RESEARCH UNIT LIMNOLOGY CONFEDERATION RIVER OF JÚCAR "SINGULAR AGREEMENT FOR RESEARCH, STUDY AND CONTROL FOR INITIAL CHARACTERIZATION AND SPECIAL QUALITY MONITORING CERTAIN INLAND SECTIONS BIOLOGICAL TREATMENT UNDER enhanced IN THE SCOPE OF THE HYDROGRAPHIC CONFEDERATION OF THE JÚCAR” Selecting sections susceptible of treatment pilot study. Under the "singular research agreement, study and control for initial characterization and special monitoring of the quality of certain river sections subjected to enhanced biological treatments in the scope of the Hydrographical Confederation of the Júcar " has made a selection of points amenable to implementation as a pilot of enhanced biological treatment for regeneration of degraded stream channels with sediment study. Selection Criteria Based on a number of criteria, which are listed below, there has been a process of selection of areas amenable to treatment in the pilot study, with a progressive discarding of riverine areas based on these criteria to focus treatment on the susceptibility this pilot test in a smaller number of areas. The criteria used to exclude areas at each stage of selection are diverse, and as will be seen in each phase takes some more important than others, but in general we can define the following: - There is no significant sediment accumulation. - High flow, which an excessive amount of product would require. - Water quality is not good enough and treatment lose - Efficiency because the action would focus not only on the lees. - The alleged shoddy biological pointing index is not due to the - Contamination to natural causes (e.g. drying time.). - The amount and type of pollution accumulated in sediments was not adequate. - The sections are dried for a period of the year. - There are currently or have been toxic discharges affecting the stretch. - Not available upstream portion of a benchmark unaffected by pollution. - Amount of organic matter degradability of it. - Search for the best possible environmental heterogeneity between sections, sections are rejected with similar environmental characteristics - Accessibility to the treatment Annex 1 includes, for example, a specimen summary of the data collected for each section. First stage For this first screening were used data supplied by the CHJ, consisting of information available from the ICA network control water quality and the results of network design biological quality, all relating to in the scope of the Hydrographical Confederation of the Júcar. Based on all issues relevant to the physical, chemical and biological water quality analysis data a preliminary list of 48 points of the river network is provided with this listing and the information provided at the meeting held at the headquarters of CHJ on June 13, 2001 with the assistance of D. Henry Correcher, and D. Antonio Yañez by CHJ, José García by the current contractor, D ª. Ana Pujante as an expert in the biological quality of rivers, Eduardo Vicente and Antonio Camacho as directors of the study by professors at the University of Valencia, D. Carlos Rochera and D. Antonio Picazo and as biologists involved in the working group at the University of Valencia, finally shortlisted 51 points of the river network in the field of CHJ attending the main criteria that have been areas historically had produced a degradation of the channel as a result of discharges of sewage or other impacts (eg. forest fires), but lately you would have improved the quality of the circulating water. As a main tool for estimating initial degradation of river sediments biological river quality indices were used, since in principle these be maintained at values indicative of poor quality in those areas, despite the improvement of the quality of the circulating water, the accumulated sediment would remain as the main source of contaminants. The initial screening after analysing data from about 400 river sections includes the following sections: ICA 6 8 52 ICAB 2 4 32 RÍO MIJARES MIJARES PALANCIA LOCALIDAD VILLARREAL RIBESALBES SOT DE FERRER 55 61 68 69 102 117 35 186 53 55 90 101 PALANCIA TURIA TURIA TURIA JUCAR MAGRO JÉRICA CHULILLA TORREBAJA TERUEL ALARCON ALGEMESI 119 120 232 103 MAGRO MAGRO TURÍS MACASTRE 123 125 105 62 MAGRO ARCOS AZUD -EL PONTÓN ARCOS SALINAS 129 131 133 137 69 71 72 74 TUÉJAR SOT(REATILLO) SOT(REATILLO) ALFAMBRA CALLES CHULILLA CHERA (Buseo) TERUEL 141 107 BUÑOL ALBORACHE 142 144 108 106 BUÑOL MADRE BUÑOL UTIEL 147 148 149 113 ALBAIDA ALBAIDA CAÑOLES XÁTIVA MONTABERNER (fuente) XÁTIVA 150 152 160 165 234 117 125 CÁÑOLES CLARIANO GRANDE MORENO AYACOR MONTABERNER QUESA AZUD DE BICORP 196 143 GRITOS VALVERDE DEL JÚCAR 200 145 CHILLARÓN CUENCA 207 157 SERPIS LORCHA 208 210 215 216 158 219 165 SERPIS SERPIS BULLENS RACONS BENIARRÉS MURO DE ALCOY OLIVA DENIA 238 270 275 276 177 33 233 114 VINALOPÓ PALANCIA MAGRO ALBAIDA BENEJAMA GELDO REQUENA (SAN ANTONIO) BELLUS 277 116 CÁÑOLES VALLADA 282 306 138 202 CARBONERAS TARAZONA DE LA MANCHA 327 201 342 118 73 54 GUADAZAÓN VALDEMEMBRA XERACO (VACA) CLARIANO SOT(REATILLO) TURIA MAGRO MAGRO ALBAIDA ALBAIDA ALBAIDA TAVERNES DE