14 Aug - Paulton Parish Council

Paulton Parish Council
DRAFT MINUTES of the meeting of the Parks Committee held on
14 August 2012 starting at 7.00pm in the Meeting Room at the Village Hall
Attended by Mr A Arnold, Mrs M Barrett, Mr T Bridgeman, Mr M Colliver (Chair), Mrs S Long,
Mrs A Lyons, Mrs L Madden, Mr B Newton, Mr H Warren, Mr L Wild and Mrs M Wild
Also in attendance were Mrs J Brookes, Mr P Davison (groundsman), Mr J Humphries and
Mr B Piper.
Apologies for absence were received from Mr G Dix, Mr R Dowling and Mrs K Fear (refer to
attendance register for detail of apologies).
Declarations of Interest
The following interests were recorded:
Mr Colliver - quotations received to erect a fence along the boundary of the
allotments and the cemetery
Mrs Brookes – maintenance of graves in the cemetery.
Minutes of the meeting held on 6 June 2012
The minutes of the above meeting were approved by the members as a true record and signed by
the Chair.
Tree works 638
Clerk advised members that consent has been obtained from Bath & North East Somerset
Council to fell four trees in the cemetery and the groundsman will be carrying out the work in
the autumn.
Noah’s Ark Pre-school
Clerk reported that the Community Payback service has completed the decorating and minor
repair works to the exterior of the pre-school building. The Chair confirmed that he is
satisfied with the standard of the wok.
It was noted that since the last meeting applications for memorials have been approved for
Jean Hanson and Steven Michael Church and an application for an additional inscription to a
memorial has been approved for Anthony J Capaldi.
Maintenance of graves
Clerk explained that the regulations for the cemetery state that for maintenance purposes no
vases, flowers or plants are to be placed down the length of a grave and all vases and
flowers must be placed on the plinth of the headstone. There are however a small number of
graves where items and flowers are being placed or planted on the grassed length of the
grave in front of the plinth.
Members noted the very sensitive nature of the matter. Following some discussion it was
suggested by Mr Wild that a review of the council’s regulations should be carried out which
should include giving parishioners the opportunity to put forward their opinions on the matter.
The review will include the maintenance of graves, the possibility of enabling parishioners to
fund the provision of memorial benches and trees in the cemetery and the use of the
Cemetery Chapel. It was agreed that the review should be publicised in the cemetery, on
the council’s noticeboards and on the community website. The Clerk will obtain information
about the regulations in place for other cemeteries in the area.
Resurfacing of the tennis/netball court
Clerk reported that she has met four companies on site to discuss the resurfacing of the
court. She has received two quotations for the work and is hoping to receive a third in the
next few days. The matter will be placed on the agenda for the next meeting.
Mr Colliver left the room and the Chair was taken by Mrs Long (Vice-chair).
Fence – boundary of the allotment site
Clerk reported that three quotations have been received to supply and erect a 1.8m high
closeboard fence, with gates, along the boundary of the allotments and cemetery. The need
for a fence has been raised by the allotment tenants to prevent deer from accessing the site
and eating their crops.
The quotations received are as follows:
M Colliver
Wyatt and Sons
Members expressed their concern about the appearance of a closeboard fence in close
proximity to graves and agreed that visually a green chainlink fence would be more
appropriate for the site.
It was agreed that the Clerk should obtain quotations from the above three companies to
supply and erect a 1.8m high chainlink fence. These will be considered at the next meeting
when members can also consider the advantages and disadvantages for the site of the
different types of fencing.
Mr Colliver returned to the meeting and took the chair.
Toilet – Memorial Park
It was noted that the Clerk and Mr Humphries have liaised with Albino Builders about the
information required for the tender process for the building of a toilet in the park.
The Clerk will now be seeking quotations from local building contractors as agreed at the last
meeting and it is hoped that these will be received for consideration at the next meeting.
Health & Safety
Clerk reported that the Chair and groundsman carried out a test of the stability of the
memorials in the cemetery on 9 July 2012. It was noted that the stability of two memorials
on the unconsecrated side of the cemetery need to be monitored but otherwise there were
no problems arising.
Clerk circulated copies of the Safety Management Plan for the cemetery with proposed
amendments. The updated plan was approved by the meeting.
The Chair reported that a gate at the recreation ground had been damaged by a car
reversing into it. He advised that the gate has been repaired and the driver of the vehicle
has paid for the costs incurred.
Paulton Amenity and Wildlife Site (PAWS)
The groundsman reported that works have been undertaken in the wildlife area – the pond
has been cleaned and the area around it levelled and the hardcore in the car park area has
been crushed and levelled. Noted.
Chiver’s Knoll, Littlebrook
Mr Wild suggested that as the council has agreed to take ownership of PAWS consideration
should now be given to the Woodlands Trust offer a couple of years ago for the council to
take over responsibility for Chiver’s Knoll.
It was agreed that the Clerk should review the council’s previous correspondence with the
Woodland Trust and report to the next meeting.
The meeting ended at 7.35pm.