Deer Valley Unified School District Name __________________________ 5th Date _________________________ Grade Math Unit 1 Post-Assessment: Understanding Volume RUBRIC for “WRITING TO EXPLAIN” Questions: 3 points Student shows a clear understanding of concept by using written explanation and/or visual models to solve the problem correctly. 2 points Student shows some understanding of concept by using written explanation and/or visual models to solve the problem. (minor error in understanding) 1 point Student shows little understanding of concept. Student may have correct answer, but no evidence of understanding, or incorrect answer but little evidence of understanding is present. 0 points Student writes incorrect answer and shows no evidence of understanding. ALL ANSWERS MUST ATTEND TO PRECISION AND BE LABELED CORRECTLY. *1. *2. What is the volume of the shape in cubic units? What is the volume of the shape in cubic inches? 3. 4. What is the total volume of this composite figure? SELECT ALL of the following statements which are true. A. The area of the base layer is 10 units² B. The area of the base layer is 5 units² C. The height of the figure is 4 units. D. The figure has a volume of 20 units³ E. The figure has a volume of 38 units ³ F. The figure has a volume of 40 units³ *5. *6. When completed, the design of this shape has a height of 9 units and forms a rectangular prism. What is the volume of the prism? 4 in. What is the area of the base of the prism? How many more layers would you need to fill this prism? 7. The base layer has an area of 18 units2. If the total volume is 126 units3, what is the height of the figure? *8. Write to Explain 2 ways you could efficiently decompose the figure to determine its volume. Which of your 2 strategies is most efficient? Explain your reasoning. 9. Steve fills Box A and Box B with 1 centimeter cubes. Writing to Explain: Steve thinks Box B has a greater volume because it is taller than Box A. Is his thinking correct? Justify your answer with mathematical reasoning. 10. Which of the 4 figures have equal volumes? A: Box A and Box B B: Box A and Box C C: Box C and Box D D: Box C and Box B Deer Valley Unified School District Name : Answer Key 5th Date _________________________ Grade Math Unit 1 Post-Assessment: Understanding Volume RUBRIC for “WRITING TO EXPLAIN” Questions: 3 points Student shows a clear understanding of concept by using written explanation and/or visual models to solve the problem correctly. 2 points Student shows some understanding of concept by using written explanation and/or visual models to solve the problem. (minor error in understanding) 1 point Student shows little understanding of concept. Student may have correct answer, but no evidence of understanding, or incorrect answer but little evidence of understanding is present. 0 points Student writes incorrect answer and shows no evidence of understanding. ALL ANSWERS MUST ATTEND TO PRECISION AND BE LABELED CORRECTLY. *1. *2. What is the volume of the shape in cubic units? What is the volume of the shape in cubic inches? 18 cubic units 54 cubic inches 3. 4. What is the total volume of this composite figure? 35 units3 SELECT ALL of the following statements which are true. G. The area of the base layer is 10 units² H. The area of the base layer is 5 units² I. The height of the figure is 4 units. J. The figure has a volume of 20 units³ K. The figure has a volume of 38 units ³ L. The figure has a volume of 40 units³ *5. *6. When completed, the design of this shape has a height of 9 units and forms a rectangular prism. What is the volume of the prism? 4 in. What is the area of the base of the prism? 15 in2 135 units3 How many more layers would you need to fill this prism? 3 more layers (4 total layers) 7. The base layer has an area of 18 units2. If the total volume is 126 units3, what is the height of the figure? *8. Write to Explain 2 ways you could efficiently decompose the figure to determine its volume. The height is 7 units. Answers may include: 9 layers with an area of 20 totaling 180 units3, 5 layers with an area of 36 totaling 180 units3, 4 layers with an area of 45 totaling 180 units3 Which of your 2 strategies is most efficient? Explain your reasoning. Answers will vary. 9. Steve fills Box A and Box B with 1 centimeter cubes. Writing to Explain: Steve thinks Box B has a greater volume because it is taller than Box A. Is his thinking correct? Justify your answer with mathematical reasoning. Answer may include: No, Box A actually has greater volume. Box A has a base layer of 6 cm2 and has 5 layers for height for a total volume of 30 cm3. Box B has a base layer of 4 cm2 and has 6 layers for height for a total volume of 24 cm3. 10. Which of the 4 figures have equal volumes? A: Box A and Box B B: Box A and Box C C: Box C and Box D D: Box C and Box B