DEPARTMENT OF EMPLOYMENT, EDUCATION AND TRAINING DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION POLICY PRE-COMPULSORY YEARS OF SCHOOLING: EARLY YEARS LEARNING FRAMEWORK Responsibility of: Effective date: Next review date: Target audience: Schools Support Service DoE File: 2015/286 2011 DoE Doc: EDOC2015/13764 2013 VERSION NUMBER: 1.0 Pre-compulsory Educators in the Northern Territory This document should be read in conjunction with Early Years Learning Framework 1. POLICY The Department of Education (DoE) mandates the use of the Early Years Learning Framework (EYLF) in all government Preschool and Transition classes across the Northern Territory. The department recognises the importance of the early years of a child's life and the impact on a child's health, wellbeing and lifelong learning. The EYLF aligns the department’s priorities to support young children and their families to achieve the best from their early childhood yearsi from birth to 5 years. This policy relates to the use of the EYLF in provision of education in Preschool and Transition known as precompulsory years of schooling. The EYLF is to be embedded across the Preschool and Transition years of schooling to ensure the intellectual, physical, social, emotional, moral, spiritual and aesthetic development and wellbeing of students. ii This will lead to “a sound grounding of the skills and abilities that will enable individuals to contribute to a well educated workforce.”iii In the Preschool and Transition years, planning and programming will reflect the intent of the EYLF while Transition teachers will use the EYLF in conjunction with the Australian Curriculum/ NT Curriculum Framework. 2. BUSINESS NEED Australia is undergoing national reform in the early childhood education and care sector. Underpinning evidence indicates that quality early childhood experiences enhance children’s learning and development outcomes and overcome disadvantage. Further research supports that quality early childhood experiences have ongoing impact beyond schooling and on to adult productivity, health and wellbeing. In response to this evidence, the Council of Australian Governments (COAG) has signed several National Partnerships to lead reform in the childhood education and care sector. Page 1 of 6 DoE Policy: Pre-Compulsory Years of Schooling: Early Years Learning Framework The Early Years Learning Framework (EYLF), part of the COAG reform agenda, describes the principles, practice and outcomes essential to support and enhance young children’s learning from birth to five years of age. In the Northern Territory, these ages are inclusive of the Preschool and Transition year of schooling. The NT Government is a signatory to the National Partnership Agreement on Early Childhood Education and is therefore committed to the ongoing implementation of the EYLF for Preschool and Transition years of schooling. 3. SCOPE The management of this policy will be the responsibility of Curriculum, Teaching and Phases of Learning Division. The scope of this policy includes: Preschool educators Preschool educators will be using the EYLF throughout 2011 with full implementation by the beginning of 2012 in line with the NQS timeline Transition educators Transition educators will fully implement the EYLF by 2013 as Preschool children move into Transition. Transition educators have two years to become familiar with, and incorporate, the EYLF pedagogy, principles, practices and outcomes into their planning, programming, assessment and reporting. Transition educators will use the Australian Curriculum/ NT Curriculum Framework in conjunction with the EYLF. The scope of this policy does not include: Pre-compulsory education outside of these areas such as, childcare, afterschool care and family day care NQS assessment of Preschools Mandated early years assessment eg Assessment of Student Competencies (ASC)/ Australian Early Developmental Index (AEDI). Page 2 of 6 DoE Policy: Pre-Compulsory Years of Schooling: Early Years Learning Framework 4. DEFINITIONS The Early Years Learning Framework guides “educators to provide young children with opportunities to maximise their potential and develop a foundation for future success in learning”iv by outlining the principles, practices and learning outcomes. National Quality Framework The NQF forms part of a broader COAG agenda to pursue substantial reform to deliver a higher standard of care for children in the critical areas of education, health and safety. National Quality Standards The NQS comprises guiding principles, quality areas, standards and elements to ensure high quality practice and consistent provision of early childhood education and care across Australia. NQS provide the requirements Preschools need to meet the standards, regulations and schedules to gain approval to operate and continually improve practice. Council of Australian Government COAG is the peak intergovernmental forum in Australia. It comprises the Prime Minister, state premiers, Territory chief ministers and the president of the Australian Local Government Association. The role of COAG is to initiate, develop and monitor the implementation of policy reforms that are of national significance and require cooperative action by governments at all levels. Australian Early Developmental Index The AEDI is a population measure of children’s development in communities across Australia. Transition teachers conducted the AEDI in 2009 to give a national picture of children’s health and development. The results pinpoint strengths in the community as well as what can be improved. The assessment will be conducted again in 2012 and 2015. Assessment of Student Competencies The ASC assists Transition teachers in identifying students who may be at risk of not achieving and who may need further support. Pre-compulsory Years of Schooling The pre-compulsory years of schooling in the NT comprise Preschool and Transition. Schooling is compulsory from the age of six. Preschool Preschool students are 3½ to 4½ years of age at the beginning of the school year. Preschool is a non-compulsory, planned, play-based learning and development program. Transition Transition students are 4½ to 5½ years of age at the beginning of the school year. Transition is a non-compulsory, planned, play-based learning and development program that assists in the development of children moving into year one. Page 3 of 6 DoE Policy: Pre-Compulsory Years of Schooling: Early Years Learning Framework 5. ROLES AND RESPONSIBILITIES Curriculum, Teaching and Phases of Learning Division will: Provide capacity-building support for regional curriculum