Papers on BiFeO 3 (2012

Papers on BiFeO3 (2012-1964)
1. Monoclinic Deformation of Crystal Lattice of Bulk α-BiFeO3: High Resolution
SR Studies
I. Sosnowska, R. Przeniosło, A. Palewicz, D. Wardecki and A. Fitch
J. Phys. Soc.Japan. 81 (2012) ) 044604 1-4.
2. Low-temperature evolution of the modulated magnetic structure in the
ferroelectric antiferromagnet BiFeO3
I. Sosnowska and R. Przeniosło
Phys. Rev. B84 (2011) 144404 1-5.
3. BiFeO3 Crystal Structure at Low Temperatures
A. Palewicz, I. Sosnowska, R. Przeniosło and A. Hewat
Acta Physica Polonica A117 (2010) 296-301.
4. Neutron scattering studies of BiFeO3 multiferroics: A review for microscopists
I.M. Sosnowska
Journal of Microscopy 236 (2009) 109-114.
5. Magnetization of Polycrystalline BiFeO3 in High Magnetic Fields
D. Wardecki, R. Przeniosło, I. Sosnowska, Yu. Skourski and M. Loewenhaupt
J. Phys. Soc. of Japan. 77 (2008) 1037091-3.
6. Does the modulated magnetic structure of BiFeO3 change at low temperatures
R. Przeniosło, A. Palewicz, M. Regulski, I. Sosnowska, R.M. Ibberson and K.S.
J. Phys.: Condens. Matter 18 (2006) 2069-2075
7. Modulation in Multiferroic BiFeO3: Cycloidal, Elliptical or SDW?
R. Przeniosło, M. Regulski and I. Sosnowska,
J. Phys. Soc Japan 75 (2006) 0847181-0847183.
8. Search for new modulations in the BiFeO3 structure: SR diffraction and
Mössbauer studies,
A.Palewicz, T. Szumiata, R. Przeniosło, I. Sosnowska and I. Margiolaki,
Solid State Comm. 140 (2006) 359-363.
9. Crystal Structure and Spiral Magnetic Ordering of BiFeO3 Doped with
Manganese, I. Sosnowska, W. Schäfer, W. Kockelmann, K.H. Andersen and I.O.
Applied Physics A74 (2002) S1040.
10. Neutron Diffraction Studies of the Crystal and Magnetic Structures of
BiMnxFe1-x 3 Solid Solutions,
I. Sosnowska, W. Schäfer, W. Kockelman, O. Troyanchuk
Material Science Forum, 378-381 (2001) 616.
11. Investigations of Crystal and Magnetic Structutre of BiMn0.2Fe0.8O3
I. Sosnowska, W. Schäfer, I. O. Troyanchuk
Physica B, 276-78 (2000) 576.
12. Thirty Years of Magnetic Neutron Diffraction at Pulsed Neutron Sources
I. Sosnowska
Neutron News, 7 (1996) 24.
13. Neutron Diffraction Studies of Crystal and Magnetic Structure of BiFeO3 and
I. Sosnowska, R. Przeniosło, P. Fischer, A.V. Murashov,
J. Mag.& Magn. Materials, 160 (1996) 84.
14. Origin of Long Period Magnetic Ordering in BiFeO3.
I. Sosnowska, A. K. Zvezdin
J. Mag.& Magn. Materials, 140-144 (1995) 167.
15. Investigation of Crystal and Magnetic Structure of BiFeO3 Using Neutron
I. Sosnowska, R. Przenioslo, P. Fischer, V. A. Murashov
Acta Phys. Pol., A 86 (1994) 629.
16. Searching for the magnetic spiral arrangement in Bi(1-x)La(x)FeO3
I. Sosnowska, M. Loewenhaupt, W. I. F. David, R. M. Ibberson
Material Science Forum, 133-136, (1993), 683.
17. Investigations of unusual magnetic spiral arrangement in BiFeO3
I.Sosnowska, M. Loewenhaupt, W. I. F. David, R. M. Ibberson
Physica B, 180&181, (1992), 117.
18. Comments on Unusual Magnetic Structure of BiFeO3
I. Sosnowska
Ferroelectrics, 79 (1988) 127.
19. Spiral Magnetic Structure in Bismuth Ferrite
I.Sosnowska, T. Peterlin-Neumeier, E. Steichele
J. Phys.C. Solid State Physics, 15 (1982) 4835.
20. Temperature Dependence of the Crystal and Magnetic Structures of BiFeO3
P. Fischer, M. Polomska, I. Sosnowska, M. Szymański
J. Phys.C. Solid State Physics, 13 (1980) 1931.
21. Neutron Diffraction Studies of Nuclear and Magnetic Structure of BiFeO3
and LaxBi1-xFeO3 (abstract)
P. Fischer, M. Połomska, I. Sosnowska, M. Szymański
Acta Cryst., A34 (1978) S313.
22. Time-of-Flight method at the pulsed IBR reactor and its application to
determination of crystal and magnetc structure of BiFeO3,
I. Sosnowska,
Ph. D. Thesis, Warsaw University, Warsaw, 1967
23. Neutron Diffraction Studies of Crystal and Magnetic Structure of BiFeO3 by
the TOF Method
I. Sosnowska, J. Sosnowski, A, Kshniakina, S. Kisielov, R. P. Ozerov
Report 2653, Joint Institute Nuclear Research, Dubna, 1966.
24. Application of the Time-of-Flight Method to Neutron Diffraction
I. Sosnowska J. Sosnowski, S. Kisielow, R. Ozierow
Inelastic Scattering of Neutrons in Solids and Liquids, 1964, IAEA 2(1965)