“Draft” UNIVERSITY RESEARCH COUNCIL MINUTES October 1, 2012 Members Present: Lachel Story, Trenton Gould (Health), Bonnie Lee Harbaugh (Nursing) Sharon Topping (Business), Dana Fennell & Louis Kyriakoudes (Arts & Letters), Christopher Barry (Education & Psychology), Ras B. Pandey, Mohamed Elasri (Science and Technology), Jorge Brown, Joyce Shaw (Library) Syd Conner (SPA) Members Absent: Denis Wiesenburg (VPR) Marcia Landen (SPA) Others Present: Gordon Cannon (VPR) The meeting was held in McCain Library Room 200. The meeting was called to order at 3:30 p.m. by Dr. Sharon Topping. The agenda was distributed. 1. Approval of Minutes Minutes were reviewed and Dr. Topping will make the recommended changes to minutes. MOTION: Dr. Lachel Story made a motion to approve the 8/27/2012 minutes with discussed changes with a second by Dr. Trent Gould. 2. Membership A new member from the College of Nursing, Dr. Bonnie Harbaugh, was introduced and welcomed to the URC Council. Dr. Richard Mohn, Education & Psychology, will no longer be an active member due to a Monday meeting conflict. A replacement will be sought. His dean chose to put him on Academic Council. Dr. Mike Wittmann from the College of Business stepped down and will assume the role of Associate Dean in CoB. Election of a new member from CoB should be completed by the next meeting. Dr. Topping spoke with Dr. Mike Forster about appointment of a new member from College of Health. Dr. Topping was glad to see the Library members physically in attendance at the meeting. Dr. Gordon Cannon stated that the Faculty Senate contacted him and suggested that the Research & Scholarship Committee representative also represent Faculty Senate on the URC. Dr. Ras Pandey is a member of the Research & Scholarship Committee and they will meet for the first time this Friday. Dr. Lachel Story said it was her understanding that she thought their intention was to appoint a voting working member that was Faculty Senate only, not also representing a college, who would take on responsibilities as well. Dr. Topping stated the Bylaws state that the two members from each college should be voting members. She posed if the Faculty Senate member should be a voting member which was discussed at length. A motion was made and unanimously approved. MOTION: To amend the Bylaws to make a member from the Research and Scholarship Committee a voting Faculty Senate representative on the University Research Council by Dr. Trenton Gould and a second by Dr. Gordon Cannon ACTION ITEM: Dr. Topping will contact the Dean of Education & Psychology about a replacement for Dr. Richard Mohn. ACTION ITEM: Dr. Trenton Gould will contact the Dean of Health about a new member 3. Update – Office of Vice President of Research – Dr. Gordon Cannon A research opportunity notice was sent out by Mr. Syd Conner a few weeks ago. USM can submit ten (10) very broad topic pre-proposals by mid-October on sustainability to the Ray Anderson Foundation which Dr. Martha Saunders personally worked with very hard. The proposal can develop a curriculum for sustainability or work on some process that is an industrial process. There is a maximum of $60,000 the first year with potential continuing support. There is a very high percentage for success if good proposals are submitted. Only two proposals have been received to-date and eight more are needed. Dr. Topping would like URC members relaying this information to their respective colleges and be active communication between URC and faculty. Using these opportunities as a chance for communication would be very desirable. The Foundation Index has been sent to each department chair on campus to use with their faculty for access. Dr. Dan Camper compiled a very impressive CD at a cost of $10.00 per CD complete with instructions that can be accessed in several ways and formats. Every chair should have it by now. Several members of URC asked Dr. Cannon for a copy of the CD. Mr. Syd Conner requested a copy for SPA and he was asked if a copy could be accessed with restricted access through the SPA website. The SPA website is currently a work in progress with restricted access capabilities now in doubt. Dr. Topping suggested the URC members communicate to their respective college the availability of this Foundation Index disc. The consistent research policy on Policies has not yet been approved by cabinet. USM “White papers” for NSF EPSCor: Four White papers were received with a new deadline of October 10, 2012 being granted for those four papers only. Dr. Francis Collins and Senator Thad Cochran’s visit has been changed from a 3 day meeting at USM to a six hour meeting in Jackson, MS with only a few people from each university allowed to be there. INBRE will be a part of that agenda as it is the primary reason for the visit. 