Computer Science

Assessment Plan for the Computer Science Major
(Revised 6/30/10)
Mission Statement
The mission of the Computer Science program is to prepare students as competent computer scientists in
industry and academia. We expect our students to have a solid grasp of the theory of computing and the
skills to produce and maintain high-quality software and computer systems. We are committed to fostering
creativity and problem solving skills in all areas and applications of computing. Our goal is to make our
students excel in leadership roles and as productive team members.
Computer Science is one of the most dynamic fields: the rate at which computing is evolving requires a
constant appraisal of what is taught and how it is taught. The assessment plan is intended to gauge how well
we are doing in getting our students ready for working in the industry and for advanced studies. The plan
should provide constant feedback for improvement, yet it must not be a burden on the pedagogy.
This assessment plan is primarily based on per-student achievement of the program goals, which are
themselves a means towards satisfying our mission statement. Although, the collection of data is an ongoing
process and will take place at the end of every semester, the assessment of goals will be periodic, based on
when all components of a goal are available next. Besides goal assessment, evaluations for the current
courses, the portfolio, and the senior and project surveys will also be assessed (qualitatively) each year.
Finally, an evaluation of the applicability of our program goals and course outcomes will be included in the
yearly assessment.
Course Evaluation
All courses taught in an academic year will be evaluated, at the end of the year, based on:
1. the course learning outcomes detailed below,
2. a short qualitative assessment that the instructor will write for each course at the end of the semester,
3. student surveys for each course, separate from the official student evaluations. These anonymous
surveys will be topical and unique to each course, and will serve as a qualitative assessment tool for
the program.
Course Learning Outcomes
Only those outcomes will be tracked (for now) that contribute to program objectives. For each outcome the
student will be given a grade value between 1 and 4: 1 is unsatisfactory, 2 is minimally acceptable, 3 is
satisfactory, and 4 is excellent.
CPTR 105: Computer Programming I
1. Understand the problem solving process using algorithms
2. Able to implement basic programs in a programming language
3. Understanding of fundamental programming constructs: Primitive Types, Strings, Console I/O,
Control Flow
4. Basic understanding of classes and objects
Methods for assessment: assignments, exams questions
CPTR 205: Computer Programming II
1. Object-oriented programming details: polymorphism, inheritance, packages
2. Experience writing multi-object programs for modeling real-world problems
3. Using arrays
Methods for assessment: assignments, exams questions
CPTR 221: Software Development
1. Familiarity with the fundamentals and the effectiveness of common software development
2. Developed and delivered a software product for a real customer;
3. Communicated with a customer throughout the development process
4. Conversant with common development tools including frameworks, IDEs, debugging tools, and
version control;
5. Produced effective documentation of the development process and the software product
6. Worked as a team member effectively fulfilling their role towards product development
Methods for assessment: assignments, exams questions, project, presentations
CPTR 308: Computer Architecture
Understand the general hardware composition of a modern computer system
Understand the relationship between the computer components
Familiarity with a machine language
Understand the transformation of information from the highest (text, images, etc.) to the lowest level
(binary representation of numbers and text, memory storage)
5. Be able to describe the transformation of processing from the highest (programming language
statements and programs) to the lowest level (instruction set design, hardware arithmetic)
6. Understand the tradeoffs in modern computer systems such as speed, power, and reliability
Methods for assessment: assignments, exams questions
CPTR 225: Database Programming
Understanding of the status and applicability of databases as a data management solution
Use of SQL as a programming interface for database management
The design and optimization of databases with focus on application integration
Use of a database management system in a functional web or desktop application
Methods for assessment: assignments, exams questions, project
CPTR 310: Algorithms and Data Structures
Demonstrate knowledge of basic data structures such as stacks, queues, and lists
Develop custom data structures based on data modeling requirements
Implement algorithms for searching and sorting the basic data structures
Understand time complexity
Understand the issues involved in optimizing algorithms
Methods for assessment: assignments, exams questions
CPTR 314: Operating Systems and Networks
1. Understanding of core concepts in operating systems, including memory management, processes,
concurrency, and scheduling
2. Understanding of core concepts in networking: (a) the network layers and their abstractions, (b) the
integration of networking modules in modern OS, (c) and the layout of small to large scale networks
3. Programmatic interaction with the lower layers of an OS kernel
4. Understanding of networked application models, such as client-server and cloud computing
5. Building networked applications such as chat clients and distributed software
Methods for assessment: assignments, exams questions
Program Goals
Experience in designing and developing software
Understanding of the architecture and organization of computer systems
Understanding of the layers of information and processing abstractions in computing
Understanding of theoretical foundations of CS, and the mathematics necessary for scientific
5. Ability to read and write programs in multiple languages, and be proficient in one language
6. Experience a liberal education in humanities and social sciences
7. Ability to communicate ideas and work as a team member
Periodic evaluation of each goal will be determined considering:
 the (required) course outcomes that help achieve the goal
 the assessment methods used for course outcomes
Goal 1: Experience in designing and developing software
Description: A major expectation of any CS graduate is their ability to produce effective software programs
both individually and as a team member. The graduate must be comfortable with the prevalent tools and
methodologies in the software industry and understand the complexities of the production and management
lifecycles of a mature software product. be familiar with the major development processes; developed at
least one complete software product with a prevalent process; conversant with common development tools
including frameworks, IDEs, debugging tools, and version control; familiar with integrating an application’s
data requirements using a database.