VALLDIGNA ONTENIENTE REQUENA VILLEL UTIEL(Bajo puente de la autopista) UTIEL (Depuradora de Utiel) MONTABERNER (estación alerta) ALBAIDA(puente antes depuradora) ALBAIDA(depuradora) Second stage Having made the initial screening step is to check and, if necessary, sampling each present points with the intention of verifying the adequacy of the section visited based on the following criteria: Presence of sediment suitable for the application of biological treatment Discard the dried sections for some period of the year. Based on these criteria, from the existing 51 in Annex 1se shortlisted the following 21 sections: ICA ICAB RÍO LOCALIDAD 119 120 232 103 MAGRO MAGRO TURÍS MACASTRE 123 133 144 105 72 106 MAGRO SOT(REATILLO) MADRE AZUD -EL PONTÓN CHERA (Buseo) UTIEL 150 160 207 234 CÁÑOLES GRANDE SERPIS AYACOR QUESA LORCHA 157 210 216 219 165 SERPIS RACONS MURO DE ALCOY DENIA 238 270 275 277 306 177 33 233 116 202 BENEJAMA GELDO REQUENA (SAN ANTONIO) VALLADA TARAZONA DE LA MANCHA 327 201 VINALOPÓ PALANCIA MAGRO CÁÑOLES VALDEMEMBRA XERACO (VACA) MAGRO MAGRO ALBAIDA ALBAIDA ALBAIDA TAVERNES DE VALLDIGNA UTIEL(Bajo puente de la autopista) UTIEL (Depuradora de Utiel) MONTABERNER (estación alerta) ALBAIDA(puente antes depuradora) ALBAIDA(depuradora) Third stage After making the visits and shortlisting the 21 tranches, based on the criteria used in Phase 2 were appropriate for treatment, was intended to limit this list to those with optimal characteristics for the application of the treatment according to the following criteria: Extent of area (estimated volume of sediment to be treated). Amount of organic matter in sediments (% volatile organic matter, TOC, NT, BOD5 and COD dichromate). Degradability of the organic matter (ratio BOD / COD) Finding the best possible heterogeneity between different selected sections, so that the conclusions can be extrapolated to the larger number of possible conditions. Accessibility regarding treatment application under criteria of the data provided by the contractor. High flow, which an excessive amount of product would require. Water quality at present (presence of uncontrolled discharges which may affect treatment compliance, e.g. additional input of organic matter, presence of toxic in specific moments and uncontrolled), based on information from the ICA network. Existence upstream of the selected portion of a benchmark sediment quality that is suitable for estimating a desirable objective quality after the performance. Based on these criteria, presented and discussed in the meeting held on May 9, 2002 at the headquarters of the CHJ, and attended Henry D. Correcher by CHJ, José García and two technicians Analaqua company by the contractor, Antonio Camacho as the coordinator of the study by the University of Valencia, and D. D. Carlos Antonio Picazo and Rochera as biologists involved in the working group at the University of Valencia, settled three categories of susceptibility to treatment: appropriate sections, sections with reservations feasible and discarded sections. 1. Appropriate Sections: ICA 207 275 277 306 ICAB 157 233 116 202 RÍO SERPIS MAGRO CÁÑOLES VALDEMEMBRA MAGRO ALBAIDA LOCALIDAD LORCHA REQUENA (SAN ANTONIO) VALLADA TARAZONA DE LA MANCHA UTIEL(Bajo puente-Depuradora) ALBAIDA(puente antes depuradora) Serpis River (Lorcha): This point has a high volume of sediments accumulated mainly along the wall of the dam and riparian zones, has an acceptable accessibility for both sampling and for the application of the treatment. In the analysis carried high levels of sediment organic matter average degradability observed. Besides not having a high water flow and has an acceptable quality. Several Kms upstream the river has a better quality in the water and sediment, allowing taking this as a reference point. For all this section is suitable for the pilot study. Magro River (San Antonio de Requena): This point has a high volume of sediments (from industrial and urban sources-wine-and olive water channel vegetation) in a well-defined area where a ravine that has historically contributed wastewater arrives, has good accessibility to both sampling to product application. In the analysis of the sediment carried high levels of organic matter with good degradability observed also no high flow. The water quality has improved, with discharges released (1 year which began operating the WWTP). Immediately upstream river no better quality, or water or sediment, keeping these conditions upstream to Mother River stretch in which could set a benchmark. For all this section is suitable for the pilot study. Magro River (Utiel - Filter): This point has a high volume of sediments (urban and industrial origin) in a welldefined area where the sewage poured currently Utiel has good accessibility to both sampling and for product application. Sediment analyses show high levels of organic matter with good degradability, not presenting a high flow rate. The water quality has improved, with discharges released (2 years ago to operate the WWTP). The Mother River could equally suit as a benchmark in this segment. By this point it