4. Office of Research Integrity - Dr. Samuel Bruton Dr. Sam Bruton was not in attendance due to a scheduled Ethics Seminar today. He sent an update to Dr. Topping. Ms. Joyce Shaw said she attended his Gulf Park Plagiarism Workshop and there was a good turnout and it was quite informative. It only lasts about an hour and fifteen minutes. She would love to see it presented at the Research Lab. Dr. Cannon said the October 22, 2012 Community Based Research Workshop will be at the USM Hattiesburg Campus but was not sure if he will do another one on the coast or if Dr. Bruton is trying to set up an electronic meeting as well. Dr. Topping suggested the members remind their colleges that are involved in this kind of work that it does require pre-registration. Her husband is having surgery and she will have to miss it, but she would love to attend and really wished they would tape it. Dr. Christopher Barry talked about the RCR Ad hoc committee effort to get a coherent organized policy on what is going to be expected for both faculty and graduate student RCR training. They had one meeting two weeks ago which focused on what will be expected for graduate students to get appropriate levels of RCR training. The discussion has continued by e-mail on options the departments can adopt. They will meet within the next few weeks and get those options to grad council so they can take it back to their various departments and determine if it is going to be 2 suitable. As an example, a lot of departments have stand-alone research ethics courses that grad students take which might be a suitable option. The favored model is CITI training plus whatever options the various departments adopt. Faculty training has not yet been discussed. Any input from URC can be submitted to Dr. Barry as the URC representative. In an e-mail from Dr. Bruton he talks about Academic Misconduct which has now been reviewed by the USM attorney. At some point, it will be presented to URC for review, possibly at the next meeting, and a pretty quick turn-around. Dr. Cannon will get it to URC as soon as possible. Financial Conflict of Interest is still pending legal review and they will not be able to look at that for a while. 5. Office of Research Administration - Ms. Marcia Landen Ms. Marcia Landen was out of town and not in attendance but also sent an update. Dr. Topping said Ms. Landen has been meeting with faculty members and chairs to get their input on all parts of the proposal process. Comments/suggestions from URC are welcomed. Feel free to call her and make an appointment to find out what is going on. Training is planned on submission of proposals to Grants.gov. If you have recommendations on that kind of training or if either you or your faculty members are interested, be thinking about that and bring it to the next meeting. 6. URAD – Friday, November 9, 2012 – Dr. Louis Kyriakoudes Dr. Kyriakoudes received the materials from Dr. Topping a couple of days ago and said he has to get going on it, but has been busy. He will use last year’s material as a guide and will be working on making contacts immediately following the meeting. The times also will be finalized. Dr. Dana Fennell said there was one grad student’s e-mail that bounced back, but most of them did not respond on doing a poster. Dr. Topping suggested sending a quick e-mail advising them of the date and that a letter will follow. The charge codes for reserving the room and specifics, i.e., invitations and luncheon are outlined in an eight page document which Dr. Topping compiled to make it easier for someone new to follow. The word needs to get out and URC members should communicate it and encourage attendance if they have award winners in their respective colleges in order to recognize their colleagues. Last year deans and chairs were e-mailed and invited to attend the luncheon and ask their faculty to attend at least the presentation to “their” people. There were approximately 110 people at the luncheon last time. Dr. Cannon commented that viewing the posters with the dessert course worked well last year. Dr. Topping said last year the 2011 awardees introduced the 2012 awardees and were again recognized should you decide to do it again this year. Also, keep in mind people like Ms Connie Wyldmon and the graduate student who will come to the luncheon and get an award but will not do a presentation. Those people need to get it on their calendar as well. 7. URAD Poster Session - Dr. Dana Fennell Dr. Fennell reported that the URAD Poster Session is going alright but she is disappointed by some things. A few weeks ago she sent e-mails to the all deans in hopes they will send it to the chairs, etc. The McNair Scholars were e-mailed and are unable to attend because they are going out of town and wanted it made known that they were deeply disappointed. There are ten commitments so far and last year there were twenty plus the McNair Scholars and she would like to increase the numbers. Call for Posters were sent out to URC members today and they were encouraged to start contacting people. Dr. Cannon has committed to pay for some (15 or 20) of the posters. It is probable that the Dean of Arts & Letters and the College of