ECPT10, ECPT11, ECPT12 LOUGHBOROUGH UNIVERSITY Regulations for the Postgraduate Programmes in MSc ECONOMICS Degree Paths: ECONOMICS: ECPT10 INTERNATIONAL ECONOMICS: ECPT11 ECONOMICS AND ECONOMETRICS: ECPT12 These Programme Regulations refer to the conduct of the programme in the session 2010/11 and should be read in conjunction with Regulation XXI of the University Regulations and the relevant Module Specifications. 1 Structure 1.1 Administrative responsibility for the Programme rests with the Division of Economics within the School of Business and Economics. 1.2 The Programme leads to the award of Postgraduate Certificate (PGCert), Postgraduate Diploma (PGDip), MSc or PGCert/PGDip/MSc with Distinction. One of the following three degrees or diplomas will be awarded: Economics, Economics and Econometrics, International Economics. The name of the degree awarded will depend on the optional modules chosen and the subject area of the dissertation, in accordance with section 6 of these regulations. 1.3 The Programme will be offered on a full-time basis only (except for purposes of reassessment and in cases of credit transfer), commencing at the beginning of each academic session. 1.4 The minimum period of registration for the award of MSc is twelve calendar months. 1.5 The prefix P on the module code represents a credit level of 7. 2 Content 2.1 Semester 1 (Total of 60 Modular Weight) a) Compulsory Modules (Total Modular Weight of 60) CODE ECP204 ECP205 ECP207 ECP208 TITLE MODULAR WEIGHT Microeconomic Analysis 15 Macroeconomic Analysis 15 Mathematical and Econometric Methods 15 Techniques and Topics in Economic Analysis 15 2.2 Semester 2 (Total of 60 Modular Weight) a) Compulsory Module (Total Modular Weight of 15 or 30) All students must take at least one of these modules and can take both. CODE ECP256 ECP209 TITLE Financial Econometrics Microeconometrics MODULAR WEIGHT 15 15 ECPT10, ECPT11, ECPT12 b) Optional Modules (Total Modular Weight of 30 or 45) Two or three modules with a total modular weight of 30 or 45 to be chosen from MSc List (semester 2) published by the Division in January of each year 2.3 Dissertation 2.3.1 During the summer period candidates will be required to submit a dissertation. Dissertation CODE ECP300 a) b) c) TITLE Dissertation MODULAR WEIGHT 60 The subject of the dissertation will be a topic in economics or econometrics, and will be supervised by a full-time member of staff in the Division of Economics within the School of Business and Economics. The Dissertation will be between 12,000 and 15,000 words in length. Two copies of the dissertation, in approved form, should be submitted by Friday 16th September 2011. A candidate whose Dissertation is failed with a mark of 40-49% will be permitted to submit a revised version on one occasion only. A candidate whose Dissertation is failed with a mark of less than 40% will be permitted to submit a Dissertation on a new topic on one occasion only. In either case the date for re-submission will be set by the Programme Board. 2.3.2 All work for the dissertation must be undertaken on a full-time basis at Loughborough University, except in very special circumstances and with the prior agreement of the dissertation supervisor and module organiser. 3. Dissertation Registration Criteria 3.1 The student must submit a research proposal by 5.00 p.m. on the first Friday of the summer term. This proposed topic must be accepted by a dissertation supervisor and the module organiser, according to conditions set out in the module specifications for 09ECP300 (dissertation). No more than three students will normally be allocated to any one supervisor. A dissertation that is not written on the accepted topic cannot be submitted without the prior approval of both the module organiser and the dissertation supervisor. 3.2 3.3 4. Assessment 4.1 The award of MSc is made for the accumulation of 150 credits plus marks of 40-49% (grade D) in modules worth 30 credits. (These are minimum requirements. Students with a grade of F (39% or less) in any module cannot be awarded the MSc). For students who fail to obtain the MSc, the following awards may be available: 4.2 4.3 Postgraduate Diploma: the award of PG Diploma is made for the accumulation of 105 credits plus marks of 40-49% (grade D) in modules worth at least 15 credits. Postgraduate Certificate: the award of PG Certificate is made for the accumulation of 60 credits. Candidates who have a right of re-assessment in a taught module may choose to be re-assessed in the University’s Special Assessment Period. All examinations and tests must be taken at Loughborough University unless special permission is obtained in advance from the Programme Director. ECPT10, ECPT11, ECPT12 4.4 A student who registers to resit a module will be required to resit all failed components of that module (ie if the coursework mark was less then 50% they must resit the coursework and if the exam mark was less than 50% they must resit the exam). If a student resits the coursework element of a module and there was more than 1 coursework assignment for that module, then the student is required to resit all coursework assignments in which they achieved a mark below 50%. Marks for elements of a module not being re-sat will be carried forward. 5. General Provisions 5.1 The Division of Economics within the School of Business and Economics reserves the right to offer or withdraw any taught module. 5.2 The Division of Economics within the School of Business and Economics may exercise its discretion in waiving prerequisites for its modules under exceptional circumstances. 6 Degree paths 6.1 The MSc/PD in Economics will normally be awarded following successful completion of programme requirements. However candidates who have successfully completed named modules may qualify for MSc awards as specified in 6.2 to 6.3 below. 6.2 The MSc in International Economics may be awarded following successful completion of programme requirements to include the modules Trade Theory and Policy (09ECP259) and International Finance (09ECP250) and a Dissertation (09ECP300) in an acceptable field of international economics. 6.3 The MSc in Economics and Econometrics may be awarded following successful completion of programme requirements to include the modules Microeconometrics (09ECP209) and Financial Econometrics (09ECP256) and a Dissertation (09ECP300) in an acceptable field of econometrics.