FOR ONLINE PUBLICATION ONLY Supplementary Material Table 1. Surface Protected by the National and Natural Parks of Doñana and Sierra Nevada of Their Greater Ecosystems and Social-Ecological Systems Surface (Km2) % Protected Doñana Greater Ecosystem 2207 43 Doñana social-ecological system 3713 29 Sierra Nevada Greater Ecosystem 2230 77 Sierra Nevada social-ecological system 3655 48 Table 2. Zoning of the National and Natural Parks of Doñana and Sierra Nevada, Services Provided by Them Figure of Zone Characteristics Areas covered Objectives of protection the zones DOÑANA National Reserve The most Biological and Very few Park zone protected area due Guadiamar research to its uniqueness, reserves, tidal activities are fragility, influence zone of permitted. biodiversity or the Guadalquivir Grazing is scientific values and Brazo del prohibited Este, coastal Juniper formations, reedbeds, etc. Restricted Very natural areas The rest of the Some use zone that might support National Park traditional uses a certain degree of are allowed non-intensive use under regulation Moderate use zone Natural areas Beach area where human influence has been higher. These areas can support greater intensities of human uses Areas Covered by Them, Objectives of These Areas and Main Areas Objectives of covered the zones SIERRA NEVADA Includes Not specified. several General criteria mountain and guidelines wetlands for the National and some Park applies cliffs Main services provided BOTH AREAS Hydrological regulation, climate regulation, erosion control, satisfaction for biodiversity conservation, scientific knowledge The rest of Not specified. the National General criteria Park and guidelines for the National Park applies Hydrological regulation, climate regulation, erosion control, satisfaction for biodiversity conservation, scientific knowledge, food from grazing, cultural identity Nature tourism, beach tourism, climate regulation, erosion control, food from agriculture, food from grazing Nature tourism Reforested is allowed areas with pines, farming areas, skiing areas, mountain refuges and recreation Not specified. General criteria and guidelines for the National Park applies Special use zones Natural Park Small areas where construction sites and infrastructures are located. It also includes the infrastructures needed to provide services to visitors and the protected area offices Zone of Areas located in protection the surroundings of the National Park that act as buffer areas Reserve Areas dedicated to zones (A) conservation, research, ecological regeneration and environmental education Special Natural zones with regulation different degrees zones (B) of human transformation in which traditional uses (mainly forestry, grazing or hunting) are maintained Visitor centers and their parking areas, Palacio de Doñana and Marismilla buildings. Not specified areas Access to this Roads, areas is not mountain restricted to refuges users Not specified Not specified. Environmental General criteria education, recreation and guidelines for the National Park applies Not existing Not existing in Coastal protection, in Sierra Sierra Nevada hydrological Nevada regulation, erosion control, recreation, shellfish gathering, Several areas Dedicated to Wetlands Biodiversity Satisfaction for given their conservation, and peat conservation, biodiversity importance for research, bogs research and conservation, fauna and flora maintenance environmental scientific knowledge conservation and of ecological education and environmental their processes and education geomorphological environmental uniqueness education Includes hilly Dedicated to Forest, Sustainable use Forest products, food areas, non- the bush, and of grazing, from agriculture, exploited marshes maintenance pasture forest use and food from grazing, and exploited of the system areas. hunting recreational hunting, marshes with Includes the compatible with satisfaction for traditional uses buffer area biodiversity biodiversity that allow for alpine conservation. conservation, climate biodiversity skiing Multiregulation, conservation functionality hydrological Common Less natural areas regulation in which different zones (C) uses are allowed. They include diverse uses such as agriculture, grazing or skiing Cultivated areas, intensive aquaculture areas and buildings. Zone not Areas excluded of Not existing included the environmental Doñana in any zoning category (D) Dedicated to minimize the impacts of the farming activities and construction sites existing in it in Not existing in Doñana Some bush areas, cultivated areas, ski area, mining areas Dedicated to minimize the impacts of the activities within it Urban areas Dedicated to minimize the impacts of the activities within it regulation Food from agriculture, food from grazing, food from aquaculture, ski tourism Figure 1. Greater ecosystems (biophysical systems) of Doñana and Sierra Nevada, and the land of these covered by the National and Natural Parks. Figure 2. Ecosystem service delivery in the Doñana social-ecological system. White areas within the social-ecological systems represent zero (or very low) ecosystem service value for the services selected. Figure 3. Ecosystem service delivery in the Sierra Nevada social-ecological system. White areas within the social-ecological systems represent zero (or very low) ecosystem service value for the services selected.