2015 / 2016 WATER SAFETY INSTRUCTOR REGISTRATION FORM (Submit form to Jeremy Post jeremyp@baylorhealth.edu. Payment can be made over the phone 214-820-7946 or online) PARTICIPANT’S INFORMATION Participant’s Name: Age: Street Address: City: Participant’s Phone: Participant’s Email: How did you hear about us? (Please select one) ☐ American Red Cross ☐ Landryfitness.com ☐ Returning Student ☐ City of: _______ ☐ Facebook ☐ Friend ☐ Other _______ ☐ Employer: _______ Sex: Date of Birth: State: Zip: Facility, Organization or City interested in for employment (may list multiple or leave blank if unsure): EMERGENCY CONTACT INFORMATION Emergency Contact Name: Relation to the Participant: Home Phone: Cell Phone: CLASS SELECTION Water Safety Instructor 2015 ($275) Water Safety Instructor 2015 cont… Water Safety Instructor 2016 ($275) Class sessions are held Wednesday - Saturday except for classes marked with an *, which indicates different days and/or times. ☐ December 21 – 23 * *Class times: Mon-Wed 9:00am-4:00pm Class sessions are held Wednesday - Saturday except for classes marked with an *, which indicates different days and/or times. Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday 6:30pm-10:00pm 6:30pm-10:00pm 6:30pm-10:00pm 9:00am-3:00pm Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday 6:30pm-10:00pm 6:30pm-10:00pm 6:30pm-10:00pm 9:00am-3:00pm Session Dates ☐ January 27-30 ☐ May 6-9 ☐ May 28-31 ☐ March 14-16* *Class times: Mon-Wed 9:00am-4:00pm ☐ October 28-31 ☐ March 23-26 ☐ November 18-21 ☐ April 27-30 Please confirm that you have read and understand the following information posted on our website: I __________ hereby enroll myself in the water safety instructor program. I waive all claims against the BTLFC, the Baylor Health Care System and any of its affiliates, including all employees of each entity. I have no current health problems that would prevent me from participating fully in this program. I hereby give consent to be medically treated for injury or illness if the need arises while I am attending class. I have read and understand the course pre-requisites ☐ I have read through the Frequently Asked Questions ☐ Signature (Parent’s if minor): __________________