Lindgren NPR WORD file with IBM/SPSS recodes: COMPUTE WTSALLOVER=WTSSALL*OVERSAMP. VARIABLE LABELS WTSALLOVER 'COMPUTE WTSALLOVER=WTSSALL*OVERSAMP'. EXECUTE. WEIGHT BY WTSALLOVER. WEIGHT OFF. SET TVars=Both TNumbers=Both OVars=Both ONumbers=Both. RECODE POLVIEWS (4=2) (1 thru 3=1) (5 thru 7=3) (8 thru 9=0) INTO polviews4cat. VARIABLE LABELS polviews4cat '4 cats of polviews'. RECODE PARTYID (0 thru 1=1) (2 thru 4=2) (5 thru 6=3) (7 thru 9=0) (ELSE=SYSMIS) INTO party4cat. VARIABLE LABELS party4cat '7 8 9 is 0, 1 is dem 3 is repub 2 is Indep'. compute demx=0. compute repx=0. compute indepx=0. EXECUTE. RECODE polviews4cat (1=1) (0=0) (2 thru 9=0) INTO libx. VARIABLE LABELS libx 'liberal v other incl na dk'. if (party4cat=1) demx=1. if (party4cat=2) indepx=1. if (party4cat=3) repx=1. EXECUTE. RECODE polviews4cat (3=1) (4 thru 9=0) (0 thru 2=0) INTO conservx. VARIABLE LABELS conservx 'conserv v other incl na dk'. EXECUTE. RECODE polviews4cat (2=1) (3 thru 9=0) (0 thru 1=0) INTO moderatex. VARIABLE LABELS moderatex 'moderate v other incl na dk'. EXECUTE. if (party4cat>-1 AND polviews4cat>-1) libdemx=0. if (party4cat>-1 AND polviews4cat>-1) moddemx=0. if (party4cat>-1 AND polviews4cat>-1) condemx=0. if (party4cat>-1 AND polviews4cat>-1) libindx=0. if (party4cat>-1 AND polviews4cat>-1) modindx=0. if (party4cat>-1 AND polviews4cat>-1) conindx=0. if (party4cat>-1 AND polviews4cat>-1) librepx=0. if (party4cat>-1 AND polviews4cat>-1) modrepx=0. if (party4cat>-1 AND polviews4cat>-1) conrepx=0. if (party4cat>-1 AND polviews4cat>-1) othpolpartx=0. if (party4cat>-1 AND polviews4cat>-1) polpartyx=0. EXECUTE. if (libx=1 AND demx=1) libdemx=1. if (moderatex=1 AND demx=1) moddemx=1. if (conservx=1 AND demx=1) condemx=1. if (libx=1 AND indepx=1) libindx=1. if (moderatex=1 AND indepx=1) modindx=1. if (conservx=1 AND indepx=1) conindx=1. if (libx=1 AND repx=1) librepx=1. if (moderatex=1 AND repx=1) modrepx=1. if (conservx=1 AND repx=1) conrepx=1. EXECUTE. if (libdemx+moddemx+condemx+libindx+modindx+conindx+librepx+modrepx+conrepx=0) othpolpartx=1. EXECUTE. if (othpolpartx=1) polpartyx=0. if (libdemx=1) polpartyx=1. if (moddemx=1) polpartyx=2. if (condemx=1) polpartyx=3. if (libindx=1) polpartyx=4. if (modindx=1) polpartyx=5. if (conindx=1) polpartyx=6. if (librepx=1) polpartyx=7. if (modrepx=1) polpartyx=8. if (conrepx=1) polpartyx=9. EXECUTE. VALUE LABELS polpartyx 0 'other' 1 'libdem' 2 'moddem' 3 'condem' 4 'libind' 5 'modind' 6 'conind' 7 'librep' 8 'modrep' 9 'conrep'. RECODE AGE (18 thru 29=18) (30 thru 39=30) (40 