LOCAL ISSUE ARGUMENT/PERSUASION Choose a local problem/issue that affects you in some way. This must be an issue that directly or indirectly has an impact on your life here in Marin or as a Bay Area resident. What is happening in your neighborhood, town, county, commute, job, or school? Look online or in the newspapers (Marin IJ) for an issue; ask Chuck, or ask your parents what they consider a legitimate local issue to argue. Once you have an issue, then you will launch into each phase of building your argument, making it bigger and more powerful with each step. Please do not ask to vary or alter these simple guidelines. The Local Issue Persuasion Essay 50 points In this essay, you must add as much evidence as makes sense in a short essay. Use cause-and-effect, comparison/contrast, process analysis, narration, anecdotes, quotations, statistics, etc, to make your point. Once you’ve made your argument, you must persuade your audience to act. Show us how we can help resolve the issue. Your credibility and authority hinges directly on whether you support your thesis and each point you make. Your grade will also hinge directly on how well you followed directions. An endless rant without evidence is not worth the paper it’s printed on. Do not argue for legalizing marijuana, lowering the drinking age, or eliminating all police. All of these are obvious, predictable, tired, and selfserving. Choose something less predictable. There will be a sign-up for topics and there is only one topic (one local issue) per student unless you are arguing opposite sides. Basic Ingredients for the Argument Essay: 1. All the standard format stuff for any essay you would write for this class. 2. A main point, evidence, and a conclusion. 3. Maximum length: TWO FULL PAGES, DOUBLE-SPACED (about 750 words). 4. Bibliography, DONE IN THE PROPER BIBLIOGRAPHY FORMAT. 5. No spelling errors. No grammar errors. No clarity errors. Edit until your brain aches. The Local Issue Persuasion Speech 50 points 1. Use note cards. Read score guide for more information. 2. Five-minute MAXIMUM LENGTH for speech and four-minute MINIMUM LENGTH. 3. No visual aids. Your words must persuade us. ESSAY AND SPEECH DUE: FRIDAY, MAY 3rd at 10 a.m. ************************************************************************************** The Letter to the Editor EXTRA CREDIT 25 PTS Use the letter-to-the-editor guidelines for local newspapers or magazines and submit a letter for the editorial page and try to get published. How do you do that? 1. Don’t go over the word limit. Each newspaper has a different word limit. 2. Choose the right balance of opinion and evidence as the space allows. 3. Proofread for clarity. It’s gotta make sense. 4. Proofread for errors. You should not have a single error in your letter. 5. Send it to local papers before May 3rd. You will collect your extra credit points when I see the hardcopy version before May 17th. 6. Email a brief introduction to the editor; let the editor know that you are a high school student and that you think it would be fantastic if your voice was heard in your community, blah, blah. 7. Name, age and school must be at the close of your letter. If you do ALL of the above, and you get published, you will get 25 points for each publishing. Bring in your letter once it is published. Check websites for each local paper and find out who places the letters in the paper. Who is the editor of that page? There are more papers out there than you think. Look into it and get those points. Also, it looks pretty darn good if your writing is getting published out there in the big wide world. Especially if you want to write professionally or when you apply to schools next year. There are websites that publish student work. Seek and ye shall find. THIS ASSIGNMENT IS OPTIONAL. LOCAL ISSUE ARGUMENT/PERSUASION This is an example of the letter guidelines from the Marin Independent Journal Letters We greatly appreciate your feedback. Please confine letters to no more than 250 words, or approximately one typewritten page, double-spaced. Letters must be legible and are subject to editing and must include the writer's name, address and daytime phone. We'll need to call you to verify all letters submitted by e-mail. You can convey letters to the IJ in a variety of ways. Send letters to: Readers' Forum, Marin Independent Journal, P.O. Box 6150, Novato, 949486150. Fax letters to: Readers' Forum, 415-883-5458. To e-mail: Click on the link below, and compose or paste the contents of your letter in the message box. Opinion@marinij.com Once your get published, bring the newspaper into Team and you will receive 25 points extra credit for every time or every letter that gets published. Good luck.