
April 3, 2013 - 2:00 P.M.
Present: Heinecke, Neuman, Okey, Momsen, and Sommerfeld.
Zoning Office Staff: David Gifford, Director of Land Services and Pat Sirovatka, Secretary.
Heinecke called the meeting to order at 2:00 p.m.
#2. Minutes
The Committee reviewed the Minutes from the March meeting.
Motion was made by
(Okey/Mommsen) to approve the minutes as submitted. Motion carried 5:0.
#3. Edit List – The edit list for February/March was reviewed by the Committee.
#5. Discussion – Farm Preservation Update
Dave updated the Committee regarding how the program is operated. Dave stated that Justin
Everson, with the Soil & Water Dept., reviews the applicants of the program and does compliance
checks for those who are in the program. Dave indicated that by 2016 everyone who is in the farm
program needs to have a Nutrient Management Plan (590 Plan). We are in need of sending out a
letter to all those who receive a tax credit, however, the State will not give out the names &
addresses, of those applicants who receive credits. They will however, send out the letter for us if we
provide the envelopes. If we don’t send a letter out, many of the farmers would be out of compliance
and would not be able to receive their credit.
#4. New Public Hearings
Request #1: (2:10 p.m.) Klemencic Rezoning
A request to rezone 4.24 acres from the Agricultural-1 district to an Agricultural-2 district, on property
located in Section 8, in the town of Doyle. Heinecke read the public notice, followed by Gifford
reading from the application the reasons for the request. The Committee reviewed the file and
received information from the owner’s son. The property currently has two residences located on it.
The intent with the rezoning is to divide the property allowing each residence to be located on a
separate parcel, and sell the remaining land. After a brief discussion, motion (Okey/Mommsen) was
made to approve the request as submitted. All voting in favor of the motion. Motion carried. Motion
(Mommsen/Sommerfeld) to close the hearing. All voting in favor. Hearing is closed.
Request #2: (2:30 p.m.) Amacher Rezoning (Matt Shilts, Surveyor-Agent)
A request to rezone approx. 7.8 acres from the Agricultural-1 district to the Agricultural-2 district, on
property located in Section 36, in the town of Stanley. Heinecke read the public notice followed by
Gifford reading from the application the reasons for the request. The Committee reviewed the file and
received information from agent, Matt Shilts, Surveyor. The owner wishes to separate off the
buildings from the parcel and sell the tillable land to adjoining owner. After discussion and questions
by the Committee, motion (Okey/Sommerfeld) was made to approve the request as submitted. All
voting in favor of the motion. Motion carried. Motion (Mommsen/Sommerfeld) to close the hearing.
All voting in favor. Hearing is closed.
Request #3: (2:50 p.m.) Schofield Rezoning (Matt Shilts, Surveyor-Agent)
A request to rezone 40 acres from the Agricultural-1 district to the Agricultural-2 district, on property
located in Section 17, in the town of Stanley. Heinecke read the public notice followed by Gifford
reading from the application the reasons for the request. The Committee reviewed the file and
received information from agent, Matt Shilts, Surveyor. The owner wishes to separate off the existing
residence with approx. 2 acres, and build a new home on the property. After discussion and
questions by the Committee, motion (Mommsen/Okey) was made to approve the request as
submitted. All voting in favor of the motion. Motion carried.
the hearing. All voting in favor. Hearing is closed.
Motion (Okey/Sommerfeld) to close
Request #4: (3:10 p.m.) Herrman Rezoning
A request to rezone 1.712 acres from the Agricultural-1 district to the Agricultural-2 district, on
property located in Section 21, in the town of Maple Grove. Heinecke read the public notice followed
by Gifford reading from the application the reasons for the request. The Committee reviewed the file
and received information from Mr. Herrman. Mr. Herrman indicated that he was a crop farmer and
had no need for the buildings and would like to separate them off from the parcel and keep the tillable
land. He also stated that there had been a fire in the home and it is not livable. Also many of the out
buildings are not in good shape. After discussion and questions by the Committee, motion
(Sommerfeld/Mommsen) was made to approve the request as submitted. All voting in favor of the
motion. Motion carried. Motion (Okey/Sommerfeld) to close the hearing. All voting in favor.
Hearing is closed.
#6. Office Updates:
Dave indicated that construction barriers have been put in place, and Treasurer’s have moved into the
Zoning Conference room. So, things are now underway.
Dave also indicated that he is leaving for Spring Conference after the meeting; the big topic is still
sand mines.
#7. Future Agenda Items: NR-115 – deadline has been extended to February 2015.
#8. Next Meeting Date. The next meeting date is set for May 1, 2013 at 2:00 p.m.
#9. Adjournment
Motion (Okey/Sommerfeld) to adjourn the meeting at approx. 3:30 p.m., motion carried.
Pat Sirovatka, Secretary
Louis Okey, Committee Secretary
***Minutes are not official until approved by the Zoning Committee***