Quiz - NSCOR

Radiation Quiz Questions
1. What are three common sources of radiation exposure?
Background /Naturally Occurring, Medical Process, and Abnormal/Man Made
2. Name three basic strategies to prevent and protect against unnecessary exposure to radiation.
Reduce time, increase distance, increase shielding
3. What is a model system?
An organism which mimics humans, used for studying effects
4. Name some model systems used for
Mice and cell line
5. What are some measurements for determining radiation levels in humans
Sievert (SI unit), or Rem (US system), and Gray (SI unit), or Rad (US system)
Match these terms to the options below
A. Ionizing radiation
B. Non-ionizing radiation
C. Dimer
1. Low levels of radiation, common forms include microwaves, visible and ultraviolet light, radio
waves, and infrared.
2. Two molecules bound together that form a chemical structure
3. A type of high level of radiation, these have the abilities to break bonds. Common forms include
x-rays and gamma rays.
True or false
1. Gamma rays are ionizing radiation? True
2. One simple was to reduce radiation exposure is to keep a distance from the source. True
3. Cooking food can produce non-ionizing radiation. True
4. There are no known ways of measuring radiation. False
Multiple Choice Questions
Choose the best option below.
1. What are the two categories of radiation?
a. Gamma rays and microwaves
b. Ionizing and non-ionizing
c. Irradiated and time dependent
d. Beta and alpha
2. A type of manmade radiation include
a. Bricks
b. Soil
c. Radon
d. Rocks
3. Enabled through the use of microwaves
a. TV broadcasting
b. Cooking
c. Radar navigation
d. All of the above
4. X-rays, radiotherapy, and radioactive tracers are used for
a. Medical Procedures
b. Pasteurization
c. Cooking
d. None of the above
5. Radiation exposure comes from
a. Background sources
b. Manmade sources
c. Medical Processes
d. All of the above
6. Gamma rays are for
a. Diagnostic Test
b. Sterilization of food
c. Cooking food
d. Fossil dating
7. The average annual radiation American’s receive is
a. 200 mrems
b. 500,000 mrems
c. 400 mrems
d. 10 mrems
8. Too much radiation exposure can cause this in humans
a. Illness
b. Special abilities
c. Both A & C
d. None of the above
9. Sieverts are used to measure
a. Emitted radiation
b. Absorbed dosage
c. Biological risk
d. Radiation type
10. The sun emits
a. Radio waves
b. Infrared radiation
c. Alpha particles
d. Ultraviolet light