Právo na obhajobu v kontexte právnej úpravy správneho trestania Michal Maslen Abstract The Paper analyzes the extent of transposition of the right to counsel requirements into the Czech and Slovak legislation on administrative punishment. Within his research the author takes into consideration the opinions of current legal science. He also includes within his paper the current case law of the European court of Human rights, Czech administrative courts and Slovak administrative on the mention guarantee protecting the right to a fair trial. Keywords: The Convention, the Court, Recommendation, Resolution, liability Procesné modelovanie v samospráve SR Jaroslav Kultan – Darina Fričová – Michal Grell – Peter Schmidt Abstract The paper is focused on process modeling in territorial self-government relating to the management of community development, municipal property, municipal business, environment a service development. We analyse selected outputs of PROMOSA project which is about forming database, infrastructure and process modeling in Slovak selfgovernment. We present forming database from data of self-government department‘s documents for the support of shared services in self-government. Keywords: territorial self-government, process modeling, PROMOSA project, municipal business, environment, database, shared services in self-government Spôsoby finančného zabezpečenia cirkví a náboženských spoločností Róbert Gyuri Abstract The paper discusses the various methods of financial coverage of the churches and religious communities. The author also focuses on the regulation of financial relations between the state and religious organizations. He also points to the current funding of religious organizations in Slovakia and possible changes in this field of social, financial and legal relations. Keywords: methods of financial coverage, churches and religious societies, financial relations between the state and religious organizations Povinnosti a oprávnenia poslancov obecného zastupiteľstva Lukáš Olexa Abstract Submission discusses responsibilities and competencies of members of the municipal council. The goal of the discussion is to point out the actual problems and limitations encountered in the practical application in relation to this matter. At the same time I'm offering an analysis of the current legislation of the institute, highlighting and suggesting possible ways to settle the matter. Keywords: duties and powers, deputies of communal representation, local selfgovernment Finančné indikátory vybraných samospráv v Košickom samosprávnom kraji Miriam Šebová Peter Džupka Abstract The paper is focused on financial capability of municipalities. It is divided in two main parts. Theoretical part presents the overview of the concepts of optimal size of municipality and economies of scale. The second part contains case study developed in the Košice – okolie district. In the case study is analyzed set of financial indicators about financial capability of municipalities. The main result of the study is observed relationship between size of the municipality and its economic conditions. Keywords: municipality, municipal costs, economies of scale, optimal size Identifikácia potrieb vzdelávania zamestnancov verejnej správy Cecília Olexová - Juraj Čorba - Alena Drieňová Abstract The process approach to employees´ training in an organization is a prerequisite for high efficiency and effectiveness of education. The first phase of the training process is the identification of training needs, on which the decisions on training depend – purpose of training, its content, and the participants of training activities. Finally, this phase will affect the appropriateness and effectiveness of education. The paper is focused on identifying the training needs of the staff of the Košice Self-governing Region and its aim is to assess and evaluate this phase of the training process. Keywords: identification of training needs, employees, public administration Zpoplatnění užívání veřejného prostranství v České republice Renata Scholzová Abstract The article offers basic insight into the problematic of taxes levied on the use of “public places” (i.e. places serving for public use regardless of the ownership of such places) in the Czech Republic. The article classifies the issue of the use of public places in the context of the rule of law, includes explanations of basic terms as well as brief description of the current legislation in this area. The author explains the way, how to set up such local tax on the use of “public places”, introduces how to determine the amount of such local tax and what are the rules for its payment. The article is complemented by valuable information on the most important interpretative decisions of the Constitutional Court of the Czech Republic, enabling deeper understanding of the issues. Keywords: public law, local taxes, use of public space, municipal jurisdiction, competence of the municipal council Przebudowa aparatu policyjnego w polsce jako efekt transformacji ustrojowej Reconstruction of Polish Police as an effect of political transformation Piotr Majer Abstract The reconstruction of the Ministry of Internal Affairs was a very important task in the process of political transformations initiated in Poland in 1989. This postulate, made under the provisions of the statutory law, was materialised in 3 resolutions adopted by the Parliament on 6 April 1990. Pursuant to the provisions of those resolutions , the internal affairs minister was deprived of his law enforcement powers, becoming solely the supreme body of state administration implementing national policies in the area of state protection, security and public order. The above functions were transferred to the respective agencies reporting to the minister. In the successive resolutions adopted on 6 April 1990, the Parliament set forth the powers and organisational principles of two such agencies – the Police and the State Protection Office. The above began operations on 10 May 1990 when the said resolutions came into force. Bibliometrická analýza časopisu Verejná správa a spoločnosť Iveta Jeleňová Abstract The journal Verejná správa a spoločnosť was founded in 2000. It published two issues per year and its scope is to promote works oriented to theory and praxis of public administration. The purpose of this descriptive study was to conduct bibliometric analysis of the articles published between 2000 and 2012. Analyzed was languages of publication, number of the authors, author`s origin, subject of study, amongst others. A total of 214 articles were analyzed, of which majority are theoretical. The most of analyzed articles are written by authors from Slovakia and articles with one author. The journal has published works of authors from 7 different countries. Keywords: public administration, descriptive study, bibliometric analysis