Major Higher Educational Programme Field of study: 022000.68

Major Higher Educational Programme
Field of study: 022000.68 Ecology and Natural Resources Use.
Specialty: Ecological Safety of Natural Resources Use.
Degree: master.
Study mode: full-time.
The period of study specified by the Federal State Educational Standards of Higher
Education is 2 years.
The study load of the bachelor’s programme specified by the Federal State Educational
Standards of Higher Education is 120 ECTS points.
The programme is meant to develop the students’ faculties in the fields of
 compilation and processing of primary documentation to assess the impacts on the
 participation in organisation of model activities and recommendations on the
protection of nature;
 participation in the control and audit activities, environmental audit;
 ensuring environmental safety of the national economy and other spheres of
human life.
The list of courses included in the curriculum of 022000.68 Ecology and Natural
Resources Use. Specialty: Ecological Safety of Natural Resources Use.
Fundamental general scientific courses.
Philosophical Problems of Natural Sciences
Semester: 2,
ECTS points: 2,
Hours: 72
The course aims to study and prove the general regularities in the development of
modern methodology of scientific knowledge in the field of natural sciences and
interdisciplinary research; to study the philosophy of ecology and learn how to improve
methodological culture of environmental researchers.
The objectives of the course are to familiarise students with the current state of
philosophical and methodological research results in scientific activity in foreign and Russian
science; to understand the process of ecological awareness in broad socio-cultural contexts; to
give a general idea about the specifics and the role of ecological forms of motion of matter in the
formation of the modern picture of the world.
Foreign Languages
Semester: 1,
ECTS points: 3,
Hours: 108
The course aims to form students' skills in intercultural communication; to develop
language proficiency to succeed in the chosen field of professional activity.
The objectives of the course are to master the lexical, grammatical, syntactic,
phonological and orthographic aspects of a foreign language; to master pragmatic component
(discourse competence, functional competence).
Computer Technologies and Statistical Methods in Ecology and Natural Resources
Semester: 1,
ECTS points: 3,
Hours: 108
The course aims to form students' knowledge of current computer technologies used to
gather specific information and its network sources; to develop the skills in using computer
technologies in work (research and teaching), to use computer tools and technologies for
scientific communication; to study the statistical assessment of characteristics and parameters of
the devices.
The objectives of the course are to familiarise students with computer resources of
general and special purpose; to train a student for independent planning and application of these
technologies and resources.
Compulsory general scientific courses.
Environmental Assessment Methods
Semester: 1,
ECTS points: 3,
Hours: 108
The course aims to acquaint students with the basic theoretical and practical
environmental issues; to form a holistic view of the processes occurring in the environment as a
result of exploitation of natural resources.
The objectives of the course are to familiarise students with the problems of human
interaction with the environment during the historical development of the society and at the
present stage; to examine the types of human impact on the environment and their effects on
ecosystems and a man; to study the protection principles of nature and environment; to teach to
analyse the effectiveness of management solutions in environmental, ecological and economic
Regulation of Environmental and Legal Relations
Semester: 1,
ECTS points: 3,
Hours: 108
The course aims to develop knowledge about the most important industries, institutions
and concepts of modern environmental law and its application in the Russian Federation .
The objectives of the course are to study the theory and practice of the legal regulation of
environmental relations at the federal level and at the level of its subjects; to examine the
principles, priorities, economic legal and institutional mechanisms of natural resources use,
environmental protection and environmental safety in the industrial economic and other
activities; to examine the environmental and legal problems of nature resources use,
environmental safety and their connection with sustainable development in Russia.
Elective general scientific course.
Social Anthropogenic Development of the World
Semester: 2,
ECTS points: 3,
Hours: 108
The course aims to acquire new knowledge about modern integrative social
anthropogenic processes; to understand the philosophical and scientific basis of the evolution of
anthropogenic environment; to learn how to study the problems of anthropogenic transformation
of the biosphere and man.
