Task 2 - Neepawa Area Collegiate Institute

http://www.digicamhelp.com/gallery/composition/framing/ and on people
photography; http://www.digicamhelp.com/how-to/people-pets/portraitphotography-technical-artisitic-practical-considerations/
Task 1
Explore tips on people pictures
Make a list of 5 tips you would give for taking good people pictures.
Find 5 interesting pictures of people from the internet. Save them. Create a
Photoshop collage (14” x 8”) of all the photos together.
Add a text box for each one, stating what you found interesting in the picture. What
did the photographer do differently to create interest (What photography tip did he
use?)? What emotions are expressed in the photo and what did the photographer
do to express these emotions?
Task 2
Task 3
Take at least 20 pictures of people. Be sure to keep your composition criteria in mind
as you are taking your pictures.
Try to capture the subjects with different lighting effects.
Create a collage of your 5 best photos.
Add a text box for each one, stating the answers to the following: What did you do
differently to create interest? Which of the tips were you thinking about when you
took the picture?
Image Composition:
Quality of picture: In focus, Fills the frame, Interesting, well composed subject
Image Composition:
Quality of picture:
3 – Wow- An incredibly interesting shot which demonstrates criteria
2 – Good – I can definitely see you tried a few of the criteria
1 – Inadequate – You did not read the criteria.
Criteria: Group A
In Focus
Dramatic lighting
Turn the body
Obscure part of the face
Use burst mode
Use framing
Use a prop
Put eyes on rule of 3rds line
Outdoors – no direct light, shady areas, overcast, sun behind them
Looking – have subject look within the frame- stare at an object in the
Eye contact – don’t look directly into the camera
Use different perspectives – high, low
Photo Manipulation Mark:
3 – Wow- The required manipulation is flawless. The enhancements create a flawless portrait of the person.
2 – Good – The required manipulation is good, but basic enhancements need work. The enhancements create a
good portrait of the person.
1 – Inadequate – The required manipulation is incomplete. The enhancements do not create a good portrait of
the person.
Portrait with layers
Rectangles of 3 different colors
and blend modes
Rectangles cover image
Rectangle color enhances image
Drop Shadows on rectangles
Person in shape is well recognizable
Major body parts included
Picture in picture
Picture in picture:
Color picture should be the item of main focus
Partial Color
Color picture should have a frame of appropriate width
Partial color:
Coloring should enhance the picture, not make the subject look ghostly.
Coloring edges should be clear.
Save as a jpeg when complete
Basic Enhancements Did you:
Improve imperfections
Whiten Teeth
Whiten eyes
Add depth to eye color and lips
Adjusting levels to improve color
Remove dark shadows under eyes
Image Composition:
Quality of picture: In focus, Fills the frame, Interesting, well composed subject
Image Composition:
Quality of picture:
3 – Wow- An incredibly interesting shot which demonstrates criteria
2 – Good – I can definitely see you tried a few of the criteria
1 – Inadequate – You did not read the criteria.
Criteria: Group B
In Focus
Smiling and happy
Be original, make them interesting
Different perspectives – eye level, high angle, low angle, angled camera
Eye contact – focus on eyes ; Have person look elsewhere
Use rule of 3rd’s – eyes on the grid line
Use a prop
Use framing
Plain background
Focus on part of the person
Use Burst mode
Pay attention to Lighting – dramatic; Shady area – not bright sunlight
Dramatic – get shadows on the face
Photo Manipulation Mark:
3 – Wow- The required manipulation is flawless. The enhancements create a flawless portrait of the person.
2 – Good – The required manipulation is good, but basic enhancements need work. The enhancements create a
good portrait of the person.
1 – Inadequate – The required manipulation is incomplete. The enhancements do not create a good portrait of
the person.
Portrait with layers
Rectangles of 3 different colors
and blend modes
Rectangles cover image
Rectangle color enhances image
Drop Shadows on rectangles
Person in shape is well recognizable
Major body parts included
Picture in picture
Picture in picture:
Color picture should be the item of main focus
Partial Color
Color picture should have a frame of appropriate width
Partial color:
Coloring should enhance the picture, not make the subject look ghostly.
Coloring edges should be clear.
Save as a jpeg when complete
Basic Enhancements Did you:
Improve imperfections
Whiten Teeth
Whiten eyes
Add depth to eye color and lips
Adjusting levels to improve color
Remove dark shadows under eyes