6 and 7 in the main text Equations 6 and 7 in the main text are based on Schmorak and Mercado (1969). In applying equations 6 and 7, it is assumed that the flow right below the well due to cyclic pumping is vertical and that the concentration gradient right below the well is parallel to the flow lines. Furthermore, transverse dispersion and molecular diffusion are neglected, such that mixing is assumed to be caused solely by longitudinal dispersion (Eeman et al, 2011). It is also assumed that the pore water velocity in the vertical does not vary spatially (i.e., that it is equal to the velocity of the interface), and that the vertical concentration distribution around interface (i.e., 0.5 times the maximum concentration) is normally distributed. The approach of Schmorak and Mercado (1969) is based on a classical solution for onedimensional steady and uniform groundwater flow and advective and dispersive solute transport in an infinite domain (Ogata and Banks, 1961). In the solution of Ogata and Banks (1961), initially the solute concentration of the groundwater (C [M L-3]) is 0 kg m3. At time t = 0 and distance xi = 0, the concentration of the groundwater changes to Cs [M L-3] kg m-3. The concentration for a given distance xi, t, and pore water velocity v [L T1] is given as: vxi C x vt x vt D 0.5 erfc i e erfc i , Cs 2 Dt 2 Dt (S10) where D is the dispersion coefficient [L2 T-1], accounting for longitudinal dispersion and molecular diffusion. Ogata and Banks (1961) described that in most applications, the second term in equation (S10) can be neglected. If the dispersive transport is of interest relative to the location of the (moving) average concentration (0.5Cs) the product vt can be changed to 0.5Cs and xi can be changed into xμ [L] (the distance from 0.5Cs) leading to: x 0.5Cs C 0.5erfc . Cs 2 Dt (S11) Note the similarity of this equation with equation 11 in Schmorak and Mercado (1969), which is written in terms of the error function (erf) rather than the complementary error function (erfc). When it is assumed that molecular diffusion can be neglected compared to longitudinal dispersion and when it is assumed that the mixing is independent on the direction of flow (Eeman et al., 2012), equation (S11) can be written as: x 0.5Cs C 0.5erfc 2 |s| Cs L , (S12) where αL is the longitudinal dispersivity [L] and │s│ is the total travelled distance of the average concentration 0.5Cs [L], independent on the direction. In terms of the symbols used in the main text, the depth of the analytically calculated interface ζan is taken as 0.5Cs and the distance from ζan (i.e., the analytically calculated depth of a concentration C) xμ is taken as zCan. Using these terms and rewriting (S12) yields: C zCan ( x, t , C ) an ( x, t ) 2 L (| s |)erfc1 2 . Cs (S13) If the initial concentration distribution is not sharp, the initial thickness of the mixing zone can be implemented in Equation (S13) by assuming that the concentration in the mixing zone is normally distributed. In the main text, the initial width of the mixing zone M [L] was defined as twice the distance between the interface (0.5Cs) and the depth at which the concentration equals 0.024Cs. Hence,: 0.5M zCan ( x, t , 0.024Cs ) an ( x, t ) 2 L (| s |)erfc 1 0.048 . (S14) By inserting the initial width of the mixing zone and longitudinal dispersivity α in Equation (S14), ∣s∣ can be calculated, which in this case represents the width of the mixing zone in the form of an equivalent travelled distance of the interface. Using the symbol η [L] for this equivalent distance, η can be defined as: 2 0.5M 1 2erfc 0.048 , (M , L ) L (S15) which is equal to Equation 7 in the main text. η can then be added to ∣s∣ in (S13), which yields: C (S16) zCan ( x, t , C ) an ( x, t ) 2 L ( | s |)erfc1 2 . C s Equation Error! Reference source not found. is equal to Equation 6 of the main text. 2.3 Illustration of the analytical calculation of interface upconing due to cyclic pumping The superposition principle was used for the analytical calculation of cyclic pumping. This procedure is illustrated using Figure S1, with Ton (time of pumping during a pumping cycle) [T] = 5 days, Toff (time of no pumping during a pumping cycle) [T] = 10 days, and ncyc (number of pumping cycles) = 3. The three blue lines in Figure S1 each indicate interface upconing due to pumping with extraction rate Qd. They start at t = i(Ton+Toff), with i = (0,1,2). The red lines indicate the downward movement of the interface due to well injection with rate -Qd. These lines start at t = i(Ton+Toff) + Ton, with i = (0,1,2). ζan is obtained by summing the contribution of all lines throughout the total pumping period Tp [T](black line in Figure S1). Figure S1: Illustration of calculating the upward and downward movement of the interface ζan due to well extraction (q on) and well shutdown (q off), using the superposition principle. 