IDEAS FOR MELTING POT ESSAY Plan: Introductory Paragraph: 3- 5 sentence paragraph America called the Melting Pot, diverse cultures, immigrants played a major role: Possible ending sentences for introductory paragraph to transition into 1st Body One of my ancestors contributed to the America's melting pot. Many people immigrated to America for many reasons and one of them was my grandmother. Many immigrants, including my mom, entered America through Ellis Island. Ellis Island was a major gateway to the New World for many immigrants including my father. First Body paragraph: 8- 10 sentences Who were the first members of your family to come to America? When did they arrive? What was their country of origin? Why did they come to America? Where in America did they originally settle? Are they still there? Who did they immigrate with? Transportation? Job? Did they have to leave things or people behind? Second body paragraph: 4-8 sentences Life in their mother country Third body paragraph: 6-12 sentences stories!!!!! How did you feel when you arrive? Was it difficult? Did you speak English? How did you find a job? What traditions did you bring with you to America? Did you go to school here? Ending paragraph: 3-4 sentences Thanks to their determination, courage, bravery Through difficulties and hardships Quote about what they thought about the immigration process or what they think about being an immigrant citizen *THIS IS ONE WAY TO ORGANIZE YOUR IDEAS FOR THE ESSAY