HM CORONER FOR SOUTH YORKSHIRE (EAST) AND WEST YORKSHIRE (WEST) INQUESTS INTO THE DEATHS RESULTING FROM THE HILLSBOROUGH STADIUM DISASTER LIST OF INDIVIDUALS AND ORGANISATIONS DESIGNATED AS INTERESTED PERSON IN THE INQUESTS PURSUANT TO SECTION 47 OF THE CORONERS AND JUSTICE ACT 2009 A: Families1 DECEASED INTERESTED PERSON RELATIONSHIP TO DECEASED Anderson, John Alfred Eileen Anderson Brian Anderson Wife Son Ashcroft, Colin Mark Janet Russell Gary Ashcroft Keith Russell Mother Brother Step father The families of Carl and Nicholas Hewitt and Martin Wild have not indicated whether they do, or do not wish to apply for designation as an IP. 40292067 v1 1 DECEASED INTERESTED PERSON RELATIONSHIP TO DECEASED Aspinall, James Gary Margaret Aspinall Mother Ball, Kester Roger Marcus Brenda Ball Juliette Corfu Mother Sister Baron, Gerard Bernard Patrick Gerard Baron Gordon Baron Son Son Bell, Simon Christopher Bell Joan Bell Father Mother Bennett, Barry Sidney Philip Bennett Brother Benson, David John B Benson Gloria Benson Father Mother Birtle, David William James Saunders Jennifer Birtle Jonathan Birtle Father Mother Brother Bland, Tony Allan Bland Barbara Bland Angela Duncan Father Mother Sister 40292067 v1 2 Brady, Paul David Marian Brady Michael Brady Mother Brother DECEASED INTERESTED PERSON RELATIONSHIP TO DECEASED Brookes, Andrew Mark Louise Brookes Sister Brown, Carl Delia Evans Brown Mother Brown, David Steven Sarah Brown Andrew Brown Wife Brother Burke, Henry Thomas Christine Burke Christine Burke Wife Daughter Burkett, Peter Lesley Roberts Michael Moss Sarah Gouldbourn Anne Burkett Catherine Gormley Sister Brother Sister Step mother Sister Carlile, Paul William Sandra Stringer Michelle Carlile Donna Miller Mother Sister Sister 40292067 v1 3 Chapman, Raymond Joan Chapman Karen Upton Andrew Chapman Wife Daughter Son Church, Gary Christopher David Church Anita McGrath Father Partner DECEASED INTERESTED PERSON RELATIONSHIP TO DECEASED Clark, Joseph Jacqueline Gilchrist Stephen Clark Jennifer Clark Partner Son Daughter Clark, Paul Ken Clark Susan Clark Father Mother Gary Collins Tracey McKeown Ian Collins John Collins Sister Brother Father Copoc, Stephen Paul Peter Copoc Angela Griffiths Brother Sister 40292067 v1 4 Cox, Tracey Elizabeth Geoff Cox Bridget Hill Jason Hill Father Sister Nephew Delaney, James Philip Nick Delaney Brother Devonside, Christopher Barry Barry Devonside Jacqueline Devonside Father Mother Edwards, Christopher Sidney Edwards Sheila Edwards Father Mother Fitzsimmons, Vincent Craig Vincent Fitzsimmons Son DECEASED INTERESTED PERSON RELATIONSHIP TO DECEASED Susan Maria Fitzsimmons Dr Dorothy Griffiths Ex wife Sister Brenda Fox Tony Fox Mother Brother Fox, Thomas Steven 40292067 v1 5 Gilhooley, Jon-Paul Ron Gilhooley Jacqueline Gilhooley Val Kadiri Paula Kadiri Father Mother Aunt Cousin Glover, Barry Stephanie Sweeney Wife Glover, Ian Thomas Teresa Glover Mother Godwin, Derrick George Margaret Godwin Stanley Godwin Valerie White Mother Father Sister Hamilton, Roy Harry Stuart Hamilton Wendy Hamilton Joanne Hamilton Son Wife Daughter Hammond, Philip Mr Hammond Mrs Philip Hammond Father Mother DECEASED INTERESTED PERSON RELATIONSHIP TO DECEASED Hankin, Eric Eric Hankin Lynsey Hankin Karen Hankin Father Daughter Wife 40292067 v1 6 Harrison, Gary Karen Harrison Paul Harrison Claire Harrison Wife Son Daughter Harrison, Peter Andrew Michael Harrison Vincent Harrison Brother Uncle Harrison, Stephen Francis Susan Harrison Stephen Harrison Lee Harrison Nicola Harrison James Harrison Wife Son Son Daughter Brother Hawley, David John Hawley Anne Hawley Leanne Hawley Son Wife Daughter Hennessy, James Robert Margaret Hennessy Karen Gooding Charlotte Hennessy Mother Sister Daughter Hewitson, Paul Anthony William Hewitson Tracey Phelan Debbie Dunn Father Sister Sister DECEASED INTERESTED PERSON RELATIONSHIP TO DECEASED 40292067 v1 7 Hicks, Sarah Louise Trevor Hicks Jenni Hicks Father Mother Hicks, Victoria Jane Trevor Hicks Jenni Hicks Father Mother Horn, Gordon Rodney Denise Hough Robert Hough Sister Brother in law Horrocks, Arthur Susan Horrocks Jon Horrocks Jamie Horrocks Widow Son Son Howard, Thomas Anthony Jnr. Linda Garton Alan Howard Gail Howard Mother Brother Sister Howard, Thomas Snr Muriel Bellamy Alan Howard Sister Son Hughes, Eric George David Hughes Lorraine Cook Son Sister Johnston, Alan Charles Johnston George Johnston Brother Brother 40292067 v1 8 Jones, Christine Anne Stephen Jones Husband DECEASED INTERESTED PERSON RELATIONSHIP TO DECEASED Mavis Alderson Charlotte Capstick Mother Sister Jones, Gary Philip Philip Jones Maureen Jones Catherine Crane Julie Flannagan Stephen Jones Father Mother