2.4 Illustration of the analytical calculation of interface upconing below a finite horizontal well The superposition principle was also used for the analytical calculation of a horizontal well with a finite extent. This procedure is illustrated using Figure S2. The following parameters are used: a = 12 m, b = 18 m, n = 0.3, δ = 0.025, Kx = Kz = 10 m d-1, t = 180 d (steady pumping), and Q (pumping rate of the well) [L3 T-1] = 12 m3 d-1. The length of the well Lwell [L] is 100 m. First, the length of the well is first split into n-seg segments. For every segment, the interface upconing is computed using Equation 10 of the main text using a discharge Q/n-seg, for a large number of values of r (radial distance from the well [L], for which x is used in this case) for such a distance from the well that the interface upconing is negligble. Subsequently, the contributions (i.e., interface upconing) of each segment are summed. The total contribution equals the interface upconing below the horizontal well. For this procedure, it is important that Lwell is split into enough n-seg segments. This is shown in Figure S2. The centre of the horizontal well is at x = 0 m. In case n-seg = 1 (which is equivalent to a point sink) or n-seg = 2, the interface upconing is erroneously calculated. In case n-seg = 10, only a small error is made, whereas n-seg = 100 results in an appropriate calculation of the interface upconing below the horizontal well. The difference in interface upconing between n-seg = 1 and n-seg = 100 in Figure S2 also shows the advantage of using a horizontal well over a vertical well (point sink). Figure S2: Illustration of analytical calculation of the depth of the interface ζan (blue line) due to pumping by a horizontal well with finite extent using the superposition principle. The well is located between x = -50 m and x = 50 m. 2.5 Perturbation theory and implications for the applicability of Equations 3 and 10 in the main text Equations 3 and 10 in the main text are based on equations 43 and 69 of Dagan and Bear (1968), respectively, which were derived using perturbation theory. Perturbation theory is a mathematical theory that can be used to derive an approximate solution for a mathematical problem in case an exact solution does not exist. In perturbation theory, the mathematical problem is split into an ‘initial’ part, which can be solved directly, and ‘perturbation’ parts (power series), which describe the deviation of the initial part from total mathematical problem. In hydrological studies that employ perturbation theory it is commonly assumed that the first few perturbation parts are sufficient to approximate the total mathematical problem. This assumption is only appropriate if the total mathematical problem does not differ too much from the initial part in the perturbation approximation, which is what Dagan and Bear (1968) assumed in their derivation of the interface solutions. The most important implication of the assumptions of Dagan and Bear (1968) regarding the perturbation theory is that their solutions are appropriate only up to a certain degree of interface upconing (i.e., not deviating too much from the initial situation). Based on comparison of the interface solutions with laboratory (Hele Shaw) experiments of steady pumping regimes, Dagan and Bear (1968) found that the analytically calculated dimensionless interface upconing dζ represented the 0.5Cs concentration contour as long as dζ was approximately less than 1/3. In case dζ is larger, the analytically calculated interface underestimates the depth of the 0.5Cs concentration contour. 2.6 ‘Critical rise’ The term ‘critical rise’ was used by Schmorak and Mercado (1969) (p. 1293), partly for the limited applicability of the equations of Dagan and Bear (1968) as a result of the perturbation approximation. Below the critical rise, the equations are appropriate, whereas above the critical rise errors in the estimated interface upconing can be expected, as was explained in the previous section. Dagan and Bear (1968) and Schmorak and Mercado (1969) advised the critical rise as a practical guideline for maintaining a low salinity in the well, based on their comparisons between the analytical solutions and laboratory experiments and field data. Besides that critical rise refers to the limited applicability due to the perturbation approximation, critical rise also has a physical meaning. Bear and Dagan (1964) and Dagan and Bear (1968) showed that above the critical rise, the rate of interface rise accelerates. This was also described Muskat (1946), for the case of water coning below a well extracting oil. Muskat (1946) furthermore explained that for a stable position of the interface, the vertical pressure distribution in the saline groundwater should be hydrostatic, and that at the interface, the vertical pressure gradient in the fresh groundwater should be equal to the vertical pressure gradient of the saline groundwater. Close to a pumping well, the flow is strongly convergent and the velocities (and pressure gradients) increase fast towards the well. Consequently, in case the the interface is close to the well, the pressure gradient of the fresh groundwater will always be higher than the pressure gradient in the saline groundwater. This effect causes the saline water to be accelerated towards the well and ultimately end up there. In his analysis, Muskat (1946) made two assumptions to tackle the complex mathematical problem of interface upconing. In terms of fresh and saline groundwater, the first assumption is that the saline groundwater is at rest, such that the vertical pressure distribution in the lower liquid is hydrostatic. The second assumption is that the upconing does not influence the flow in the upper fluid. Bear (1972) explained that these assumptions are the physical representations of the assumptions of the perturbation approximation of Dagan and Bear (1964). Hence, above the critical rise it cannot be assumed that the vertical pressure distribution in the lower fluid is hydrostatic, and that the flow pattern in the upper flow is not influenced by the upconed interface. Critical rise has also been used in the studies of Bower et al. (1999) and Garabedian (2013), which were mentioned in the introduction of the main text. In both studies, the critical rise was not used as an applicability condition related to the perturbation theory, as these steady-state analytical solutions were not based on perturbation theory. Rather, the goal of these studies was to find the critical pumping rate and corresponding critical rise in terms of aquifer properties and well characteristics. Essentially, Bower et al. (1999) and Garabedian (2013) adopted the two assumptions of Muskat (1946). 3 Parameter combinations used for the comparison between the numerical simulations and analytical calculations using the 2D model As certain parameters of the 2D model are related, a complete overview of all parameter combination was, for brevity, not given in Table 1 in the main text. In Table S1, a complete overview of the parameter combinations is given. Per parameter (bold face), the reference value is indicated between parentheses and the variation of that parameter is shown on the same line in the next column. Below that line, the actual combination of parameters is given. For example, for the parameter variation Qd = 20.0 m3m-1d-1, Ton (period of pumping during one pumping cycle) was set to 0.01 d and Toff (period of no pumping during one pumping cycle) to 1.99 d. This yields, together with the reference value for the number of pumping cycles (ncyc = 90), the reference value for the total pumping period (Tp = 180 d), the total amount of water extracted (Qtot = 18 m3m-1), i.e., 90 (ncyc) * 0.01 d (Ton) * 20 m3m-1d-1 (Qd) = 18 m3m-1. In total, 32 different parameter combinations were considered. Table S1: a complete overview of the parameter combinations of the 2D model. parameter variations and parameter combinations units Qtot (18) 36, 54, 72, 80, 98 m3m-1 Qd 0.4, 0.6, 0.8, 0.88, 1.08 m3m-1d-1 ncyc (90) Ton & Toff 180, 45, 30, 10, 1 0.5, 2, 3, 9, 90 d Qd (0.2) Ton Toff 20.0, 4.0, 2.0, 0.4, 0.16, 0.13, 0.11 0.01, 0.05, 0.1, 0.5, 1.2, 1.5, 1.8 1.99, 1.95, 1.9, 1.5, 0.8, 0.5, 0.2 m3m-1d-1 d d K (10) 1, 5, 50, 100 m d-1 Kx/Kz (1) Kz 2.0, 5.0 5.0, 2.0 m d-1 Cs (35) 17.5, 8.25 kg m3 αL (0.1) 0.01, 1.0 m S (0.15 & 1E-5) Qd Ton Toff 0 (Sy), 0 (Ss) 20.0, 4.0, 2.0, 0.4, 0.16, 0.13, 0.11 0.01, 0.05, 0.1, 0.5, 1.2, 1.5, 1.8 1.99, 1.95, 1.9, 1.5, 0.8, 0.5, 0.2 - and m-1 m3m-1d-1 d d M (0) 1.4, 2.8 m 4 Brief description of the 3D numerical model Only the most important aspects of this numerical model are described here, as many aspects are similar to the 2D numerical model that is described in the main text. In the 3D numerical model an irregular grid was used in view of computational effort. Near the well, the horizontal cell size is 0.1 m. Away from the well the cell size gradually increases towards the boundaries. Between the well and the initial mixing zone, 0.1 m thick model layers were used. Above and below, the layer thickness gradually increases. The