Thomas Jefferson Portrayed by Steve Edenbo Thomas Jefferson is an American titan who led by charisma and conversation, rather than by coercion. As president, his dinners were personal and intimate, with cuisine created by an internationally-known French chef, after which wine was served and the discussion was then turned to the political. The first United States Secretary of State, the second Vice President, the third President, Jefferson considered these roles as burdens placed upon him. Jefferson was most proud of penning the Declaration of Independence, fathering the University of Virginia, and shepherding the Statute of Religious Freedom: Jefferson considered these achievements his gifts to America. Steve Edenbo offers his audience Thomas Jefferson’s gifts with eloquence. Mr. Edenbo shares Jefferson’s love of reading, writing, and good wine, as well as a love of the outdoors and the need to balance intimate friendships with solitude. Edenbo’s program, created for Independence National Historical Parks, A Wolf by the Ear, clarifies Jefferson’s feelings about slavery, “We have the wolf by the ear, and we can neither hold him, nor safely let him go. Justice is in one scale, and self-preservation in the other.” Another program, The Constitution Experience pairs Edenbo’s Jefferson with Alexander Hamilton, AHT’s Ian Rose, and dramatizes the conflicting ideas espoused by the two men. While earning his BA from Dickinson College, Steve Edenbo’s focus was research and writing; however his theater experience included improvisation, and training in voice and singing. Mr. Edenbo was introduced to American Historical Theatre in 1999 by AHT Associate Producer Kim Hanley, He bases his interpretation of Thomas Jefferson on the insight that comes from years of reflection, for which he was awarded a Research Fellowship at Monticello in 2008 by the International Center for Jefferson Studies. Mr. Edenbo also has the honor of interpreting Thomas Jefferson at Philadelphia’s Declaration House, a re-creation by Independence National Historical Parks of the building in which Jefferson lived and wrote the Declaration of Independence. Mr. Edenbo is the only person invited to interpret Thomas Jefferson at this historic site. Mr. Edenbo has interpreted Thomas Jefferson at venues that include Monticello, The National Archives, Independence National Historical Park: Declaration House, Congress Hall and City Tavern, the Smithsonian Institution, National Constitution Center, University of Virginia, Freedoms Foundation of Valley Forge, Carpenter’s Hall, Trenton’s Patriot Week, the Philly Pops at Independence Hall, Texas A & M International University, Academy of Natural Sciences, numerous middle and high schools and colleges, and at professional improvement seminars for teachers at locations throughout the United States. 213 Pierce Street, Philadelphia PA, 19148-1927 * Ph: 215-625-0986 Website: * email: