Layered Writing Targets. Sentence Structure Autumn Term Second Half Reception Begin to write sentences. Year 1 Write simple sentences independently. Year 2 Write simple and compound sentences and begin to use connectives in relation to time and reason. Year 3 To write simple and compound sentences, using casual connectives. Year 4 Vary sentences adding phrases to enhance meaning. Year 5 Adapt sentence construction to different text types, purposes and readers. Year 6 Secure control of complex sentences, understanding how clauses can be manipulated to achieve different effects. Step 1: I can say a simple sentence. Step 2: I can begin to write a simple sentence. Step 3: I can write a simple sentence. Step 1: I can begin to write a simple sentence. Step 2: I can write a simple sentence. Step 3: I can write a simple sentence and join some with, ‘and,’ or ‘but.’ Step 1: I can write simple sentences. Step 2: I can write simple sentences and join some with, ‘and,’ or ‘but.’ I can use time connectives to tell the reader when something happened. Step 3: I can use conjunctions like ‘because’, ‘so’ and ‘when’ to join ideas in my sentences. Step 1: I can write simple sentences and join some with, ‘and,’ or ‘but.’ I can use time connectives to tell the reader when something happened. Step 2: I can use conjunctions like ‘because’, ‘so’ and ‘when’ to join ideas in my sentences and explain why things happen. Step 3: I can write a range of sentences using conjunctions such as ‘because, ‘so’ and ‘when’ to join my ideas. Step 1: I can use conjunctions like ‘because’, ‘so’ and ‘when’ to join ideas in my sentences and explain why things happen. Step 2: I can use a range of adverbial and adjectival phrases in sentences. Step 3: I can move adverbial phrases around in a sentence to vary the effect on the reader. Step 1: I can use a range of adverbial and adjectival phrases in sentences. Step 2: I can add a clause to a sentence to add detail and interest, using a range of conjunctions, for example, although, since, however. Step 3: I can create more complex sentences considering clauses, connectives and word order. Step 1: I can add a clause to a sentence to add detail and interest. Step 2: I can create more complex sentences considering clauses, connectives and word order. Step 3: I can move the clauses around in a sentence to have an effect on the reader.