bottom and the vertical planes at x = 0 and y = 0 are no-flow boundaries. Along the vertical planes at x = 0.5 Lx and y = 0.5 Ly a constant hydraulic (saltwater) head (0 m) and concentration boundary condition with concentration Cs is applied. The hydraulic head along these vertical sides therefore follows a hydrostatic pressure distribution. These flow and concentration boundary conditions remain constant throughout the simulation. The initial condition (i.e., the initialization period) was simulated in the numerical model starting from an initial saline model domain, and simulating the development of a freshwater lens using subsequent periods Trch (length of the recharge period) and Tdry (length of the dry period). During Trch, groundwater recharge is simulated over the total model domain with rate N = 0.002 m d-1 and with concentration C = 0 kg m-3. During Tdry no recharge was simulated. The initialization period was ended when the total salt mass in the domain over successive Tdry and Trch periods reached a virtually stable value. Pumping using the finite horizontal well during Tp (length of the total pumping period, 180 days) was simulated by superposition of point sinks. The extraction rate for every cell that represented the horizontal well was determined by dividing the total extraction rate of the well by the amount of columns that were used to simulate the well. 5 Numerical simulation results of the reference model In Figure S3 streamlines and the groundwater salinity distribution of the numerical simulation with the reference parameter values at the end of the last Ton (time of pumping during a pumping cycle) and Toff (time of no pumping during a pumping cycle) periods are shown. At the end of Ton, the streamlines are approximately horizontal at a far distance (150 m) from the well and a radial flow pattern is present close to the well. During Toff a rotational flow pattern is observed near the well, where the saline groundwater below the well flows down and induces the saline groundwater somewhat further away from the well to flow upwards. In Figure S4 the results of the simulation with the reference parameters but without storage are shown. Comparison with Figure S3 indicates that storage has a large influence on the flow patterns during cyclic pumping, but that its influence on saltwater upconing is relatively minor. Figure S3: Groundwater salinity distribution (kg m-3, shown in colour) and streamlines (in white) of the numerical simulation with the reference values at the end of the last periods Ton and Toff. The well is located at z = - 7.0 m. Figure S4: Groundwater salinity distribution (kg m-3, shown in colour) and streamlines (in white) of the numerical simulation with the reference values at the end of the last periods Ton and Toff, except that no storage is simulated. The well is located at z = - 7.0 m. Mixing in the numerical simulation with the reference values was investigated by computing the relative contributions of the longitudinal (fαL) dispersion, transversal dispersion (fαT) and molecular diffusion (fDm) on total hydrodynamic dispersion during Ton and Toff, using: f L L v2 Dm | v | L v2 T v||2 T v||2 f T Dm | v | L v2 T v||2 fDm Dm | v | Dm | v | L v2 T v||2 where │v│ is the magnitude of the velocity vector [L T-1], v⊥ is the magnitude of the velocity vector component in the direction of the concentration gradient (i.e., perpendicular to the orientation of the mixing zone) [L T-1] v∣∣ is the magnitude of the velocity vector component perpendicular to the concentration gradient (i.e., parallel to the orientation of the mixing zone) [L T-1], αT is the transverse dispersivity [L], and Dm is the molecular diffusion coefficient [L2 T-1]. For further details, the reader is referred to Eeman et al. (2011). fαL, fαT, and fDm for the end of the last Ton period are shown in Figure S5. Close to the well, the mixing is dominated by longitudinal dispersion as the concentration gradient and the velocity vector are (nearly) parallel here. Further away from the well, the velocity vector is aligned more perpendicular to the concentration gradient, which explains the increasing values of fαT. Even further from the well, the flow velocities decrease such that fαT decreases and fDm increases. In Figure S6 fαL, fαT, and fDm at the end of the last period Toff are shown. Again, mixing near the well is dominated by longitudinal dispersion. The results of the other output time steps, which are not given here, show that longitudinal dispersion is the most important mixing process below the well not only at the end of Ton and Toff, but also throughout these periods. Figure S5: Relative contributions (scaled, from 0-1) of fαL, fαT, and fDm on the total hydrodynamic dispersion at the end of the last Ton period. In the white region, fαL, fαT, and fDm are undefined as there is no concentration gradient (no spatial change in concentration). The location of the well is indicated with a black dot. The depth of the numerically calculated interface ζnum (i.e., C = 0.5Cs ) is also indicated. Figure S6: Relative contributions fαL, fαT, and fDm on the total hydrodynamic dispersion at the end of the last Toff period. 