Sister Sister Brother Jones, Richard Doreen Jones Stephanie Conning Mother Sister Joynes, Nicholas Peter Gillian Fudge Peter Joynes Pat Joynes Paul Joynes Michelle Berry Elaine Joynes Wife Father Mother Brother Sister Sister-in-law Kelly, Anthony Peter Elizabeth Almond Mother 40292067 v1 9 Kelly, Michael David Stephen Kelly Joanna Kelly Brother Daughter Lewis, Carl David Margaret Lewis Michael Lewis David Lewis Mother Brother Brother DECEASED INTERESTED PERSON RELATIONSHIP TO DECEASED Chantelle Lewis Daughter Mather, David William Lillian Mather John Mather Mother Brother Matthews, Brian Christopher Deborah Matthews Dianne Matthews Clarke Matthews Margaret Matthews Sister Sister Nephew Wife McAllister, Francis Joseph Mark McAllister Veronica McAllister Grace Thomas Anna Maria Kitchen Samantha Wragg Brother Mother Sister Sister Partner 40292067 v1 10 McBrien, John Joan Hope Andrew McBrien Howard Alan McBrien Mother Brother Brother McCabe, Marian Hazel Christine McEvoy Mother McCarthy, Joseph Daniel Anna McCarthy Tony Goggins Mother Cousin McDonnell, Peter Lily McDonnell Gerry McDonnell Mother Father DECEASED INTERESTED PERSON RELATIONSHIP TO DECEASED Evelyn Mills nee McDonnell Catherine Foster Sister Niece McGlone, Alan Irene McGlone Claire McGlone Amy McGlone Wife Daughter Daughter McGrath, Keith Mary Corrigan Mother 40292067 v1 11 Murray, Paul Brian Tony Murray Edna Murray Father Mother Nicol, Lee Patricia Donnelly Mother O'Neill, Stephen Francis Patricia O'Neill Lisa O’Neill Kevin O’Neill Mother Sister Father Owens, Jonathon John Owens Father Pemberton, William Roy Shirley Riley Gill Pemberton Sister Sister Rimmer, Carl William Edward Rimmer Doreen Rimmer Father Mother DECEASED INTERESTED PERSON RELATIONSHIP TO DECEASED Kevin Rimmer Gail Johnson Brother Sister Paul Rimmer Kate Scholes Linda Kirby Son Daughter Wife Rimmer, David 40292067 v1 12 Roberts, Graham John Susan Elizabeth Roberts Sister Robinson, Steven Joseph Rose Robinson Bernard Robinson Paul Robinson Peter Robinson Claire Turpin Eileen Turpin Mother Father Brother Brother Sister Sister Rogers, Henry Charles Steven Rogers Veronica Rogers Father Mother Sefton, Colin Andrew Hugh William Julie Fallon Leo Fallon Sister Brother in law Shah, Inger Becky Shah Daughter Smith, Paula Ann Walter Smith Brother DECEASED INTERESTED PERSON RELATIONSHIP TO DECEASED 40292067 v1 13 Spearritt, Adam Edward Janet Spearritt Paul Spearritt Daniel Spearritt Mother Brother Brother Steele, Philip John Dolores Steele Mother Thomas, David Leonard Valerie Thomas Mother Thompson, Patrick John Kathleen Thompson Patrick Thompson Joseph Thompson Wife Son Brother Thompson, Peter Reuben Denis Thompson Tony Thompson Brother Brother Thompson, Stuart Winifred Thompson Ivan Thompson Martin Thompson Mother Brother Brother Tootle, Peter Francis Pete Tootle Joan Tootle Father Mother Traynor, Christopher James John Traynor Paul Traynor Brother Brother 40292067 v1 14 INTERESTED PERSON RELATIONSHIP TO DECEASED Theresa Arrowsmith Elizabeth Traynor Sister Wife Traynor, Martin Kevin John Traynor Paul Traynor Theresa Arrowsmith Brother Brother Sister Tyrrell, Kevin Francis Tyrrell Margaret Tyrrell Gerard Tyrrell Father Mother Uncle Wafer, Colin James Wafer Lisa Davies Father Sister Whelan, Ian David Wilfred Whelan Mrs Whelan Father Mother Williams, Kevin Daniel Daniel Gordon Uncle Wright, Graham John George Wright Ann Wright Stephen Wright Father Sister Brother DECEASED 40292067 v1 15 B: Organisations1 1) Chief Constable of South Yorkshire Police 2) Chief Constable of West Midlands Police 3) Football Association 4) Independent Police Complaints Commission 5) Police Federation of England and Wales 6) Sheffield City Council 7) Sheffield Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust 8) Sheffield Wednesday Football Club 9) South Yorkshire Fire & Rescue Service 10)St John Ambulance 11) Yorkshire Ambulance NHS Trust 12) Director of Public Prosecutions C: Other Individuals 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) 9) Former Chief Superintendent David Duckenfield Former Chief Superintendent Roger Greenwood Former Superintendent Roger Marshall Former Assistant Chief Constable Walter Jackson Former Deputy Chief Constable Peter Hayes Former Assistant Chief Constable Stuart Anderson Former Chief Superintendent Terry Wain Former Chief Superintendent Donald Denton Former Ambulanceman Anthony Edwards 10) Peter Metcalf The applications for designation as an interested person of the Superintendents' Association of England and Wales and of the West Midlands Police were deferred at the preliminary hearing on 25 April 2013 and will be decided at a later date. 1 40292067 v1 16 40292067 v1 15