Park View Junior School Calculation Policy- Addition Calculation Vocabulary/ Resources Practical addition Addition should be practised practically with physical objects e.g. compare bears. + I have 3 monsters. Jack gives me 2 more. = How many do I have altogether? 2 3 4 5 6 7 4 add on 3 is 7. Recording addition with pictures The children can record the addition pictorially. Then the addition sentence can be written underneath. + Resources: Compare bears, camels, counters Vocabulary: Jumps, count on, add, ones Using number tracks to count on 1 Vocabulary: count on, add, one more than, how many altogether? And = 3+2=5 Once secure with adding 2 sets of pictures together, one of the sets can be replaced for a number. Resources: Structured number tracks Vocabulary: Add, plus, count on Resources: Pictures Mental strategies Counting on in 1s from any number Counting up to 20. Counting on in 1s from any number Understanding the number name with what the number looks like. 3+ =5 U + U on a number line by counting on A numbered number line is used to count on. Children should start with the larger number then add on the smaller. 3+5=8 Vocabulary: Count on, add, sum, total, how many altogether? and, how many more? score, +, addition, double, near double, one more, two more, ten more, hundred more Counting on from a number. Resources: Structured number line TU + U on a number line 15 + 8 = 23 Vocabulary: Count on, add, sum, total, how many altogether? and, how many more? score, +, addition, double, near double, one more, two more, ten more, hundred more Children start to use a blank number line and use their Number bonds to 10 to make jumps. This could also be done mentally by partitioning the 8 into a Resources: 5 and 3. You could then add the 5 to the 15 to make 20, then Structured number line, add the 3 to make it 23. hundred square TU + TU on a number line As well as putting the larger number first, the smaller number is partitioned into tens and units. 86 + 57 = 86 + 50 + 7 = 86 + 10 + 10 +10 + 10 + 10 + 7 = 143 Or they may partition the 7 down to 4 + 3 to get to the nearest 10. 86 + 50 + 7 = 86 + 10 + 10 +10 + 10 + 10 + 4 + 3 = 143 Vocabulary: Count on, add, sum, total, how many altogether? and, how many more? score, +, addition, double, near double, one more, two more, ten more, hundred more Resources: Hundred square Partitioning Add multiples of 10, 100 Add near multiples of 10 and 100 by rounding and adjusting More confident children to add 10s in one jump. Here, the 7 has been split into 4 + 3 to help bridge the 10s barrier. 86 + 57 = 86 + 50 + 4 + 3 = 143 Vocabulary: Count on, add, sum, total, how many altogether? and, how many more? score, +, addition, double, near double, one more, two more, ten more, hundred more Partitioning numbers in different ways. 9 being 4 + 5 or 6 + 3 or 8 + 1 Resources: HTU + TU on a number line 536 + 48 = 536 + 40 + 4 +4 = 584 Vocabulary: Count on, add, sum, total, how many altogether? and, how many more? score, +, addition, double, near double, one more, two more, ten more, hundred more Partitioning numbers in different ways. 9 being 4 + 5 or 6 + 3 or 8 + 1 Resources: Vertical addition When children start to consider adding numbers vertically ‘Hundred, tens and ones’ can be used. They will then go on to understand that 10 ones can be exchanged for one ten). Children will add the Units and then the Tens. TO + TO vertically with symbols Diennes should be used to support this method. Vocabulary: count on, add, sum, total, how many altogether? and, how many more? score, +, addition, double, near double, one more, two more, ten more, hundred more, Number bonds, place value, increase, carry, exchange Resources: Diennes, place value grid TO + TO vertically with symbols where exchange is needed When the ones add up to a number greater than 9, you draw out the ones and carry the tens. 36 + 48 = Vocabulary: count on, add, sum, total, how many altogether? and, how many more? score, +, addition, double, near double, one more, two more, ten more, hundred more, increase, carry, exchange Number bonds, place value Resources: Dienes, place value grid Remember: 10 ones is the same as 1 ten If the ones add up to 10 or more, you exchange 10 ones for a ten. Partitioning using the column method The numbers are put into hundreds, tens and ones columns. First add up the ones together, then the tens then the hundreds. Then add the 3 partitioned answers to get your final answer. Vocabulary: count on, add, sum, total, how many altogether? and, how many more? score, +, addition, double, near double, one Partitioning numbers into HTO, number bonds, carrying, place value. more, two more, ten more, hundred more, increase, carry, exchange + Formal addition method (column addition) It is laid out the same way as the chips and peas method just with numbers instead of drawings Adding decimal numbers The addition of decimals should be introduced in the context of money. Resources: Vocabulary: count on, add, sum, total, how many altogether? and, how many more? score, +, addition, double, near double, one more, two more, ten more, hundred more, increase, carry, exchange Resources: Dienes, place value grid, Vocabulary: money, part of a whole, fraction, Resources: Partitioning numbers into HTO. Number bonds, place value,