officers, school leaders and teachers to effectively implement the EYLF’s principles, practices and learning outcomes with a view to enabling Preschool educators to meet NQS assessment requirements Collect data from regions to evaluate the effectiveness of this policy Report to Executive Directors of Schools and School Education and Training Operations as needed Regional Directors will: Ensure the provision of support to principals so the pre-compulsory years of schooling use the EYLF to guide the principles, practices and learning outcomes Regional Curriculum Managers will: Provide professional learning support to school leaders in the pre-compulsory years of schooling in the principles, practices and learning outcomes outlined in the EYLF Principals Ensure that the principles, practices and learning outcomes for the pre-compulsory years of schooling is delivered using the EYLF and reported on through the Schools Annual Performance Improvement Plan and/ or Annual Operational Plan Support Preschool and Transition teachers to collaborate to ensure children’s learning and wellbeing is seamless as they move through the pre-compulsory years and is reported through the schools’ Annual Operation Plan Teachers Preschool and Transition teachers will use the EYLF to guide the principles, practices and learning outcomes for children Preschool and Transition educators collaborate to ensure children’s learning and wellbeing is seamless as they move through the pre-compulsory years Preschool teachers ensure the provision of quality teaching and learning using the principles, practices and learning outcomes of the EYLF to align with the NQS Transition teachers ensure the provision of quality teaching and learning using the principles, practices and learning outcomes of the EYLF to teach the content of the Australian Curriculum/ NTCF Page 4 of 6 DET Policy: Pre-Compulsory Years of Schooling: Early Years Learning Framework 6. RELATED POLICY, LEGISLATION AND DOCUMENTS Policies Age of entry for Pre-compulsory Schooling Policy (2009) states the age students can access pre-compulsory schooling Students with Disabilities Policy states the educational options and outcomes for students with disabilities to maximise learning with regard to pre-compulsory education Education Service Provision sets out the entitlements students have to access learning appropriate to their needs with regard to pre-compulsory schooling Student Records Policy stipulates the access and maintenance of student records which is in line with the National Quality Standards Related Documents The Early Years Learning Framework guides educators in the principles, practices and outcomes to provide quality teaching and learning play-based experiences for children. o The Educators Guide to the EYLFv (and companion CD) will support educators to reflect and inquire into everyday practices as they observe, plan for and evaluate children’s learning, recognizing their interests and dispositions taking into account children’s context, culture and diversity o Reflect, Respect, Relate’vi (a document distributed to each Preschool by DEEWR) provides a guide to reflective practice and for the development of respectful connections and relationships between educators, families and children Page 5 of 6 Australian Curriculum Phase 1 F- 10 National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Education Action Plan aims to close the gaps in reading, writing and numeracy between Indigenous students and nonIndigenous students commencing in pre-compulsory years Assessment of Student Competencies mandates the identification, diagnosis and intervention of students ‘at risk’ in literacy and/or numeracy in Transition Memorandum: DOC2010/07888 2009/1070 Prioritising Literacy and Numeracy: A strategy to improve literacy and numeracy outcomes 2010–2012 Every Child, Every Day Strategy engages student participation and attendance in education commencing in the pre-compulsory years DET Policy: Pre-Compulsory Years of Schooling: Early Years Learning Framework 7. EVALUATION Evaluation of the effectiveness of this policy will be through data provided by regions to Curriculum, Teaching and Phases of Learning during the life of this policy. Review The policy will be reviewed in relation to the Northern Territory Early Childhood Plan when it is released. This document is currently under development. 8. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The Early Years Learning Framework, Australian Government Department of Education, Employment and Workplace Relations, Commonwealth of Australia, 2009 Student Enrolment Process Policy (NTDET) Melbourne Declaration on Education Goals for Young Australians December 2008 National Partnership Agreement on Early Childhood Education February 2009 National Information Agreement on Early Childhood Education and Care 2009– 2013 National Partnership agreement on the National Quality Agenda for Early Childhood Education and Care 2009 – 2014 Closing the Gap: National Partnership Agreement on Indigenous Early Childhood Development July 2009 Educator’s Guide, Australian Government Department of Education, Employment and Workplace Relations, Commonwealth of Australia, 2010 Reflect, Respect, Relate: Assessing for Learning and Development in the Early Years using observation scales: Department of Education and Children’s Services South Australia, 2008 National Quality Standards Revised 2 November 2010 – DRAFT National Quality Standard Assessment and Rating Instrument – Phase two Draft without prejudice CD Reflective Practice for Improvement. Australian Government Department of Education, Employment and Workplace Relations, Commonwealth of Australia, 2010 Framework in Action. Australian Government Department of Education, Employment and Workplace Relations, Commonwealth of Australia, 2010 i See the teachers and educators – Early Childhood Services DET NT website ii Melbourne declaration iii Government of South Australia. (2007). Early Years Learning and Curriculum – Reconceptualising Reception: Continuity of Learning, (p11) iv Australian Government Department of Education, Employment and Workplace Relations.(2009). Belonging, Being & Becoming: The Early Years Learning Framework for Australia (p 9) v Educators Belonging, Being & Becoming: Educators’ Guide to the Early Years Learning Framework for Australia Australian Government Department of Education, Employment and Workplace Relations 2010 (p 11) vi Reflect, Respect, Relate: Assessing for Learning and Development in the Early Years using observation scales: Department of Education and Children’s Services South Australia, 2008 Page 6 of 6