The objectives of the course are to systematise knowledge about the world developing
under the influence of modern technological society; to develop the skills to use the fundamental
laws of chemistry, biology and related disciplines through an integrated review of natural
processes; to teach to predict environmental situations that arise due to human impact on
Environmental Chemistry
Semester: 2,
ECTS points: 3,
Hours: 108
The course aims to form knowledge and develop skills concerning the environmental
The objectives of the course are to learn how to reduce anthropogenic impacts through
the development of new processes and modification of already existing ones; to examine the
ways of effective waste treatment, methods of forecasting and regulation of chemical pollution in
the environment; to examine the development of new agents used in faming and household
Fundamental field-oriented courses.
Modern Problems of Ecology and Natural Resources Use
Semester: 1,
ECTS points: 2,
Hours: 72
The course aims to help students to understand the modern ecological problems, their
causes and solution, as well as to build skills in solving environmental problems, forecasting
their further development and finding possible optimal environmental and economic solution.
The objectives of the course are to learn to use modern methods of processing and
interpreting environmental information for scientific and industrial research; to learn to develop
model nature-conservative measures; to develop skills in diagnosing problems of nature
protection; to develop practical recommendations on conservation and sustainable development.
Sustainable Development. International Cooperation in Environmental Protection.
Semester: 2,
ECTS points: 3,
Hours: 108
The course aims to familiarise with the areas of international cooperation in the field of
environmental protection.
The objectives of the course are to form an understanding of the principles of
international cooperation in the field of environmental protection; to learn about international
organisations engaged in ecology, environment and sustainable development; about the mutual
agreements and international conventions relating to environmental protection and rational
nature resources use, science and education institutions that are actively working on international
cooperation in the field of ecology; Russia’s cooperation with other countries and international
environmental organisations.
Compulsory field-oriented courses.
Geological Environmental Support for Projects
Semester: 2,
ECTS points: 4,
Hours: 144
The course aims to form theoretical and practical knowledge about geoecological
designing, organising and conducting geoecological examination of project documents for
construction, economic and other activities, their compliance with the environmental standards,
laws and regulations.
The objectives of the course are to study the Russian legislation regulating geoecological
support for projects; to study the content of project documentation at all stages; to learn about
solving environmental problems and conflicts through specific examples in practice.
Modeling and Assessment of Geoecological Situations
Semester: 1,
ECTS points: 3,
Hours: 108
The course aims to acquire theoretical and practical knowledge in the field of modeling
and assessment of geoecological situations in order to prepare graduates for work.
The objectives of the course are to form an idea of the scientific basis for designing,
developing and assessing geoecological situations; to apply the principles of modeling and
assessment in certain types of economic activity.
Ecological Pedagogy and Psychology
Semester: 2,
ECTS points: 3,
Hours: 108
The course aims to assist the formation of professional competence in the field of
pedagogical, cultural and educational activities.
The objectives of the course are to study how to organise the process of teaching and
educating in the field of ecological education and awareness; to learn about ways to explore
opportunities, understand the needs and achievements of students and design individual
educational technologies.
Investment Project Development in Natural Land Use
Semester: 2,
ECTS points: 4,
Hours: 144
The course aims to form theoretical knowledge and practical skills; to prove the
efficiency and promote investment project in natural resources use.
The objectives of the course are to study the basic methods and approaches to implement
pre-project studies; to examine the main stages of development of the investment project; to
learn how to prove the efficiency of investment projects and conduct the analysis of inherent
risk; to examine the methods of project analysis, including break-even analysis, evaluation
methods based on cash flows of an enterprise, risk analysis of investment projects.
Environmental Safety of Natural Resource Use
Semester: 1,
ECTS points: 3,
Hours: 108
The course aims to form a modern conceptual framework and to study methodological
approaches that address the problem of safety and sustainable interaction between people and
The objectives of the course are to examine the methodological approaches to study
risks; to learn about the risks associated with natural resources use; the principles of the
methodology quantifying various dangers; their ranking based on environmental risk assessment
to prioritize its reduction and to forecast ways of sustainable and safe development of humanity.
Geoecological Management and Audit
Semester: 2,
ECTS points: 4,
Hours: 144
The course aims to form the basic knowledge of geoecological management and
marketing; to develop an understanding of the basic principles of management; to build initial
skills in environmental auditing and consulting; to show the possibility of self-employment and
business activity in the effective environmental market; to study the basics of environmental
The objectives of the course are to familiarise with the principles, methodologies and
practices, as well as procedures for environmental management, marketing, auditing, certifying,
consulting , etc.; to study Russian and foreign legal and regulatory environmental management
and auditing; to develop basic skills in environmental auditing and marketing in the
environmental market and organisational work in environmental management systems, public
authorities and enterprises (organisations) .
Elective field-oriented courses.
Health and Environmental Safety of Coastal Areas
Semester: 1,
ECTS points: 4,
Hours: 144
The course aims to study the basics of social ecology and concepts of safety and risk in
coastal areas.
The objectives of the course are to study the risk assessment algorithm; to teach to
identify and assess the risk to public health; to examine the types of standard medical and
environmental emergencies and evaluation criteria; to examine the main principles of the
establishment of hygienic regulations in coastal areas; to familiarise with socio-hygienic
Natural and Anthropogenic Transformation of Natural Systems of Special Protected
Natural Areas
Semester: 1,
ECTS points: 4,
Hours: 144
The course aims to form an understanding of natural and anthropogenic transformation of
natural components and systems under the influence of manufacturing and any other human
The objectives of the course are to study the ecological and biogeochemical processes
caused by human factors; to examine the technologies of assessment and risk management in
natural resources use, nature conservation, environmental safety of landfills; to develop a method
of protection of natural systems of SPNA.
Natural Resources Management in Coastal Zones
Semester: 2,
ECTS points: 4,
Hours: 144
The course aims to study the problems of the coastal natural recourses use and theoretical
approaches and the basics of the coastal zone management of the seas of Russia.
The objectives of the course are to study the characteristics of geographical structures of
coastal areas; to give a brief physical and geographical review of the Russian seas; to examine
the system of ecological and geographical constraints of natural resources use in coastal areas; to
acquire the theoretical basics in maintaining the cadastre of the coastal zone as well as to study
foreign experience in integrated coastal zone management.
Normalization and Certification in Environmental Management
Semester: 2,
ECTS points: 4,
Hours: 144
The course aims to provide the knowledge about the legal and methodological
framework that regulates exposure limits on the environment components and to study the
structural and functional indicators of ecological systems, which contain information about the
state of their components, the individual characteristics of which can serve indices of ecosystem
The objectives of the course are to study the norms and standards of environmental
quality, types of economic and other activities impact on the environment and public health; to
form an idea of the methods of biological indication of natural and disturbed by humans
ecosystems; to identify criteria of ecosystem assessment.
Remote Sensing Methods and GIS Technologies in Natural Resources Use
Semester: 1,
ECTS points: 3,
Hours: 108
The course aims to examine the basic conceptual framework in the field of geographic
information systems, to acquire the basic knowledge and skills necessary for professional work
on the creation and use of geographic information systems as well as the remote sensing methods
in the field of natural resource use.
The objectives of the course are to study the features of data management, analysis and
modeling in GIS, to examine the characteristics of the basic tools of GIS; to provide insight on
the application of remote sensing methods and GIS technologies to solve various problems.
Physical Chemical Research Methods
Semester: 1,
ECTS points: 3,
Hours: 108
The course aims to form the theoretical basis and skills in applying modern physical
chemical methods of research and analysis.
The objectives of the course are to teach to determine the structure and properties of
substances and materials through a complex set of physical and chemical methods; to teach to
use modern precision analytical and special laboratory equipment to study chemical systems and
objects; to conduct mathematical processing and analysis of the experimental data using
statistical methods.