thru 49=40) (50 thru 59=50) (60 thru 69=60) (70 thru 89=70) (ELSE=Copy) INTO agec. VARIABLE LABELS agec 'age in groups'. Compute whitex=0. Compute blackx=0. compute othracex=0. EXECUTE. if (race=1) whitex=1. if (race=2) blackx=1. if (race=3) othracex=1. RECODE YEAR (1972 thru 1979=1970) (1980 thru 1989=1980) (1990 thru 1999=1990) (2000 thru 2010=2000) (ELSE=Copy) INTO decadec. VARIABLE LABELS decadec 'decades in groups'. RECODE helpnot (3=1) (1 thru 2=0) (4 thru 5=2) INTO helpnot3cat. VARIABLE LABELS helpnot3cat 'helpnot 0 more 1 both 2 too much'. RECODE helpnot (3=0) (1 thru 2=0) (4 thru 5=1) INTO helpnotx. VARIABLE LABELS helpnotx 'helpnot 0 more, both 1 too much'. EXECUTE. if (helpnot>0 AND partyid>-1) rephelpnx=0. EXECUTE. if (helpnot=4 AND repx=1) rephelpnx=1. if (helpnot=5 AND repx=1) rephelpnx=1. EXECUTE. if (demx=1) demrepx=0. if (repx=1) demrepx=1. RECODE racseg (1 thru 2=1) (3 thru 4=0) INTO racsegx. VARIABLE LABELS racsegx 'favor racially seg neighborhoods'. compute degcolx=0. compute deggradx=0. EXECUTE. if (degree=3) degcolx=1. if (degree=4) deggradx=1. if (degree=4) degcolx=1. VARIABLE LABELS degcolx 'college or grad prof degree'. VARIABLE LABELS deggradx 'grad or prof degree'. EXECUTE. WEIGHT BY WTSALLOVER. EXECUTE. SAVE OUTFILE='C:\GSS.remp7208.rev.sav' /COMPRESSED. WEIGHT BY WTSALLOVER. MEANS TABLES=educ degree BY helpnotx /CELLS MEAN COUNT STDDEV /STATISTICS ANOVA LINEARITY. EXECUTE. SORT CASES BY year. EXECUTE. SPLIT FILE SEPARATE BY year. EXECUTE. MEANS TABLES=educ degree BY helpnotx /CELLS MEAN COUNT STDDEV /STATISTICS ANOVA LINEARITY. EXECUTE. SPLIT FILE OFF. USE ALL. COMPUTE filter_$=(whitex=1). VARIABLE LABELS filter_$ 'whitex=1 (FILTER)'. VALUE LABELS filter_$ 0 'Not Selected' 1 'Selected'. FORMATS filter_$ (f1.0). FILTER BY filter_$. EXECUTE. CROSSTABS /TABLES=helpnotx BY racdif2 BY year /FORMAT=AVALUE TABLES /STATISTICS=CHISQ /CELLS=COUNT ROW /COUNT ASIS /METHOD=EXACT TIMER(7). EXECUTE. CROSSTABS /TABLES=rephelpnx BY racdif2 BY year /FORMAT=AVALUE TABLES /STATISTICS=CHISQ /CELLS=COUNT ROW /COUNT ASIS /METHOD=EXACT TIMER(7). EXECUTE. CROSSTABS /TABLES=conrepx BY racdif2 BY year /FORMAT=AVALUE TABLES /STATISTICS=CHISQ /CELLS=COUNT ROW /COUNT ASIS /METHOD=EXACT TIMER(7). EXECUTE. CROSSTABS /TABLES=demrepx BY racdif2 BY year /FORMAT=AVALUE TABLES /STATISTICS=CHISQ /CELLS=COUNT ROW /COUNT ASIS /METHOD=EXACT TIMER(7). EXECUTE. CROSSTABS /TABLES=demrepx BY racsegx BY year /FORMAT=AVALUE TABLES /STATISTICS=CHISQ /CELLS=COUNT ROW /COUNT ASIS /METHOD=EXACT TIMER(7). EXECUTE.