4759 E. Catherine Drive, Prescott, Arizona. 86301 Dementia

4759 E. Catherine Drive, Prescott, Arizona. 86301
Dementia Therapy Specialists of Prescott present to you our inaugural
Providing cutting edge information and training for dementia therapy
This conference will be held over 2 days, 5th and 6th November 2013 at the
Phoenix Convention Center.
Over the two days, delegates will have the opportunity to attend 8 interactive
workshops and listen to some cutting edge speakers from the USA and UK.
These include Dr Dan Nightingale, a leading dementia doctor from the UK, Dr
Simon Duff and Dr Roger Bullock and Tony Duke, also from the UK, Kathy
Balland, Marea Boylan and Linda Yee from the USA. Controversial topics such as
the use of hypnotherapy in dementia, the use of doll therapy and sex and sexual
relationships in a care facility will make up some of the workshops and
presentations. Additionally Montessori Therapy, Activities for the Mind and many
other topics will be covered.
A highlight will be a keynote by someone living with dementia who will take us
through their very own unique and moving journey through dementia. That
person will also facilitate a workshop.
There will also be 12 exhibitions to view and an opportunity to meet the
speakers. Of course, lunch and refreshments will be provided and delegate packs
complete with useful and practical information.
The cost of attending both days is $497 if you book before 31st March 2012
or $575 if you book after this date. DTS is offering an easy payment option
which is interest free (an interest free monthly instalment plan). There will only
be 130 spaces available so we suggest you book your place as early as possible.
Please note that there is no single day fee
The full line up over the two days is as follows:
Day 1 (November 5th)
08.30 - 09.20: Open for registration (we are expecting approximately 150
delegates and 12 exhibitors)
09.20 - 09.30: Opening of conference by Dr Dan and Kathy Balland
09.30 - 10.00: Opening Keynote (TBC) Person living with dementia,
USA - taking us through their journey)
10.00 - 10.10: Questions for Keynote
10.15 - 11.15: Interactive Workshops (X1 hour each) Dr Dan; Kathy
Balland; Marea Boylan; Tony Duke
11.15 - 11.30: Break and Exhibition
11.35 - 12.35: Interactive Workshops (X1 hour each) Linda Yee; PLWD;
Dr Roger Bullock; Highgate Team Member
12.35 - 13.20: Lunch Break and Exhibitions
13.30 - 14.00: Presentation Dr Roger Bullock (UK)
14.00 - 14.10: Questions to Dr Bullock
14.15 - 15.15: Interactive Workshops: (X1 hour each) Dr Dan; Kathy
Balland; Marea Boylan; Tony Duke
15.15 - 15.30: Break and Exhibitions
15.35 - 16.35: Interactive Workshops: (X1 hour each) Linda Yee; PLWD;
Dr Roger Bullock; Highgate Team Member
16.40 - 17.15: Chair (TBC) summary and Final Q & A
17.15 - 18.00: Exhibitions
Day 2 (November 6th)
09.15 - 09.20: Opening by Dr Dan
09.20 - 09.50: Presentation Marea Boylan, (USA)
09.50 - 10.00: Questions to Marea Boylan
10.05 - 11.05: Interactive Workshops (X1 hour each) Dr Dan; Kathy
Balland; Marea Boylan; Tony Duke
11.05 - 11.20: Break and Exhibitions
11.25 - 12.25: Interactive Workshops (X1 hour each) Linda Yee; PLWD;
Dr Roger Bullock; Highgate Team Member
12.30 - 13.20: Lunch Break and Exhibitions
13.30 - 14.00: Presentation Dr Dan, UK/USA and Kathy Balland USA
14.00 - 14.10: Questions to Dr Dan and Kathy Balland
14.15 - 15.15: Interactive Workshops (X1 hour each) Dr Dan; Kathy
Balland; Marea Boylan; Tony Duke
15.15 - 15.30: Break and Exhibitions
15.35 - 16.35: Interactive Workshops (X1 hour each) Linda Yee; PLWD;
Dr Roger Bullock; Highgate Team Member
16.40 - 17.15: Closing Keynote Dr Simon Duff, UK - Looking at
offending in the elderly population
17.15 - 17.30: Questions to Dr Duff
17.30 - 17.40: Finishing on a positive with a chapter from Twelve
Knights of a Dark Winter by Dr Dan
17.40 - 18.00: Closing summary and final questions to the panel of
18.00 - 19.00: Exhibitions and close
This full schedule is very busy. However, it will deliver value for the
money, and each delegate is guaranteed to take away something that is
practical and useful.
This conference is suitable for care facility staff, nurses, doctors, social
workers, people living with dementia and their loved ones.
There will be ample networking opportunities and you will meet new
friends and associates.
Full name (please print): ______________________________________
Phone contact: ______________________________________________
Email address (for all correspondence): __________________________
Number of places required: __________
Cost per person: $497 up to 31st March 2012/ $575 after that date
Payment Options
Please send a check for the full amount to: Dementia Therapy
Specialists, 4759 E. Catherine Drive, Prescott, Arizona. 86301
Pay by credit/debit card full amount:
Name on card:
Card Number:
Expiration Date:
3 digit code (on reverse of card):
Zip code:
Pay by monthly instalments
Please speak with Kathy Balland on (480) 688-3924 if this is your chosen
payment option.
We look forward to seeing you at this event. Please visit our websites at
www.DementiaTherapySpecialists.com and www.DementiaDoctor.co.uk
Best wishes
James Robertson, Events Co-ordinator, Tel: (480) 395-3401
Email: james@dementiatherapyspecialists.com