Alexander Woodworth CV - University of Wisconsin

Alex Woodworth
620 Hilltop Circle
Eau Claire, WI, 54701
Spring 2017
Bachelors of Arts
GPA = 3.01
Specialized Coursework
History of Philosophy
19th Century European Philosophy*
20th Century European Philosophy*
17th & 18th Century Philosophy
Greek Philosophy
History of Ethics*
Contemporary Political Thought*
Modern Political Thought*
19th Century European History*
20th Century European History*
Philosophical Ethics
Philosophy of Mind
Philosophy of Science
University of Wisconsin – Eau Claire
Major: Philosophy GPA = 3.67
Minor: Physics
GPA = 3.05
Language Studies
Philosophy of Language*
English Linguistics*
Language in Culture and Society*
Symbolic Logic
C++ Programming
Feminist Studies
American Women's History
Gender and Science in Europe*
Women's Studies*
Feminist Theories*
*Forthcoming 2015-16
“Epistemic Standards and Disagreement.” With Dr. Kristin Schaupp, (PHIL & RELS),
University of Wisconsin–Eau Claire (UWEC). Summer, 2015. Explored the nature of internal
change of personal epistemic standards when faced with external pressures to adopt new conflicting
standards. Emphasis is placed on arguments for universalizable but non-objective epistemic values from
the perspective of epistemic virtue theory.
“Invasive Crayfish Development and Diet.” With Dr. Todd Wellnitz (BIOL), UWEC.
Summer–Fall 2013. Study explored crayfish capture methods (p traps, seining, hand-catching) suitable
for small bodies of water and variations in specimen diet based on carapace size. No specific diet
variation resulted from age as measured by carapace size. Also noted that large water body capture
methods did not work for streams and ponds.
“Quartzite Aging in Death Valley Bedrock Samples.” With Mr. Samuel Castonguay,
M.S. (GEOL), UWEC. Spring 2014. Project involved processing quartzite samples collected from
Death Valley for zircon dating. Interest was developed from previous studies suggesting multiple quartz
sources inside the metamorphic bedrock. Dating confirmed primary peak, but the existence of auxiliary
peaks warrant future investigation by other teams.
“Naive Realism in Cartesian Dualism and Dual-Aspect Monism.” For Philosophy
of Mind with Dr. Kristin Schaupp (PHIL & RELS), UWEC, Spring 2015. Paper involved
summarizing contemporary readings of Descartes' dualism as compared to dual-aspect monism, with
emphasis placed on possible objections to the theories as well as replies to these objections.
“Analysis of Hume's Motivation Argument for Ethical Noncognitivism.” For
Philosophical Ethics with Dr. Sean McAleer (PHIL & RELS), UWEC, Spring 2015. An
in-depth breakdown of Hume's motivation argument as found in his Treatise on Human Nature. Emphasis
was placed on systematic breakdown of its formal structure and commentary of support and objections
for accepting his premises. The study emphasized the influence of the argument on future ethical
theorists, with Kantianism in mind.
“John Locke and Continuity of Identity.” For 17th and 18th Century Philosophy with Dr.
Brian Woodcock (PHIL & RELS), UWEC, Fall 2014. An analysis of Locke’s theory of ideas and
identity and perspectives on diachronic unity of personal identity and responsibility. I supported the idea
that personal identity was only supported under continuity of memory and that loss of memory indicated
a change of identity.
“Competing Hypotheses on Snowball Earth.” For Physical Geology with Samuel
Castonguay, M.S., Fall 2013. An examination of different perspectives on evidence typically used to
defend the snowball earth hypothesis. Emphasis was placed on supporters of the hypothesis and
opponents who attempt to present alternate narratives to the global accumulation of glaciation remains
during the time period. My final conclusion supported the snowball earth hypothesis by identifying ad
hoc additions and compromise of scientific virtues in competitive theories.
Teaching Memorial High School, Eau Claire. Spring 2016*. Supervised by Dr. Kristin
Assistant Schaupp (PHIL) and James Kasmarek. Assist Mr. Kasmarek with his Introduction to
Philosophy class by facilitating discussion, preparing class material, and lecturing on
complicated ideas.
Student Success Center, UWEC. Supervised by Ms. Patti See, M.A.
(Coordinator of Specialized Tutoring), Fall 2014–present. As a General Tutor,
work with 12 students in individual or small group weekly study sessions to reinforce
discipline-specific content, answer students’ questions, assist their preparation for quizzes
and exams in General Physics and Biology. As a Specialized Tutor, perform the same
duties for an additional 12 students (non-traditional or returning, ESL, or multicultural
students) in Physics, Biology, Calculus, Symbolic Logic, and Geology.
Library & Media Resource Center, Osceola High School. Supervised by Ms.
Marianne Shira and Ms. Greta McCarty, 2010-12. Assisted 30 students each year
with high school STEM course material (Algebra, Trigonometry, General Biology,
Chemistry, Anatomy & Physiology, Physics). Assisted completion of homework
assignments, test preparation, and projects. Also taught and reinforced study skills.
$500 Travel Grant. McNair Achievement Program
$5,800 Research Grant. U.S. Dept. of Education, McNair Achievement Program
AP Scholar with Honor. Osceola High School,
“Epistemic Standards and Disagreement.”
 Astra: The McNair Scholars’ Journal. UWEC. Forthcoming.
 24 Annual National McNair Research Conference and Graduate Fair. October 2731, 2015. Delevan, WI.
 16 Annual McNair Senior Scholars’ Colloquia. UWEC. December 2015
 Celebration of Excellence in Research and Creative Activity (CERCA) 2016
Philosophy Club, UWEC 2015 – present.
• Founder: Personal involvement in founding the student organization, planning events and
services offered to members, and organizing initial meetings as well as designing and writing
organizational constitution.
American Philosophical Society
UWEC Philosophy Club
Founder & President, 2015-16