Oct1 (Pou2f1) conditional mouse genotyping protocol. Arvind Shakya, 17 August 2015 Genotyping Genotyping is performed using the following primers: The presence of WT (364 bp) and floxed (493 bp) alleles is determined by PCR using Oct1-3'-WT and Oct1-5'-flox primers, while the presence of the null (669 bp) allele is determined using Oct1-3'-WT and Oct1-5'-null primers. Oct1 3’WT: 5’-ACAGATGCTCGCATTTTAGTTG Oct1 5’flox: 5’-ACACACACAAACAGCAATTATC Oct1 5’null: 5’-TTGCCCAAGTCTTGTCTATCTG. PCR was performed using a Bio-rad Tetrad2 Thermocycler. Master mix was prepared as follows: Ingredient Initial Conc. Volume Final Conc. 2X 7.5 L 1X Oct1 3’ WT 10 M 0.3 L 0.2 M Oct1 5’ flox 10 M 0.3 L 0.2 M GoTaq Green PCR Mastermix (M7123, Promega) dH2O Tail DNA WT/Flox PCR program 94°C (2 min) 94°C (30 sec), 49°C (1 min), 72°C (30 sec) X 30 cycles 72°C (10 min) 5.9 L 1 L 4°C (hold) Null PCR: Ingredient Initial Conc. Volume Final Conc. 2X 7.5 L 1X Oct1 3’ WT 10 M 0.3 L 0.2 M Oct1 5’ Null 10 M 0.3 L 0.2 M GoTaq Green PCR Mastermix (M7123, Promega) 5.9 L dH2O 1 L Tail DNA Null PCR program 94°C (2 min) 94°C (20 sec), 55°C (30 sec), 72°C (20 sec) X 30 cycles 72°C (10 min) 4°C (hold) 2