Event booking form - University of York

Making Research Count
Promoting the resilience of young people from care to adulthood:
from research to practice
Wednesday 26th March 2014
This seminar will give participants an opportunity to explore how they can promote the resilience of
young people on their pathways from care to adulthood The first presentation will draw upon on
research studies of their lives in care, their transitions from care and their lives after care, including
their main pathways to adulthood: moving into settled, safe, accommodation of their choice;
entering further or higher education, or training; finding satisfying employment, and; achieving good
health and a positive sense of well-being.
This will be followed by an example of ‘resilience in practice’, through the work of the Springboard
project. Finally, participants will have the opportunity to discuss in small groups the main issues
arising from the presentations and the implications for developing their policy and practice.
This course is aimed at practitioners and managers from different statutory and voluntary agencies
and backgrounds – including social workers, personal advisers, youth workers, counsellors, housing
and health workers and designated teachers - who are involved in working with young people on
their journey from care to adulthood.
The Speakers
Professor Nina Biehal: Nina Biehal teaches at the Department of Social Policy and Social Work at
the University of York, where she leads the Children and Young People Research Network. She has
conducted many studies of children and young people including research on children in foster and
residential care, outcomes of long-term foster care and adoption, reunification of looked after
children with their families, child protection, runaways from care, adolescents at risk of care, abuse
in care and leaving care. She has also led evaluations of government-funded pilot programmes,
including Multi-dimensional Treatment Foster Care and social pedagogy.
Professor Mike Stein: Currently, Research Professor, in the Social Policy Research Unit at York
University: a qualified social worker, Mike has worked as a probation officer, a senior child care
officer and an area manager. During the last 30 years he has been researching the problems and
challenges faced by vulnerable young people, including care leavers, maltreated adolescents and
young people running away from home and care. He has been involved in the preparation of
Guidance for Leaving Care legislation in the UK and the development of leaving care services
internationally (see: www.york.ac.uk/spru for a full list of publications).
Kate Crosswaite: As a manager with Foundation Housing, Kate Crosswaite was instrumental in
the set-up of the Springboard Project, offering young care leavers aged 16-24 personalised support
responsive to need, and access to a wide range of activities and support to assist with transitions to
independent living across local authority boundaries.
Tamsin Trevorrow-Earl: Tamsin has been a Springboard Project Worker for 2 years, supporting a
case load of young people, and working with project partners to organise and deliver project
List of Chidren’s Services Contacts for Making Research Count (York)
Local Authority
City of York
Christine Shipley
01904 553 017
East Riding
Lorraine Wilson
01482 396 996
Gill Ralph
01482 318 464
Sultana Khatun
0113 2475 769
North East Lincs.
Beckie Smith
01472 325 321
North Yorkshire
Gemma Dickinson
01609 534 154
Barbara Porter
01924 304280
Booking form
Making Research Count Seminar
Promoting the resilience of young people from care to adulthood:
from research to practice
Wednesday 26th March 2014
Job title:
Please select:
Adults Services
Children’s services
Tel. No: …………………………….…………………………………………….………….
Email: …………………………………..…………………..………..………………………
Any particular requirements (access, diet etc.) .
Please tick as appropriate
I am a nominated member of staff from a member agency of Making Research
Count (University of York) and my attendance has been agreed by the contact for
my agency – see above - and so there is no charge
I enclose a cheque for £50 payable to ‘University of York’ (This fee is only
refundable for cancellations received more than 14 days before the event)
Please send invoice for £50 to: (This fee is only refundable for cancellations
received more than 14 days before the event)
Tel: ………………….….…………………………………
Email …………………………………………………………
Please return Booking Form to the Making Research Count (York) contact in
your agency (please see list above for details).
If you are from another agency, and/or paying independently please return
Booking Form to:
Angela Portz, Making Research Count (University of York), Dept. of Social Policy &
Social Work, University of York, Heslington, YORK, YO10 5DD
01904 321237: www.york.ac.uk/depts/spsw/mrc