Information About Ventilator Machine

Information about Ventilator Machine
1. It is chargeable.
2. Ventilator provides oxygen to the patient.
3. It is used to unconscious the patient together with anesthesia machine.
4. It shows patient’s pulse on screen
5. A small blue cord which is connected to the machine shows the amount of
entering and exiting oxygen into patient lungs.
6. The big blue cord is used for oxygen balloon
7. The white cord shows the amount of CO2 exiting from lungs.
8. If the oxygen balloon is not available, the machine is able to make 21 % oxygen
from air.
The machine operation
When you turn on the machine, the following menu will appear:
Shows the amount of oxygen pressure in the patient lungs/ and use
with VT together.
(VT): patient weight multiply by 10
In This part you can adjust the amount of breath per minute.
It is divided into the following branches.
(SIM V) ( CPAP) ( AC)
Apply the mask on patient mouth and nose, if the patient is not able to
breathe then the machine provide automatic breathe to the patient/ if
the patient is able to breathe then only provide oxygen to the patient.
If the patient can’t breathe properly, it will help patient breathing
(SIM V):
If patient need addition breathing it’s provide additional breathing
during inspiration and expiration
When you connect oxygen balloon to the machine, always adjust the
following command to 50/ connect the balloon in the side of machine.
If you want to provide additional breathing for the patient, press the
circular switch which is located in the left and lower side, in this time
during inspiration and expiration it will give additional breathing.
There is a button on machine body and called menu and by pressing
this menu the following functions can be operated.
1. You can activate and deactivate the pulse oxy meter.
2. Trigger level:
By using the above command, when you want to change the
percentage of oxygen, the amount of oxygen should always be 2.0
3. When you want activate ore deactivate the oxygen balloon from
the side of the machine, you can use the following commands:
O2 resevoiv
4. If you want to find information about the machine, you can use
the following command:
Unit info
5. If you want to increase or decrease the contrast of the page, you
can use the following command:
Prepared by: 2nd Lt Engineer Azizullah Kohistani