Subsidisation of research partners by the LKMP Document1; page 1 Proposal submission forms B.2. Project proposal form Use ID as file name! Instrument and proposal ID Instrument: PRP Collaborative PRP Paralleled PRP ☐ ☐ ☐ SCP ☐ Instrument_Lab.Initials_Acronym_Subm°Date_B2 e.g. IRC_LKMP_TOTO_141216_B2 ID : …………………………………._B2 Proposal Acronym Submission Date Reception Date Reserved for administration Proposal Title / Titre de la proposition Please provide your title both in English and in French. In case of acceptation, the title might be posted on LKMP and CEPGL website, with name and contact of recipient, as well as summary of the proposal. Research area(s) Indicate the research area(s) to which the proposed project correspond the best (multiple choices allowed). Gaz and Energy Seismology and geodynamic Hydrobiology and Fisheries Limnology Environment and biodiversity Public policies and Law Process engineering Social Sciences - Humanities Other (specify): ………………………………………… ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ Requested amount (in Euros) Provide here the total amount requested. This amount should correspond to the total amount presented in the annexed Excel budget file (Form_B3)! Proposal Keywords Subsidisation of research partners by the LKMP Document1; page 2 Proposal Synthesis Provide a summary of the proposed project, its general plan of implementation, articulation with previous expertise of the partners, and importance for the understanding of Lake Kivu issues. (Maximum 1 page). Please provide your summary also in French. In case of acceptation, this summary might be posted on LKMP and CEPGL website, with title, as well as name and contact of recipient. Subsidisation of research partners by the LKMP Document1; page 3 Short summary of previous work Please write a brief report (maximum 1 page) on your previous works establishing a link with your new project, and showing how this proposal is coherent with the expertise of the laboratory. Subsidisation of research partners by the LKMP Document1; page 4 Description of the project Describe your proposed project according to the sections provided below. The whole description should not exceed 5 pages. 1. Subject and objectives of the proposal (Describe briefly the subject and goals of your project) 2. State of the art (Provide a report of the current state of knowledge on the topic proposed) 3. Description of the tasks and work plan (Number and describe the different tasks of the project, and if applicable the partner responsible of each tasks. Also provide the work plan for the whole duration of the project. The financial part of the planned tasks is to be filled in in the Form_B3) Subsidisation of research partners by the LKMP Document1; page 5 Synergies If applicable, describe the interactions planned between the different partners of the project, both between laboratories/institutions and between areas of expertise, and specify the practical details of the collaboration. This applied also for paralleled projects. Clearly explain the added value of the international partner when applicable. Describe, if applicable, the envisioned synergies with stakeholders. Also indicate the contribution of non-financed partners if any. (Maximum 1.5 page) Subsidisation of research partners by the LKMP Document1; page 6 Associated risk(s) of failure Describe here the risks of not achieving of foreseen results. (Maximum 0.5 page) Subsidisation of research partners by the LKMP Document1; page 7 Prospects and foreseen impacts Describe the foreseen impacts of the project and its prospect for a better understanding of Lake Kivu and issues related to Lake Kivu, for the scientific community in general and for the regional scientific community in particular, as well as for the regional stakeholders and society in general. Explain also the impact(s) the project will have on your research capacities and research achievements. (Maximum 1.5 page) Subsidisation of research partners by the LKMP Document1; page 8 Proposed experts Provide name and contact of up to three scientific experts likely to evaluate the proposal. Experts should meet the following criteria: Be outstanding well recognised in their research field Have no direct link with the network which submit the present project proposal Have no co-publications with any of the partners within the last 2 years (at least for one expert) Not belong to the same institution as the foreign partner (if any) Not be part of the CEPGL scientific community Expert Nr 1 Full Name Gender ☐ Male ☐ Female ☐ Male ☐ Female Institution Laboratory Address Country Telephone(s) E-mail Website Expertise Motivation of the choice (10 lines max.) Expert Nr 2 Full Name Gender Institution Laboratory Subsidisation of research partners by the LKMP Document1; page 9 Address Country Telephone(s) E-mail Website Expertise Motivation of the choice (10 lines max.) Expert Nr 3 Full Name Gender Institution Laboratory Address Country Telephone(s) E-mail Website Expertise Motivation of the choice (10 lines max.) ☐ Male ☐ Female