Graduate Education Facts Communication Sciences and Disorders Missouri State University Audiology (AuD) 2012 2013 2014 2015 Applications Received 54 70 80 78 GPA Average – Accepted 3.7 3.2-4.0 GRE Average – Accepted 146-154 V 146-153 Q 149-155 V 148-153 Q 3.14-3.97 (mean = 3.6) 146-165 V 145-161 Q 3.25-3.96 (mean = 3.6) 144-164 V 144-158 Q Institution Name In-State Tuition per Credit Hour Out-of-State Tuition per Credit Hour Credit Hours for Graduation Missouri State University $285 $541 105-111 Washington University Flat rate of $23,650 per semester (or $1,971 per unit for registrations < 9 units) 102 University of Kansas $376.20 $880 110 University of Arkansas at Little Rock $300 $690 118 Job Outlook* Projected growth of 34% for 2012-2022, much faster than the average for all occupations Median Salary* $69,720 (Occupational Outlook Handbook 2014-2015) * Education of the Deaf and Hard-of-Hearing (MS) Applications Received 2012 17 2013 4 2014 11 2015 8 GPA Average – Accepted GRE Average – Accepted (MS) 3.1 293/3.5 3.5 277/3.0 3.34 2.91 3.49 Institution Name Missouri State University In-State Tuition per Credit Hour $285 Out-of-State Tuition per Credit Hour $541 Washington University Flat rate of $23,650 per semester (or $1,971 per unit for registrations < 9 units) Fontbonne University $660 (same as In-State) Credit Hours for Graduation 46-48 56 Job Outlook* Median Salary* Projected growth of 6% for 2012-2022, slower than the $55,060 (Occupational Outlook Handbook 2014-2015), likely average for all occupations for a 10-month contract) * (Data for special education teachers) 05/2015 Speech Language Pathology (MS) Applications Received GPA Average – Accepted GRE Average – Accepted 2012 115 2013 192 3.7 147-154 V 144-149 Q 3.5-4.0 149-155 V 149-152 Q Missouri State University In-State Tuition per Credit Hour $285 Out-of-State Tuition per Credit Hour $541 University of Missouri Fontbonne University $350 $660 $587 (Same as In-State) 48 45 Rockhurst University $800 (Same as In-State) 48 Institution Name Job Outlook* Projected growth of 19% for 2012-2022, faster than the average for all occupations Credit Hours for Graduation 58-61 Median Salary* $69,870, (Occupational Outlook Handbook 2014-2015) * 05/2015