Supplemental Digital Content 1. Demographics, Clinical Information, Indications for Surgery, and Blood Product Utilization Among the 10 Pediatric Patients Requiring Splenectomy (5/2008 - 5/2012) Age and gender ISS Major injuries Preop location & procedures Indication for surgery Operative course Postoperative course Blood product utilization 2U prior to arrival 0U preop 3U OR 0U postop LOS 17 yo F 29 Gr III splenic laceration Renal laceration Subgaleal hematoma Hemoperitoneum History of hereditary spherocytosis ICU New tachycardia; HCT 18 EBL 2L Splenectomy Uncomplicated 11 yo M 50 Gr V splenic laceration GR V renal laceration Diaphragm rupture Hemothorax Complex femur fracture ED , s/p chest tube, intubation Hypotension (BP 90/60), DPL + HCT 27 22 after hemothorax drained EBL 2L Splenectomy, nephrectomy, diaphragm repair Postoperative HCT 33 21, not transfused. Otherwise uncomplicated. 2U ED 5U OR 0U postop 9 16 yo M 41 ICU, s/p pelvic fixation HCT 21 17 following 8.5L IVF, pelvic fixation 12 yo F 36 Gr IV splenic laceration Pelvic fracture Dislocated femur Multiple extremity fractures Gr V splenic laceration Gr IV liver laceration Gr III renal laceration Hemothorax Lung laceration EBL 0.9 L Splenectomy Postoperative HCT 16, transfused. Multiple orthopedic procedures. 0U preop 3U intraop 2U postop 26 ICU, s/p chest tube Hypotension, tachycardia EBL 0.9 L Splenectomy, liver packing 0U preop 3U intraop 0U postop 22 ED, s/p chest tube + DPL, hypotension, HCT 28 25 despite PRBC, with EBL 0.9L after chest tubes EBL 1L Splenectomy Postoperative HCT 32 23, not transfused. Return to OR for abdominal closure. Prolonged pulmonary recovery. Postoperative HCT 30 23. Subsequent pelvic fixation. 17 yo M 57 Gr IV splenic laceration Renal laceration Hemothorax Flail chest Pelvic fracture Intracranial hemorrhage 2U preop 4U intraop 0U postop 26 15 yo M 57 Gr IV splenic laceration Gr III renal laceration Hemoperitoneum Epidural hematoma ED Refractory hypotension, DPL +, initial HCT 16 EBL 2.5 L Splenectomy, renal repair Postoperative hematocrit 27 19. Subsequent decompressive 2U preop 7U intraop 7U postop 16 8 Pneumothorax Pulmonary contusion Bowel ischemia craniotomy. 16 yo F 41 Gr IV splenic laceration Pelvic fracture Pulmonary contusions Pneumothorax Severe TBI ED Tachycardia, HCT 31 21 EBL 0.25L Splenectomy, pelvic fixation Uneventful 1U preop 0U intraop 0U postop 7 17 yo M 20 GSW to chest, abdomen Gr IV splenic laceration Liver laceration Stomach laceration Pancreatic laceration Diaphragm rupture Pneumothorax ED > chest tube Exploration for penetrating abdominal injury EBL 1.9L Splenectomy, liver packing Subsequent pancreatic debridement, diagphragm repair 1U prior to transfer 1U preop 4U intraop 0U postop 29 17 yo M 41 Gr III splenic laceration Open femur fracture Pelvic fracture L iliac rupture Sternal fracture ED Hypotension, tachycardia despite resuscitation. EBL 0.9L. HCT 31 23 intraoperatively. Splenectomy Postoperative HCT 32 22, return to OR for femur fracture, pelvic stabilization 3U preop 2U intraop 5U postop 17 15 yo M 34 Gr IV splenic laceration Renal laceration Femur fracture ED Tachycardia, HCT 34 26 from transferring hospital, FAST + EBL 1.5L. Splenectomy Postoperative HCT 33 19, return to OR for femur fracture 1U preop 2U intraop 1U postop 7