is appropriate for the pilot study. Cáñoles River (Vallada weir): This point in a dam the river Cáñoles presents a considerable volume of sediment (urban and industrial origin Mogente Fenced and with the presence of plant debris riverside distillery, mill, solvents, varnishes, etc. .....) in an area well defined. The section has good accessibility to both sampling and for product application. In the analysis of the sediment carried high levels of organic matter degradability mediumlow and average flow observed tranche visited. Tranche conditions make it suitable for the pilot study. Albaida River (Bridge before the WWTP): This point has a high volume of historical sediments (urban and industrial origin, including Dirty olive extract slaughterhouse, dyes, etc. ....) in a well-defined to reach a bridge before the filter of Albaida area for a couple of years working the WWTP. It has good accessibility to both sampling and for product application. The analyses performed high levels of organic matter are found in the pellet with good degradability, also are at low flow. The water has an acceptable quality, discharges released. Upstream in the river there is a section with sediment in good condition it is taken as reference point, being all suitable for treatment in the pilot study. Valdemembra River (Tarazona de la Mancha) This section presents a very high volume of historical sediment in a well-defined area around the stretch of river from the sewage of Tarazona and over half a mile. The better defined and more sediment volume area is about 350 meters from the sewage, has good accessibility to both sampling and for product application. In the analysis of the sediment carried higher levels of organic matter with good degradability observed also no high flow. The water has a good quality, with discharges released. Immediately upstream river no good quality or water or sediment, but a point that can serve as a reference point be sought. By this point it is appropriate for the pilot study. 2. Feasible sections with reservations ICA ICAB RÍO LOCALIDAD XERACO (VACA) XERACO MAGRO UTIEL - AUTOVIA 120 103 MAGRO 123 105 MAGRO MACASTRE AZUD -EL PONTÓN GRANDE QUESA SERPIS VINALOPÓ MURO DE ALCOY ALBAIDA MONTABERNER (Estación de alerta) 160 210 219 238 177 BENEJAMA Vaca River (XERACO): Sediments from urban and agricultural untreated, currently the Edar's of Sheath Benifairó and Tavernes work. In the vicinity of the mouth there are areas with little water flow with a sediment layers near the two power meters. According to this stretch Scientific technical criteria would be appropriate for treatment, although preferably those selected previously, but their social interest, could make advisable choice criterion under the direction of the study (CHJ). Magro River (Utiel - dual carriageway): This point has a high volume of sediments (urban and industrial origin) in a welldefined area has good accessibility to both sampling and for product application. The sediment has high levels of organic matter with good degradability, without a high flow rate. The water has an acceptable quality, discharges released (two years ago that works 500 meters downstream WWTP) receives sporadic but littering. The Mother River could equally suit as a benchmark in this segment. By this point it would be appropriate for the pilot study, however sediment accumulation is not uniform and the area to be treated not as defined, which penalizes the choice of this point. Magro River (Macastre): This point has a high volume of sediment in a well-defined area has good accessibility to both sampling and for product application. The presence of organic matter with good degradability observed in sediment analyses performed also no high flow. The water has an acceptable quality. Upstream the river has a relatively good quality in both water and sediment. However there are already two points on the river Magro selected so this, in which the problem of sediment contamination is not as pronounced, is no longer booking. Magro River (weir - Ponton): At this point a lot of historical sediments (urban and industrial of various types, dregs, tanneries, etc. ....) with organic matter and toxic potential is observed, is the presence of toxic and that there are two points already selected in the Magro river leaving this section as potentially usable but in reserve. Grande River (Quesa): This point has a high volume of sediment (dregs and urban, with more than 15 years old, from collectors untreated population makes up just began operating the WWTP.) In a well-defined area, has a good accessibility to both sampling and for the application of the treatment. In the analysis of the sediment carried high levels of organic matter are observed with good degradability. Furthermore, the flow rate is low. The water has an acceptable quality; the only landfill is receiving the treatment plant. Before this spill about 300 meters upstream the river has good quality in water and sediment, allowing taking this as a reference point. By this point it was very suitable for the pilot study. But recent rains have led to a