No accredited programmes

Department of English & Humanities
Department of Cultures & Languages
Department of History of Art
Department of Film, Media and Cultural Studies
No accredited programmes
No accredited programmes
No accredited programmes
No accredited programmes
Department of Computer Science & Informatics
Body accredited by
Nature of accreditation
Period of accreditation
MSc Computer Science
British Computer Society
Accredited as partially meeting the educational requirement for CITP registration for a
period not exceeding five intakes from the 2011 intake up to and including the 2015 intake,
in the full time and part time modes, conditionally as indicated, as follows:
Students must take module COIY065D7 MSc Computer Science Project.
For a period not exceeding
five intakes from the 2011
intake up to and including the
2015 intake
Accredited as fully meeting the educational requirement for CITP registration and partially
meeting the educational requirement for CSci registration for a period not exceeding five
intakes from the 2011 intake, in the part time mode, conditionally.
For a period not exceeding
five intakes from the 2011
intake 2015
BSc Information Systems
and Management
British Computer Society
Students must pass module COIY032U Project, Information Systems and Management;
type 3, Information Systems Project or Type 4, Computing Project and this must be
evidenced on the transcript.
FD Information
Technology (UFSITTEC_C)
British Computer Society
Accredited as partially meeting the educational requirement for IEng registration for a
period not exceeding five intakes from the 2011 intake, in the part time mode,
For a period not exceeding
five intakes from the 2011
intake. 2015
Students must pass the project without compensation.
FD Web Technologies
British Computer Society
Accredited as partially meeting the educational requirement for IEng registration for a
period not exceeding five intakes from the 2011 intake, in the part time mode,
For a period not exceeding
five intakes from the 2011
intake. 2015
Students must pass the project without compensation.
Department of Economics, Mathematics and Statistics
Body accredited by
Nature of accreditation
Period of accreditation
MSc Applied Statistics
Royal Statistical Society
Students awarded the MSc are granted Graduate Statistician Status (Grad Stat). This is the
academic side of the Professional qualification of Chartered Statistician (CSTAT).
2014 Accredited to the Royal
Statistical Society
The following accredited programmes are pathways from MSc Applied Statistics
TMSSTOPR_C MSc Applied Statistics & Operational Research
TMSSTSMO_C MSc Applied Statistics and Stochastic Modelling
Department of Organizational Psychology
Body accredited by
Nature of accreditation
Period of accreditation
MSc Human Resource
Development and
Consultancy (TMSHRMCC_C);
Chartered Institute of Personnel
and Development (CIPD)
This award is CIPD approved. Successful completion of these MSc will provide students
with the underpinning knowledge for CIPD Professional membership. Students may join
CIPD as student members.
2 June 2012 for a period of 5
years. 2017
MSc Human Resource
BSc Business Psychology
MSc Career Management
and Coaching
Association of Business
The Career Development Institute
MSc Occupational
Psychology (TMSPSOCC_C)
The British Psychological Society
The programme contributes to the entry requirements for the professional qualification of
Chartered Occupational Psychologist.
Current agreement valid until
Body accredited by
Nature of accreditation
Period of accreditation
LLB/LLM Qualifying
Law Degree
The Joint Academic Stage Board (JASB)
of the Bar Standards Board (previously
called The Council of Legal Education
and the General Council of the Bar)
and the Solicitors Regulation Authority
(SRA) (previously called The Law
Students awarded the degree will be entitled to receive a Certificate of Completion of the
Academic Stage of Legal Education for solicitors. The four-year LLB Law is accredited as: LLB
Law (Part-time). The LLB Law (Accelerated) is accredited as: LLB Law Senior Status. Students
who comply with certain time requirements are exempt from taking the ‘Part 1’ qualifying
programme. Degree recognised as a Qualifying Law Degree for the purposes of completing
the Academic Stage of Training for the Bar.
A ‘Request for Recognition
and Certification of
Compliance’ was completed
in March 2001 and
recognition was renewed.
The JASB validated the 6 year route of the part time LLB for a period of 5 years from October
The SRA has renewed its
validation from May 2014
until December 2016.
The JASB also accredits the LLM.
The SRA validates the qualifying law degrees for LLB Law - full time, part time and
decelerated modes, and the LLM Law full time and part time modes.
Department of Biological Sciences
Body accredited by
Nature of accreditation
Period of accreditation
MSc Analytical
Royal Society of Chemistry
Exemption from Part A of the MChemA examination.
Approval confirmed in 2007.
(Remains current unless
programme is significantly
Department of Psychological Sciences
Body accredited by
Nature of accreditation
Period of accreditation
BSc Psychology
British Psychological Society
Confers eligibility for Graduate membership of the British Psychological Society (BPS).
August 2018
British Psychological Society
Accreditation by the BPS in November 2008 for 5 years.
August 2018
MSc Psychology
Department of Earth & Planetary Sciences
BSc Geology
The Geological Society
Accreditation by The Geological Society in June 1998.
January 2016
Department of Applied Linguistics & Communication
Department of Geography, Environment & Development Studies
Department of History, Classics & Archaeology
Department of Philosophy
Department of Politics
No accredited programmes
No accredited programmes
No accredited programmes
No accredited programmes
No accredited programmes
Department of Central Provision Unit
Body accredited by
Graduate Certificate
in Teaching and
Supporting Learning in
Higher Education
Higher Education Academy
Nature of accreditation
Period of accreditation
5 years from Sept 2011 to
August 2016
PGCE: Higher
Higher Education Academy
Since October 2003 the award has been the recognised route for Birkbeck College
probationers to obtain an accredited teaching qualification.
A formal request for re-accreditation with the Higher Education Academy was made in July
2013. Accreditation was granted for three years from September 2013 – WAITING FINAL
Accreditation has been
granted for three years –
until August 2016
Department of Psychosocial Studies
Body accredited by
Nature of accreditation
Graduate Diploma /
MSc Psychodynamic
Counselling and
The British Association for Counselling
and Psychotherapy (BACP)
Students have access to BACP whilst after graduating and completing counselling training
Graduate Diploma /
MSc Psychodynamic
Counselling and
Psychotherapy with
Children and
The British Association for Counselling
and Psychotherapy (BACP)
Students have access to BACP whilst after graduating and completing counselling training
FnD Short-term
Counselling and CBT
The British Association for Counselling
and Psychotherapy (BACP)
Period of accreditation
BACP Accredited
BACP Accredited
Currently applying for accreditation with The British Association for Counselling and
Psychotherapy (BACP)
September 2020