Course Outcomes: 222.1, 222.2, 222.4, 222.5; 312.4
Goal 2: Understanding of the organization and architecture of computer systems
Description: Computer Systems have been aggregating incremental changes in their architecture and
organization in the last four decades, while keeping the basic fundamentals more or less the same. This
requires a CS graduate to (a) have a thorough understanding of the foundation topics, such as von-Neumann
architecture and Ethernet communication, and (b) be informed of the current and upcoming technologies,
such as multi-core CPUs, and cloud computing. Such knowledge requires a grounding in the hardware as it
supports the systems software, as well as the software that supports the expected operational expectations
from a computer system.
Course Outcomes: 308.1, 308.4, 308.5, 312.1, 314.1, 314.2, 314.5
Goal 3: Understanding of the layers of information and processing abstractions in computing
Description: A recurring theme in computer science is that of abstractions. The use of abstractions as the
basis of our current model of computing is central to an understanding of the overall field at all levels. In
programming, for example, the use of increasingly complex abstractions such as statements, functions,
classes, libraries, and frameworks not only makes the practitioner a good software developer, but also able
to detect when and how these abstractions fail in practice. Other examples of abstractions are information,
processing, communication, and design pattern abstractions.
Course Outcomes: 205.1, 308.4, 308.5, 312.1, 310.1, 314.3
Goal 4: Understanding of the theoretical foundations of CS, and the mathematics necessary for scientific
Description: Historically and at heart, computer science is founded on theoretical ideas traditionally
expressed by using some mathematical language. This demands that the CS graduate gains a solid
understanding of the mathematics that is either related directly to computing, or for gaining a maturity
expected in higher-level computing courses.
Course Outcomes: all required math courses (MATH 121, MATH 130, MATH 251), 205.1, 221.1, 312.3,
Goal 5: Ability to read and write program in multiple languages, and be proficient in one language.
Description: A programming language serves as the main tool for practical exploration of CS topics as well
as for producing software artifacts. As such, it is de rigueur for the student to have a thorough knowledge
and experience of at least one language. One the other hand, exposure to solely one language can prove
severely limiting to the graduate’s expressivity and marketability. Also, learning the syntax and semantics of
a language does not equate to being a master of its usage. Therefore, the student must gain an understanding
to the fundamentals of programming language features. Sustained exposure to the programming tool
ecosystem, especially debuggers and profiling tools is becoming increasingly essential in the field.
Course outcomes: 105.1, 105.2, 105.3, 205.1, 205.2, 221.2, 310.3, and relevant outcomes from electives
(CPTR 222, 324, 410, 415)
Goal 6: Experience a liberal education in humanities and social sciences
Description: a CS graduate is expected to have a well-rounded liberal arts background in order to keep up
with the current issues and events. The student must be able to evaluate the importance and effect of
technology in the society. An exposure to a diverse education gives the student a perspective in the ethical
and moral issues that they may face in their career.
Course outcomes: this goal will be achieved by the liberal arts courses that the student is required to take at
Manchester College.
Goal 7: Ability to communicate ideas and work as a team member
Description: Communication is crucial for a CS graduate: the expression of ideas goes beyond writing
source code for software programs. The ability to write documentation, present ideas to an audience, and
describe efforts and processes in clear and concise language is necessary for working in a professional
environment as well as in higher studies.
Course Outcomes: 221.3, 221.5, 221.6, 475/499 presentation and paper.
The intention is more towards providing the student a collection of achievements that can serve as an
example of their capabilities and experience, than as a direct assessment tool. Still, such an artifact can be
useful in providing an overall view of the student’s achievements for assessment. It will best serve as a tool
for qualitative assessment.
One major program assignment from 105
One major program assignment from 205
Project Documentation & Output from 221
Project from 312
One major program assignment from 310
Internship/Senior Project paper + Product Output
Internship/Senior Project presentation + grade (see rubrics in Appendices B and C)
Any other research or project output
Portfolio can be saved on user accounts in the Linux lab. Faculty will review portfolio every year/semester.
Student Surveys
Course Survey: as discussed in course evaluation above.
Internship survey: although students experience close mentorship with faculty in senior projects,
internships can be difficult to evaluate specially for assessment purposes. A simple survey’s completion will
be a requirement towards SCE. (See Appendix A.)
Senior/Exit Survey: every major student will be expected to complete an exit survey in their last semester.
This will be in the form of a questionnaire with the intent to gather student’s impression about the program
and their experience. Its completion will be a requirement towards SCE. (See Appendix A.)
