DRAFT Outline for Horse Event Incident Response

DRAFT Outline for Horse Event Incident Response Training
Introduction to Horse Event Incident Management
No Equine Vet in Attendance
Limited Equipment
Group Discussion
Society and animal welfare
Horse events & duty of care (people)
Introducing the Horse Welfare Officer
Checklists for events related to incidents
Human behaviour when horses are
Horse behaviour when distressed
Make the scene safe-Plan-Do-Debrief
Horse welfare & well-being
Handling a horse during euthanasia
Handling deceased horses with dignity
The role of a veterinarian (who needs to be
called in for this level event)
Equipment, volunteer roles, safety aspects
Discuss hot/extreme weather strategies
Care for people
Know the capabilities and constraints
around your club/event/volunteers abilities
Practical (Demonstrate/Practice)
Practical WHS (PPE, manual handling)
Equipment examples (small club)
Set up a tool dump
Safer positioning around distressed
recumbent horses
Set up Hot Zone, Warm Zone, Cold Zone
Allocate job roles
Placing an emergency halter on Riley
Place a head collar on: off-side access only
Encouraging a horse that is recumbent, to
stay down
Volunteer workplace safety considerations
in relation to moving a horse (heavy
drag/confined spaces)
Practice covering Riley with a tarpaulin
Practice screening Riley
Sideways Skid
Roll Over
to manage an incident
Incident reporting
Promoting the role of the Horse Welfare Officer
Calling for outside assistance to remove a
deceased horse
Discuss loading a recumbent horse on a glide,
onto a float
Horse Event Incident Management (1)
Equine Vet in Attendance
Expanded range of equipment including screens & glide
General Discussion
Review of Introduction Level
Review of Introduction level
Risk assessments particular to the sport
Greater emphasis on biosecurity (plans and in
Working with paramedics & emergency
Practical WHS (PPE, manual handling)
Equipment examples (med/large club) incl. pole
syringe, pole/cutter for lead.
Set up a tool dump
Revisit Sideways Skid
Revisit Roll Over
Forward assist
Rearward Drag
Forward Assist
Scenario 1: Horse & rider accident, on the flat,
separated. Horse is deceased. Rider needs club
volunteer first aid attention & ambulance access
to take to hospital.
Scenario 2: Horse & rider accident. Horse
requires euthanasia before moving the glide
around obstacles/inclines & loading onto a float.
Rider needs paramedic attention before airlift to
hospital. (SES)
Scenario 3: Upright horse float. Horse down.
Horse needs sedation prior to working from the
outside of the float to rescue. Horse owners are
experts and compromise safety of people those
around them.
Scenario 4: A scenario where the capabilities of
the volunteers and vet at the horse event are
exceeded and emergency services are called in
to assist.
Horse Event Incident Management (2)
Equine Vet in Attendance
Expanded range of equipment incl. Manitou
To be undertaken in the context of the
specialist sport area:
Risk assessments directly related to event and
venue, with a focus on rescue techniques for
the purposes of this training.
To be undertaken in the context of the
specialist sport area:
Revisit all previous ground based large animal
rescue techniques with added difficulty level of
slope, variable ground surface or fixed obstacles.
Quick release sling
Writing an emergency response plan which
includes SOPs for standard accident responses
associated with the sport
Incl. Biosecurity & horse welfare plan
Dedicated trained response team
Dedicated equipment list
Event representatives are in horse welfare/
LAR professional development networks
Mud rescue
Shallow still water rescue (up to 35 cms.)
Accident scenarios related to the sport in
question, including a high level of technical
difficulty associated with the rescue. Scenarios
to include a rider/driver/handler/spectators if
Accident scenarios which involve emergency