Craig Valters`s CV


Curriculum Vitae

Craig Valters

Research Officer

Overseas Development Institute

203 Blackfriars Road, London, SE1 8NJ, UK

Tel: +44 (0)20 3327 7255 Email:

Nationality: British


Areas of expertise: Justice, security and peacebuilding provision in conflict-affected states; gender and empowerment; human rights (domestic and international law, sociology, philosophy); organisational change and learning in aid organisations

Country experience includes: Bangladesh, India, Liberia, Sri Lanka and Timor-Leste.




MSc Human Rights (Distinction)

London School of Economics and Political Science, UK

BA Philosophy (First)

Cardiff University, UK


July 2014 to date

Dec 2013 to

July 2014

Overseas Development Institute, London UK

Research Officer, Politics and Governance

- Lead and contribute to a wide range of ongoing research, including on justice and security reform in post-conflict states, community policing, legal empowerment and women’s voice and leadership, Theories of Change and learning in aid organisations.

Overseas Development Institute, London UK

Research Officer, Development Progress

Authored and contributed to blogs, working papers, synthesis papers and infographics on political voice, security and women's empowerment

- Led, planned and implemented primary research on security in Liberia and


- Analysed and synthesized case studies across a number of countries and sectors

Oct 2013 to

Dec 2013

Aug 2012 to

Dec 2013

May 2011 to

Dec 2013

Effective Development Group, London UK

Consultant, Gender and Police Reform in DRC

- Contributed to the monitoring and evaluation component of a security sector and police reform programme in DRC.

- Planned and conducted systematic literature search on the role and experiences of female police officers in conflict-affected contexts

- Contributed to project report which helped guide police reform programme

The Asia Foundation, London/Sri Lanka

Research Fellow

Completed 3 separate primary research fellowships of 3 months each:

- Theory of Change approaches : Designed and conducted primary research leading to a sole authored a paper synthesising research findings of The Asia

Foundation's use of Theories of Change across several countries

- Women’s experiences of local justice in Sri Lanka : Designed, managed and implemented 3 months of field research on women’s experiences of mediation in post-war Sri Lanka.

- Community mediation and social harmony in Sri Lanka: Designed, managed and implemented 3 months of field research, testing The Asia

Foundation’s Theories of Change in post-war Sri Lanka.

London School of Economics and Political Science, London.

Research Officer, Justice and Security Research Programme

Contributed full-time to 3 major research projects:

The Asia Foundation: International Development Theories in Practice

- Conducted literature review on guidance documents for Theories of Change

- Co-authored paper on the use of Theories of Change in international development

- Presented at public conference on ‘Evidence and Power in Development


World Bank: Community Driven Development in South Sudan

- Developed literature search and review on communities & socio-political structures

- Co-authored report analysing the local community structures and DDR processes

- Worked with team of international scholars to produce policy relevant report

DFID: Justice and Security Research Programme Inception Phase

- Developed and implemented methodology for evidence grading literature

Jan 2012 to

May 2012

July 2008 to

Sep 2008

- Wrote 200+ evidence reviews of academic and grey literature on conflict, security and climate change

London School of Economics and Political Science, London, UK.

Research Assistant, Government Department

- Coordinated team of international scholars regarding book on post-war reconstruction

- Edited book chapters concerning civil wars in Europe

- Compiled dataset on consequences of civil war using Polity and Uppsala Civil

War data

Development and Human Rights Institute, Madyha Pradesh, India.

- Led research, scripting, filming and editing of documentary on India’s education system

- Developed policy relevant knowledge of the education sector in India


ODI publications

Valters, C. (2015) Theories of Change: Time for a radical approach to learning in development.

Domingo, P., Holmes, R., O'Neil, T., Jones, N., Bird, K., Larson, A., Presler-

Marshall, E., Valters, C. Women’s voice and leadership: assessing the evidence

 O’Neil. T., Valters, C., and Farid. C. Doing legal empowerment differently: learning from pro-poor litigation in Bangladesh.

Valters, C., Van Veen, E., and Denney, L. (2015) Achieving security progress in post-conflict contexts: Between liberal peacebuilding and elite interests .

Barnes Robinson K. and Valters C., with Strauss, T. and Weah, A. (2015) Progress in small steps: security against the odds in Liberia .

Valters C., Dewhurst, S., and De Catheu, J. (2015) After the buffaloes clash: moving from political violence to personal security in Timor-Leste .

 O’Neil, T., Domingo, P., and Valters C. (2014) Progress in women’s empowerment: from technical fixes to political action . Development Progress Working Paper 6.

Valters, C., Rabinowitz, G., Denney, L. (2014) Security in post-conflict contexts: what counts as progress and what drives it?

Other publications

Valters, C. (2014). Analysing the Theories of Change approach in International

Development: Communication, Learning or Accountability?

Justice and Security

Research Programme and The Asia Foundation. London: London School of

Economics and Political Science

Jayasundere, R. and Valters, C. (2014) Women’s Experiences of Local Justice:

Community Mediation in Sri Lanka . Justice and Security Research Programme and the Asia Foundation. London: London School of Economics and Political Science.

Valters, C. (2013). Community Mediation and Social Harmony in Sri Lanka . Justice and Security Research Programme and the Asia Foundation. London: London

School of Economics and Political Science.

Pendle, N., Pfister, M., Santschi, M., Schomerus, M., Stein, D., Thomas, E., and

Valters, C. (2013, unpublished) Local Socio-Political Organisation and Implications

for Community-Driven Development in South Sudan. Prepared for World Bank.

London: London School of Economics and Political Science

Stein, C., and Valters, C. (2012) Understanding Theory of Change in International

Development . Justice and Security Research Programme and The Asia

Foundation. London: London School of Economics and Political Science.


Valters, C. 4 principles for Theories of Change in global development . ODI Blog,

September 15, 2015.

Valters, C. (2015) 3 big problems with how we think about results and development . Devex Blog, June 26, 2015.

Dewhurst, S., and Valters, C. Timor-Leste: security after Xanana . Development

Progress Blog, February 11, 2015.

Valters, C. Can Theories of Change help us do development differently?

In Asia

Blog, December 10, 2014.

Valters, C. (2014). Six Key Findings on the Use of Theories of Change in

International Development . JSRP Blog, August 18, 2014.

Valters, C. (2014) Security in post-conflict contexts: what counts as progress and what drives it?

ODI Blog, April 22, 2014.

Valters, C. (2014) What does growing protest worldwide tell us about political voice and social change?

ODI blog, April 2, 2014.

Jayasundere, R and Valters C. (2014). Women’s Experiences of Local Justice:

Community Mediation in Sri Lanka.

JSRP Blog, February 14 2014.

Valters, C. (2013) Can Theories of Change Reflect the Realities of International


JSRP Blog, August 27, 2013.

Stein, D., and Valters, C. (2013) Reflections on Theories of Change in International

Development . JSRP Blog, May 28, 2013.
