Off-Season Work Outs

Off-Season Training: Quicker, Faster, Stronger, Better
Warming Up: Getting prepared to train is important… It’s all about HEARTRATE…
This is 50%
dynamic workout, gradually increasing. This is about breaking a sweat. 3-4 minute jog to get started.
Stretching: We need to give muscles attention to increase their flexibility (leads to increase in range
of motion, strength, and injury prevention). Static stretching is different than dynamic stretching.
Hamstring (standing and sitting)
Quadriceps (standing)
Glutes (leg pulls/hugs)
Hip flexor
Groin (standing and sitting)
Lower Back
Shoulder rolls (forward and backwards)
Working Out:
We are teaching athletes how to train to improve your ability to compete physically at
your highest level. Training allows an athlete to improve in their ability to compete along with
minimizing risk of injury while competing. Being ‘fit’ allows athletes play at their best and highest level
for the greatest amount of time (endurance).
What if I don’t know how to do an exercise?: Google it.
There are always visual and
written explanation of a lift/exercise.
Diet: What you put into your body influences what you get out.
Healthy choices, water/hydration, and
good diet choices lead to improvement of how you sleep, train, and generally feel. We have had time
lost from athletes who just didn’t take care of themselves.
 Eat breakfast
 Drink water (non-carbonated/caffeinated beverages)
 Eat lunch
 Avoid fast-food and junk-food as much as possible
Hydration: It is easy to become dehydrated.
Put water into your body and make this your general
practice. Juices, non-caffeinated beverages, and low sugar athletic drinks should be what you drink.
Week 1: Technique (Monday-Tuesday-Thursday) (*Any 3 days broken up by at
least 1 day)
In a weight-room (PERC): 2 sets of Low Weight – 8 reps per set
Back squat
Front squat
Power clean (clean, squat, press)
Dead lift
Bench press
Not in the weight-room (PERC):
Medicine ball toss (2 sets of 25)
Burpees (2 sets of 10)
Kettle-bell swings (2 sets of 7)
Box jumps (Plyometrics - 2 sets of 20 jumps onto box)
Week 2: Technique (Monday-Tuesday-Thursday)
In the weight-room (PERC): 2 sets of Low Weight – 10 reps per set
Back squat
Front squat
Power clean (clean, squat, press)
Dead lift
Bench press
Not in the weight-room (PERC):
Medicine ball toss (1 set of 50)
Burpees (2 sets of 12)
Kettle-bell swings (2 sets of 10)
Box jumps (Plyometrics - 2 sets of 25 jumps onto box)
Week 3: Technique (Monday-Tuesday-Thursday)
In the weight-room (PERC): 3 sets of Low Weight – 8 reps per set
Back squat
Front squat
Power clean (clean, squat, press)
Dead lift
Bent over rows
Bench press
Not in the weight-room (PERC):
Medicine ball toss (2 sets of 25)
Burpees (2 sets of 15)
Kettle-bell swings (3 sets of 10)
Box jumps (Plyometrics - 2 sets of 35 jumps onto box)
Week 4: Technique (Monday-Tuesday-Thursday)
In the weight-room (PERC): 3 sets of Low Weight – 10 reps per set
Back squat
Front squat
Power clean (clean, squat, press)
Dead lift
Bent over rows
Bench press
Not in the weight-room (PERC):
Medicine ball toss (2 sets of 25)
Burpees (3 sets of 12)
Kettle-bell swings (3 sets of 12)
Box jumps (Plyometrics - 3 sets of 25 jumps onto box)