Business will again pay for their posters as in the past. Dr. Topping encouraged Science and Technology to be more visible this year and plans to contact Dr. Joe Whitehead because there were very few posters from his college last year. 3 Easels were discussed and Dr. Kyriakoudes will check with Event Services on the number of easels they have available when he sends the charge code for the room and will try to make up the difference from other sources. Dr. Topping related that Dr. Kyna Shelley helped with easels last year and they did have quite a few available. Also, the tables around the side of the room were used for displays. Dr. Dana Fennell asked about the poster voting process and certificates. Dr. Topping planned to leave those decisions to Dr. Kyriakoudes, Ms. Joyce Shaw who saved the day with some beautiful certificates last year, and Dr. Dana Fennell giving them the benefit of what did and did not work well last year which she included in her instructions. She did strongly recommend two sets of judges. 8. URAD Displays – Ms. Joyce Shaw Ms. Joyce Shaw gave an update on the URAD displays which is problematic. There were eight abstracts last year with six showing up mostly from centers and institutes. She suggested a target of ten this year with hopes that everybody shows up. The question had been posed to her “What’s the benefit of me doing it?” She suggested might be beneficial if more undergraduates came through as part of their class assignment. It was agreed that the Warren Society display would be a great addition and they will be invited and encouraged to display. Also some performance type displays were suggested. Ms. Shaw will send this out as part of the call and set up according to response. A list of last year’s abstracts and contacts were sent to Dr. Fennell before today’s meeting. Dr. Topping added that time restraints prohibit a great number of breaks for people to visit the tables which is unfortunate. Ms. Shaw would like for faculty who are teaching an undergraduate class to find a way to encourage their students to see what the research enterprise is at the university, i.e., Honors Society which has students in research activity. Dr. Pandey agreed that Honors students would be great because they have to do a research thesis and defend it every year. In 2013 MAS is going to be here on campus. Ways to get increased participation was brainstormed with several members agreeing to make contacts. 9. URC Website– Dr. Lachel Story Dr. Story reported progress being made on the website. She met with Dr. Jorge Brown and Dr. Sam Bruton. Dr. Bruton is going to get Dr. Brown access since he is far more knowledgeable about DRUPLE. He will be lending his expertise to uploading the Innovation Award winners and their respective colleges of the last two years. He will also be working on an on-line submission process which is now possible. We are also adding the capability of clicking on an award winner (picture included) and it taking you to their individually controlled faculty page and possibly a link to their manuscripts enabling viewing of the work or research they are conducting. It is now time to send out the call for next year’s Innovation Awards. She was unsure if she agreed to Chair the Innovation Awards again this year or if someone else did. She had no problem with doing it again, especially if the on-line submission is utilized which makes it more manageable. It would be similar to signing up for a workshop with an event manager. The URC website has moved over to the new format but just needs to be cleaned up when the updated Bylaws are added along with adding all the right connections. Currently, there are several clicks to get to it. You go to the Office of Research>Research Support>URC. Once access is achieved it should move pretty quickly. Uploading pictures of the Innovations Award winners is already planned. Ms. Joyce Shaw offered and was encouraged to send some candid shots from last year’s poster session. The main objective was to make it look more appealing and highlight the big thing being done which is the Innovation Awards. 4 Dr. Topping noted that the 2012 Lifetime Achievement winner gets a very nice personal type gift chosen by someone who knows them well. Dr. Topping knows Dr. Dean’s wife and will contact her for suggestions. 10. URC Bylaws: A vote was taken on section x. to allow changes (amend, appeal, and suspend) to Bylaws. MOTION: To allow changes the Bylaws (amend, appeal, and suspend) by Dr. Trenton Gould and a second by Dr. Dana Fennell. 11. Other Business: Spring meeting at Marine Lab Dr. Topping would like for the research committee to be thinking about a spring meeting and tour of the Marine Lab in order to be aware of what is going on. A Friday including lunch would be favorable. At the beginning of the year, she will work with Ms. Shaw on some dates. A van will be utilized. Everyone agreed. 12. Next meeting: Monday, November 5, 2012, 3:30 p.m. 13. Adjournment Meeting adjourned at 4:50 pm 5