July 2015 DBE GOAL METHODOLOGY 49 CFR PART 26 GEORGETOWN SCOTT COUNTY REGIONAL AIRPORT FISCAL YEAR 2015 A. UPDATE OF GOALS - To make the program as useful as possible to the public, the Georgetown Scott County Regional Airport Board will update the "amount," "method," and "breakout" portions of this section of the program annually or as required. The following sections will be submitted to the FAA every year, or as required, for approval: Amount of Overall goal section, Method used for establishing overall goals, Process, the Race-neutral/Race conscious breakout, and Contract goals. The material on overall goals in the DBE program will be a shorter summary of the material submitted annually, or as required in the overall goal submission. B. AMOUNT OF GOAL - The Georgetown Scott County Regional Airport Board's overall goal for FY 2015 is 8.04% of the Federal financial assistance we will expend in FAA-assisted contracts. We expect an FAA grant this FY in the amount of $645,970.00, which means that our DBE goal is set at $51,936.00 for this Fiscal Year. This overall goal is intended for information of public users of the program, and does not imply that the FAA, as such, has approved the goal. C. METHOD - STEP 1: In the development of the DBE goal for the Georgetown Scott County Regional Airport the first step was to establish the availability of ready, willing and able DBE businesses that were capable of participating in the types of contracts that were programmed during FY 2015. The project that is anticipated entails Apron Rehabilitation along with all the professional fees associated with such a project. The monetary size of the project is estimated at $645,970.00. An analysis of the project indicates that funds will be expended in the following areas. GEORGETOWN SCOTT COUNTY REGIONAL AIRPORT TASK General Contractors Street/Highway Painting Hauling Engineering Landscaping TOTAL PROJECT ANALYSIS FY 2015 NAICS AMOUNT 236220 $142,536 237310 $351,027 238320 $11,832 484110 $30,000 541330 $95,575 561730 $15,000 $645,970.00 PERCENTAGE 22.07% 54.34% 1.83% 4.64% 14.80% 2.32% 100.00% The formula to be used to calculate the Base Figure for the DBE goal is as follows: Total DBE Firms in State listed by NAICS Code of Work to be Performed X 100 = Base Figure Total Firms in the State listed by NAICS Code of Work to be Performed Page 1 of 5 July 2015 An investigation indicated that a majority (over 70%) of the contractors and subcontractors on projects accomplished in Kentucky came from the State of Kentucky and that approximately 70% of the contract dollars were also expended in the State of Kentucky. Because of this, the universe to be used to establish a Base Figure will be limited to the State of Kentucky. A search was initiated for a Directory that would identify firms to accomplish these tasks. It was agreed that the most comprehensive directory for DBE firms in Kentucky was the DBE Directory that has been established by the “Kentucky Transportation Cabinet Office of Minority Affairs Certified DBE Directory.” This directory contains DBE firms that have been certified in accordance with the requirements for 49 CFR Part 26. The current DBE Directory dated June 2015 contains the names of 393 DBE certified firms that are located both in and out of the State of Kentucky. A total of 199 out of state firms were eliminated from consideration. This reduced the number of considered firms to a total of 194. The list was further refined by identifying those firms that could participate in the project by their appropriate NAICS. The resulting number will be used as the numerator in determining the Base Figure. The next step in establishing the Base Figure was to determine our denominator. This was accomplished through the use of the Census Bureau’s County Business Pattern (CBCBP) and the identification of the NAICSs that were the same as those identified from the Directory. With these figures in hand we compute our Base Figure using the following mathematics: KICS 236220 .2207 NAICS 236220 Base Figure KICS 237310 .5434 NAICS 237310 KICS 238320 .0183 NAICS 238320 KICS 484110 KICS 541330 .0464 .1480 NAICS 484110 NAICS 541330 KICS 561730 .0232 NAICS 561730 KICS- Kentucky DBE Directory NAICS NAICS–Census Bureau’s County Business Pattern (CBCBP) Data Base Base Figure 20 5 4 .2207 .5434 .0183 260 59 267 5 15 7 .0464 .1480 .0232 359 525 898 Base .0170 .0461 .0003 .0006 .0042 .0002 Figure Base = Figure 6.84 % STEP 2: With the Base Figure established our next step was to more finely tailor this figure to reflect conditions which have occurred at the Georgetown Scott County Regional Airport. Currently, there are no known disparity studies completed in this area of the Commonwealth of Kentucky. The Georgetown Scott County Regional Airport Board has considered the suggested options outlined in 49 CFR Part 26 Page 2 of 5 July 2015 Para 26.45 and determined that past performance is the data to be utilized to determine if an adjustment to our Base Figure is warranted. It was felt that other airports in the state should be investigated as well. To this end we investigated other airports with like type projects. Listed below are the projects that were included for analysis. As you will note, each of these projects is of a similar nature to the project that is being anticipated in the 2015 time frame at the Georgetown Scott County Regional Airport. GEORGETOWN SCOTT COUNTY REGIONAL AIRPORT LIKE TYPE FAA PROJECTS YEAR LOCATION PROJECT EXPENSES 2009 2009 2009 Murray Bardstown Danville $479,000 $684,211 $344,137 PROJECT TYPE Apron Rehabilitation Apron Rehabilitation Apron Rehabilitation MEDIAN * % OF DBE PARTICIPATION 9.75% 9.24%* 8.10% The next step was to determine if any adjustment might be needed to the Base Figure. It was