crawl much of the accumulated sediment, so after further inspection of the area to assess what happened the previous rating changes, as optimal stretch, now doing these circumstances discourage their choice. Serpis River (Muro de Alcoy): Despite having a high volume of sediments (urban and industrial waste, textiles, vegetable water, trash), with high levels of organic matter, and is easily accessible, the water that reaches it is not of acceptable quality for the study to carry out is present (WWTP's of Alcoy and Font de la Pedra have overload problems) as part of the product would be wasted with input and with no sediment. Vinalopó River (Benejama): The location of this point is that of a nearly clogged with organic sediments with a medium to low weir degradability, and in which the main problem is attributable to the lack of a water layer important enough to not produce a high degree of desiccation at some point experience to counsel rejected. These sediments are mainly from urban and industrial sources (industrial oils, paper and tissues), these contributions in more or less continue representing yet another problem to study. Albaida River (Montaberner - Season alert): This point has a sufficient volume of sediment in a well-defined area has good accessibility to both sampling and for product application. In the analysis carried sediment organic matter average levels with a mean half-degradability and high flow are observed. Water quality is conditioned to the proper functioning of the treatment plant Montaberner, which poured about 100 meters upstream and discharges of rivers Clariano Albaida and both have problems receiving WWTP discharges with difficult treatment of influent industrial origin. 3. Discarded sections RÍO MAGRO ICA 119 ICAB 232 133 72 SOT(REATILLO) 144 106 MADRE LOCALIDAD TURÍS CHERA (Cola del embalse de Buseo) UTIEL 150 216 270 234 165 33 CÁÑOLES RACONS PALANCIA ALBAIDA AYACOR DENIA GELDO ALBAIDA(depuradora) Magro River (Turis): This section presents a large volume of sediment clog the passage of the river through a bridge-speed bump. This fact entails the need to derive almost completely the flow of water through a side ditch, so that, although the analysis performed confirm the existence of organic sediment in this point, the minimum amount of water retained by the natural course strongly discouraged conducting experience. Sot River (Chera - Cola Buseo reservoir): Sediment deposition presented in this section is associated with typical sediment logical processes of reservoirs and their content of organic compounds is too low to require an act of this nature. To this must be added the wide fluctuation in water level in the reservoir area, which might impede the normal development of the performance. Mother River (Utiel): Presents a timely manner with points accumulated proportions of organic compounds that would justify application of the treatment, but the absolute volume of treatable sediment is too small. This point seems more into the role of reference point for potential applications carried out in tranches more lowly on the Magro River. Cáñoles River (Ayacor): This point has a high volume of sediment in a well-defined area, has good accessibility to both sampling and for the application of the treatment. In the analysis of the sediment carried high levels of organic matter are observed with an unsatisfactory degradability, most likely due to the existence of toxic and / or the type of organic matter in sediments (with WWTP Canals and continuous problems tanneries, textile dyes) that associated with poor water quality industries strongly discouraged application of treatment in this section at the stage of pilot study. Racons River (Dénia): The volume of sediment in this section is very important, with a high percentage of organic compounds, the degradability of which is probably too low because of their origin (urban and agricultural discharges Pego, surplus irrigation, as well as the decomposition of plant residues from their environment). You’re selected in part for their obvious interested saline character, which provide greater amplitude of the test conditions. However, the main criticism of the actions in this section is its inclusion in a protected area due to bureaucratic obstacles that lead to design a performance at this point. Palancia River (Geldo): The area of fine sediments of this section, with average content of organic matter, which could be of interest, is restricted to the output of a ditch where the channel flow is retained and not be a circumstance extrapolated to the rest of the channel, where the gravel bed is the water flow and prevents the deposition of fine sediments. Abaida River (Weir - WWTP): Weir clogged with sediments of different grain size, with dark organic matter and odors, comes trawl urban and industrial discharges Albaida until commissioning of the WWTP a couple of years ago. However, the main sediment accumulation is upstream on the bridge has been selected as a suitable stage. VBº The Head of Prof. Dr. Antonio Camacho I Quality Control Research Unit Limnology ANEXO 1