Appendix A: Internship and Exit Surveys
Internship Survey
1. Resources used to obtain internship?
2. Employer details.
3. Skills learnt.
4. CS courses that helped prepare.
5. Rate the following for the quality of experience:
a. interaction with mentor
b. interaction with employer
c. team work
d. match between interests and work
e. overall experience
Senior Exit Survey
1. Currently employed?
2. Job prospects?
3. Graduate school?
Specific Program Goal Impressions
(graded 1 - 4)
1. I am experienced in designing and developing software.
2. I have an understanding of the architecture and organization of computer systems.
3. I have an understanding of the layers of information and processing abstractions in computing.
4. I have an understanding of theoretical foundations of CS, and the mathematics necessary for scientific
5. I am able to read and write programs in multiple languages, and be proficient in one language.
6. I am able to communicate ideas and work as a team member.
General Program Impressions
(graded 1 - 4)
1. I found the courses in the program intellectually stimulating.
2. The teaching was adequate for me to succeed in the courses.
3. Which was the most useful course?
4. Which was the least useful course?
5. The theoretical knowledge was adequate.
6. The practical experience was adequate.
7. Suggestions for improving the CS program.
Appendix B: Evaluation Rubric for Internship Presentation
Written and Oral
3 Understands key Applies computer
Can effectively work Can effectively explain
science concepts to within a team to set computer science
design solutions using goals, divide
concepts, algorithms and
concepts; can appropriate steps in a responsibilities for
implementation issues in
explain their
logical sequence;
various portions of oral and written form, at a
significance in constructs clear,
work product,
level appropriate to the
the broad
correct and efficient communicate and
context of
coordinate between
computing and
team members as
can provide
project progresses and
resolve any
2 Knows basic
concepts; can
explain how
they relate to
Technical Skills
Applies computer
Is able to work
science concepts to effectively once
design solutions using assignment is given,
appropriate steps in a communicates with
reasonably logical
other team members
sequence; constructs when needed,
correct algorithms
contributes to
although may be
lacking in clarity or
Can effectively explain
computer science
concepts, simple
algorithms and basic
implementation issues in
both oral and written
1 Knows basic
Has difficulty
applying concepts to
science concepts arrive at a solution;
but has
algorithms illustrate
basic principles but
relating them to may be confusing or
occasionally produce
incorrect results.
Can complete
assignment when
given but does not
always effectively
coordinate work
process and product
with others.
Can explain basic
computer science
concepts and simple
algorithms; has little
ability to explain basic
implementation issues.
0 Does not know Cannot construct
basic computer solutions using basic
science concepts building blocks of
required to solve computer science.
common types
of problems.
Has significant
difficulty working
with others,
coordinating efforts
or communicating
with a project team.
Cannot effectively
communicate basic
computer science
concepts or issues.
3 = High Pass;
2 = Pass; 1= Low Pass;
0 = Fail; NA = Not Applicable/Observed
Evaluator: ________________________________
Date: ________________
Material Evaluated: _________________________________________
Appendix C: Evaluation Rubric for Senior Project Presentation
Understands key Applies computer
Implements algorithms Can effectively work
science concepts to
in an effective and
within a team to set
design solutions using maintainable fashion, goals, divide
concepts; can
appropriate steps in a with clear user
responsibilities for
explain their
logical sequence;
interface and program various portions of
significance in constructs clear,
work product,
the broad context correct and efficient displays a high
communicate and
of computing
command of
coordinate between
and can provide
team members as
languages and
project progresses and
software development resolve any
tools (e.g., editors,
compilers and
Knows basic
Applies computer
Displays sufficient
Is able to work
science concepts to
command of
effectively once
design solutions using programming
assignment is given,
concepts; can
appropriate steps in a languages and
communicates with
explain how they reasonably logical
software development other team members
relate to specific sequence; constructs tools (e.g., editors,
when needed,
correct algorithms
compilers and
contributes to
although may be
debuggers) to produce decision-making.
lacking in clarity or working programs;
programs lack some
clarity in logic, user
interface or
Knows basic
Has difficulty applying Knows basic syntax of Can complete
concepts to arrive at a languages and
assignment when
science concepts solution; algorithms rudiments of software given but does not
but has difficulty illustrate basic
development tools but always effectively
relating them to principles but may be has difficulty
coordinate work
confusing or
identifying logical
process and product
occasionally produce errors or using tools to with others.
incorrect results.
detect errors; programs
are sometimes
incomplete or contain
non-trivial bugs.
Does not know Cannot construct
Has not mastered basic Has significant
basic computer solutions using basic syntax and use of
difficulty working
science concepts building blocks of
software tools;
with others,
required to solve computer science.
programs often do not coordinating efforts or
common types of
provide desired result; communicating with a
is not able to address project team.
program deficiencies.
3 = High Pass;
Technical Skills
2 = Pass; 1= Low Pass;
Can effectively explain
computer science
concepts, simple
algorithms and basic
implementation issues in
both oral and written form.
Can explain basic
computer science concepts
and simple algorithms; has
little ability to explain
basic implementation
Cannot effectively
communicate basic
computer science concepts
or issues.
0 = Fail; NA = Not Applicable/Observed
Evaluator: ________________________________
Date: ________________
Material Evaluated: _________________________________________
Written and Oral
Can effectively explain
computer science
concepts, algorithms and
implementation issues in
oral and written form, at a
level appropriate to the