determined that the Median of the three projects was 9.24%, and it was felt that the Base Figure should be adjusted to cater for this variance. A summary of this analysis yields the following: MEDIAN PERCENTAGE BASE FIGURE + 9.24% 6.84% 16.08% ÷ 2 = 8.04% Satisfied that the Median Percentage was valid, the final step in the comparison was the development of a simple average of the Base Figure and the Median Percentage to establish a final percentage. The result of this was 8.04%. It was felt that the Base Figure of 6.84% should be adjusted for this variance. The Average Percentage of 8.04% is established as the goal for DBE participation at the Georgetown Scott County Regional Airport for FY 2015. D. PROCESS - The Georgetown Scott County Regional Airport Board, Kentucky, submitted its overall goal to the FAA in July, 2015 for their consideration and approval. Before establishing the overall goal each year, the Board has consulted with the Kentucky Transportation Cabinet and other available minorities, women and general contractor groups to obtain information concerning the availability of disadvantaged and non-disadvantaged businesses and the effects of discrimination on opportunities for DBEs. The Board’s efforts are to establish a level playing field for the participation of DBEs. Following this consultation, The Board has published a notice of the proposed overall goal on the Georgetown Scott County Regional Airport website, informing the public that the proposed goal and its rationale are available for inspection during normal business hours at the Board’s office for 30 days following the date of the notice, and informing the public that the Board and DOT will accept comments on the goals for 30 days from the date of the notice. Normally, the Board will issue this notice by June 1 of each year. The notice will include the Board’s addresses to which comments may be sent. The overall goal Page 3 of 5 July 2015 submission to the DOT will include a summary of information and comments received during this public participation process and the Board’s responses. We will begin using our overall goal on October 1 of each year, unless we have received other instructions from DOT (or if the goal is established on a project basis, by the time of the first solicitation for a DOT-assisted contract for the project). Consultation discussions were held with the following agencies: GEORGETOWN SCOTT COUNTY REGIONAL AIRPORT AGENCIES CONSULTED WITH Agency/Organization Discussion/Information Kentucky Department of Aviation – Craig Farmer Georgetown Scott County Regional Airport Manager – James Toole Availabilities of DBEs, Directories, and Small and DBE contracting opportunities. Availabilities of DBE, Directories and Small and DBE contracting opportunities Public comments have been requested for the FY 2015 goal and the 30 day comment period is underway. Any comments received from the public advertisement or the other coordination will be evaluated and necessary changes will be made to the goal. E. RACE-CONSCIOUS AND RACE-NEUTRAL GOALS - Each time the Georgetown Scott County Regional Airport Board submits an overall goal for review by the FAA, the Board will also submit a projection of the portion of the goal that is expected to be met through race-neutral means and the basis for that projection. This projection is subject to approval by the FAA, in conjunction with its review of the Board’s overall goal. The Board will establish contract goals to meet any portion of an overall goal when the Board does not project being able to meet the goal using race-neutral means. We estimate that, in meeting our overall goal of 8.04%, that 0% of the goal will be attained from race-neutral participation and 8.04% via race-conscious participation measures. This breakout was established by computing the median of the variance of the level of DBE participation vs. DBE goal on the projects considered in Step 2 of the overall goal participation computation. The Median Percentage was 0%, the following is the level of variance in each of the projects: YEAR 2009 2009 2009 PROJECT DBE GOAL VARIANCE GEORGETOWN SCOTT COUNTY REGIONAL AIRPORT LIKE-TYPE FAA PROJECTS LOCATION DBE GOAL % OF DBE VARIANCE Murray 9.75% 9.75% 0% Bardstown 9.24% 9.24% 0%* Danville 8.77% 8.10% -0.67% * MEDIAN PERCENTAGE Page 4 of 5 July 2015 F. CONTRACT GOALS - The Georgetown Scott County Regional Airport Board will use contract goals to meet any portion of the overall goal that the Board does not project being able to meet using race-neutral means. Contract goals are established so that, over the period to which the overall goal applies, they will cumulatively result in meeting any portion of our overall goal that is not projected to be met through the use of race-neutral means. The contract goal established for this period is 8.04%. We will establish contract goals only on those DOT-assisted contracts that have subcontracting possibilities. We need not establish a contract goal on every such contract and the size of contract goals will be adapted to the circumstances of each such contract (e.g., type and location of work, availability of DBEs to perform the particular type of work). The Board will express the contract goals as a percentage of the Federal share of a DOT-assisted contract. G. THREE YEAR GOAL: At this time the FY 2016 and FY 2017 do not meet the threshold requiring development of a DBE goal. For calculations purposes for 2016 and 2017 a goal of 0% will be used. As additional data becomes available the goal will be revised and submitted for consideration and approval. 2015 2016 2017 - 8.04% 0% + 0% 8.04% = 8.04% References: Kentucky Transportation Cabinet/ List of Certified DBE Firms, June 2015 2013 – U.S. Census Bureau, June 2015 Page 5 of 5