6 List of symbols Symbol a Dimension [L] αL αT b [L] [L] [L] C Cs C1σ [M L-3] [M L-3] [M L-3] C2σ [M L-3] C1σ-an C1σ-num C2σ-an C2σ-num Cwellnum d D Dm dζ δ εζ [M L-3] [M L-3] [M L-3] [M L-3] [M L-3] [L] [L] [L2 T-1] [-] [-] [L] ε1σ [L] ε2σ [L] fαL - fαT - fDm - g h λ κx κz Kx Kz Lx Ly Lwell M [L T-2] [L] [L] [L2] [L2] [L T-1] [L T-1] [L] [L] [L] [L] n ncyc N η ρf ρs Q [L T-1] [L] [M L-3] [M L-3] [L3 T-1] Explanation initial thickness of the fresh groundwater zone; the distance between the initial interface depth and the top of the aquifer longitudinal dispersivity transverse dispersivity initial thickness of the saline groundwater zone; the distance between the initial interface depth and the bottom of the aquifer salt concentration of the groundwater salt concentration of the groundwater with density ρs concentration at one standard deviation from the average concentration concentration at two standard deviations from the average concentration analytically calculated value of C1σ numerically simulated value of C1σ analytically calculated value of C2σ numerically simulated value of C2σ numerically simulated concentration in the well vertical distance between the interface and the well at t = 0 thickness of the domain molecular diffusion coefficient analytically calculated dimensionless interface upconing (ζan/d) dimensionless density difference (see Equation 4) difference between the analytically calculated and numerically simulated interface depth (see Equation 5) difference in the analytically calculated and numerically simulated depths of C1σ difference in the analytically calculated and numerically simulated depths of C2σ the relative contribution of the longitudinal dispersion on the total hydrodynamic dispersion relative contribution of the transverse dispersion on the total hydrodynamic dispersion relative contribution of the molecular diffusion on the total hydrodynamic dispersion gravitational acceleration hydraulic head variable of integration horizontal permeability vertical permeability horizontal hydraulic conductivity based on fresh groundwater vertical hydraulic conductivity based on fresh groundwater horizontal extent of the 3D domain in the x direction horizontal extent of the 3D domain in the y direction length of the horizontal well initial thickness of the mixing zone; twice the distance between the interface and the depth at which the concentration C equals 0.024Cs porosity number of pumping cycles (see Equation 1) recharge rate equivalent travelled distance of the interface (Equation 7) density of fresh groundwater density of saline groundwater pumping rate of the well Qd Qtot r Ss Sy sζ │s│ t Tp Ton Toff Trch Tdry │v│ v⊥ [L2 T-1] [L3] [L] [L-1] [L] [L] [T] [T] [T] [T] [T] [T] [L T-1] [L T-1] v∣∣ [L T-1] μ μf x y z zC1σ-an zC1σ-num zC2σ-an zC2σ-num zCan ζ ζan ζnum [M L-1 T-1] [M L-1 T-1] [L] [L] [L] [L] [L] [L] [L] [L] [L] [L] [L] pumping rate of the well per unit length of the well total amount of extracted fresh groundwater during Tp radial distance from the well (see Equation 10) specific storage specific yield vertical distance from ζan (see Equation 6) total travelled distance of ζan/average concentration 0.5Cs time pumping period (dry half year, 180 d) time of pumping during a pumping cycle time of no pumping during a pumping cycle length of the recharge period length of the dry period magnitude of the velocity vector magnitude of the velocity vector component in the direction of the concentration gradient magnitude of the velocity vector component perpendicular to the concentration gradient dynamic viscosity dynamic viscosity based on freshwater horizontal coordinate horizontal coordinate vertical coordinate depth of the analytically calculated value of C1σ depth of the numerically simulated value of C1σ depth of the analytically calculated value of C2σ depth of the numerically simulated value of C2σ analytically calculated depth of a concentration C depth of the interface between fresh and saline groundwater analytically calculated interface depth numerically simulated interface depth 7 References Bear, J. 1972. 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