Ms. J. Miner WORLD HISTORY FINAL PROJECT Fall, 2015 Print 2-sided; attach to your project NAME_______________________________ Ms. J. Miner WORLD HISTORY FINAL PROJECT Fall (A B+) Proficiency Level (B C) Learning Level (C- D ) ATTACH Both EC Mastery sheets Level TO YOUR PROJECT!! NAME___________________________________________ Government STORY ELEMENTS Vocabulary Narrative History Accuracy Creativity Agricultural Revolution and Industrialization Personal narrative (“Oral history” style) Vocabulary *All Mandatory words included *More than minimum # * Vocabulary woven *More than four illustrations. * seamlessly into story Illustrations help to explain the text *History is informative and clear, and * Vocabulary words used/described the narrative is in interesting correctly and context. *to read, *History is chronologically Government system(s) are well correct/logical. described and logically incorporated into the narrative. *Government “evolves” over time AND is woven into the narrative of *More than four illustrations. the Agricultural and Industrial Revolutions. help to explain the * Illustrations Sustainable Development Overall Feasibility * Four illustrations. * Illustrations are * Vocabulary words events used/described correctly relevant *Historical are not clearly * Government are described. described, or thesystem(s) text is “dry.” *History is may have a few errors of chronology or logic. *Government “evolves” over time in a logical manner. * Four illustrations. * Illustrations are relevant text *Personal narration is *Personal narration is interesting, but *All Mandatory included *More historical *All Mandatory words * Vocabulary entertaining, and words historical events events are notincluded clearly described. than minimum # * Vocabulary woven *History used in is context andaexplained. are clearly described. *History is may have few errors of seamlessly into story chronologically correct/logical. chronology or logic. Accuracy Graphic Novel *All Mandatory words included *Minimum number met * Vocabulary is used in context * Vocabulary“tell words *Illustrations theused/described story“ with correctly in context. * Elements few captionsand , dialogue well-utilized of Ag. Revo. & Industrialization *Incorporates information visually,well described and logically incorporated e.g. charts, graphs, etc. *Story is into the narrative. * Connection entertaining, and historical events between Rev. and, *History is are clearly Ag. described. Industrialization is clearly stated. chronologically correct/logical. * Change to sustainable development is within the range of possibility. Steps toward Sustainable Development are well described and logically and creatively incorporated into the narrative. * Vocabulary words used/described correctly and in context. * Elements of Ag. Revo. & Industrialization well described and logically *Illustrations with*the help of incorporated “tell into the the story” narrative. Connection dialogue and captions. *Story is interesting, between Ag. Rev. and Industrialization may be and historical events are clearly described. , murky. *History is may have a few errors of chronology or logic. * Change to sustainable development is within the range of possibility, and the steps are described. *Mandatory words missing * Fewer than minimum number used * Vocabulary words seemed “tacked on” *Fewer than four illustrations. *Illustrations are missing or are not relevant *Distracting errors in use or description of * This story puts the reader to sleep. vocabulary words *Government systems *Errors of chronology or logic are described inaccurately *Description of distracting. government not incorporated logically into story. *Government does not evolve. * Fewer than four illustrations. * Illustrations are missing or are not relevant * Story teller puts the reader to *Mandatory missing or * Fewer than sleep. *Errors words of chronology logic are minimum number used * Vocabulary words distracting. seemed “tacked on” *Distracting errors in use or description of vocabulary words * Elements of Ag. Revo. & Industrialization described inaccurately * Connection between Ag. Rev. and with *”Graphic Novel” is only some pictures Industrialization is missing *Story line is a couple of lines of explanation. inadequate (it isn’t a story) *Errors of chronology or logic are distracting. * Change to sustainable development seems farfetched. * Steps toward Sustainable Development are missing or not well incorporated into narrative.