1 - Santa Barbara County

July 16, 2015, 10:30am -12:00pm
Marian Regional Medical Center, Santa Maria
Teixeira Conference Room- Behind the cafeteria on the 1st floor
Teleconference #:
Participant #: 528807
Agenda Items
1) Introductions- Visiting Nurse & Hospice Care- Elizabeth Adams, MRC- Suzette Chafey,
PHD/EMSA- Stacey Rosenberger, Jan Koegler, Matt Higgs, Solvang Friendship HouseVickiDiggs, UCP Work Inc.- Ronica Smith, America Red Cross- Linda Everly, Gayle
Robinson, Shepard CHC Surgical Center- Carmen Ramirez-Santini, Marian Regional
Medical Center- Rick Wright, Marian Extended Care- Debbie Mockler-Young, UCSBHolly Smith, The Samarkand- Gloria Nuernberg, SBNC- Leslie Kearney, SBCH-Susanna
Shaw, SYCH- Judy Blokdyk, AIHS- Martha Vasquez, SYTC- Ron Sisson, Valle Verde- Erika
Doyle, Nurse Corps- Charlie Sciutto
2) Approve Meeting Minutes- June 18, 2015
3) News/Updates
a) Ebola
i) New cases of Ebola have occurred in Liberia
b) Oxygen & Durable Medical Equipment
i) HHS empower Map: http://www.phe.gov/empowermap/Pages/default.aspx
ii) Based on the current Medicare data there are 2,103 electricity-dependent
beneficiaries in Santa Barbara County
iii) Only shows claims data for Medicare Fee-for Service (parts A & B)
iv) Represents individuals on: ventilator, internal feeding, IV infusion pump, suction
pump, at-home dialysis, electric wheelchair, electric bed equipment in the past 13
months, oxygen concentrator equipment in last 36 months
Action Items:
 PHD will cross reference information received from SNF regarding #s of clients of
oxygen with the information provided in the HHS map.
 Invite Dave Schierman from AMR to the August 20th meeting to discuss working with
oxygen vendors.
 Research working with the Area Agency on Aging to provide education to those with
4) Community Health Assessment
a) Community Health Assessment will be administered across the county in a variety of
communities, locations and events to capture a representative sample of opinions and
health information of county residents.
b) English & Spanish, paper and electronic versions
c) Data will be collected through the end of October
d) How can you help?
The final version of this survey will be providing to you electronically within the next week or
two. Please provide your staff with the link so they can participate in the survey- they must be
residents of Santa Barbara County to participate. If you have any questions regarding the
survey or would more information please contact Michelle WehmerMichelle.Wehmer@sbcphd.org
5) September- Preparedness Month
a) Week 1- Family
b) Week 2- Neighborhood
c) Week 3- Workplace & School
d) Week 4-Global
PHD is putting together a preparedness month tool kit that will follow the tropic listed above.
Each week will include: messaging for staff, an activity related to preparedness, social media
messages or challenges and resources for staff. If you have anything you would like to include
in the toolkit please send it to Stacey.rosenberger@sbcphd.org
Toolkit will be available by mid-August!
6) 2015 Statewide Medical & Health Exercise
a) Scenario/Overview
PHD will activate the Receiving, Store and Stage Plan and the warehouse plan to
receive product from the state. The Department Operations Center will be activated and
partners will receive alerts and requests to submit resource request for course of prophy
needed for their staff/families and clients. Partners will also submit a status report with
receipt of product and status of their mass prophy.
b) Schedule- November 16th-19th
Trainings will occur prior to the exercise in October and November. The PHD will also
send out a survey to help calculate the amount of mass prophylaxis each facility would
need for staff and their families as well as clients/patients.
c) How can you participate?
 Attend training and tabletops prior to the exercise.
 Receive and respond to alert and activation for the PHD
 Exercise completion of a resource request with specific number of courses of
antibiotic for patients/staff and families.
 Exercise coordination of receipt of product from warehouse or coming to the
warehouse to pick up product and distributing it to their facility(s).
 Options to bring your clients to open POD
 Send a final report that have completed prophy, or need more products
 Write an after action report and return after action checklist to PHD and return
product to warehouse
A timeline and objectives were passed out at the meeting and will be sent out to coalition
members please contact Stacey Rosenberger if you have any questionsStacey.rosenberger@sbcphd.org
7) DHC Logo
a) Survey was sent out using survey monkey to vote between two different logos
The coalition started working on developing a logo that represents the partnership
8) Scheduling Disaster Trainings
Trainings will cover evacuation, licensing requirements regarding emergency plans and
Closed POD training.
a) LTC/SNF, Home health
i) Santa Barbara- August 6th 1pm-4pm Valle Verde Retirement
ii) Santa Maria- August 12th 1pm-4pm PHD- Santa Maria Multipurpose Rm
b) Outpatient Providers
i) Santa Barbara- August 26th 1pm-4pm PHD Auditorium
ii) Santa Maria- August 10th 9am-12pm PHD Santa Maria Multipurpose RM
If you would like to RSVP for any of the trainings listed above please contact Stacey
Rosenberger at 681-4912 or Stacey.rosenberger@sbcphd.org
Standing Agenda Items
a) Transferring to a new system- Everbridge by the end of summer- New system will go
live September 1st.
Partner Emergency/Disaster Plans
a) EMS/PHD available to review plans to assure alignment with County plans.
b) Be sure to include evacuation warning/order issued via telephone, AND reporting status
and requesting assistance from PHD/EMS in your checklists.
Roundtable: Participant Update on Current Activities and Needs
Solvang Friendship House- new training for staff will be conducted electronically. Also
developing emergency kits for all buildings and preparing for fundraiser- Nashville Nights.
Shepard CHC Surgical Center- developing facility EOP
VNHC- Elizabeth will be reviewing the disaster plan and is also looking for plans to use to see
how other plans are formatted. Planning on participating in the exercise with a closed POD as
Serenity House and at patient care.
MRC- Fiesta deployment upcoming and Tuesday night hands only CPR at Santa Barbara
Farmers Market.
UCP Work Inc. – Fire extinguisher trainings with Roy Dugger. Looking for training on Active
MRMC- Working on EOP and looking at internal vs external emergencies/disasters
SBNC- Opened new site in Goleta, working on shelter in place instructions and an evacuation
exercise in September
Central Coast Kidney Center – updating emergency plan to include CMS requirements
Valle Verde- working on EOP
AIHS- working on AAA/HC licensing
Adjourn till Next Meeting:
1. August 20th Lompoc Valley Medical Center (10:00-10:30am Advisory Committee
Meeting/ 10:30am- 12:30pm Coalition Meeting)
2. Executive Committee Meeting September 24th 9am-11am Santa Barbara County EOC
Disaster Healthcare Partners Coalition
Advisory Committee Agenda
July 16, 2015
Teleconference #: 805-681-5400
Participant #: 528807
1. Introductions- Holly Smith-UCSB, Debbie Mockler-Young-MEC, Suzette Chafey-MRC,
Elizabeth Adams- VNHC, Jan Koegler, Stacey Rosenberger-PHD/EMSA, Erika DoyleValle Verde
2. Executive Committee Meeting- September
2 hour meeting
o Priorities for the upcoming year
o Review of the prior year
o Roles in Response
o Community preparedness- how facilities/agencies relate to preparedness in the
 Possible Speakers
o Home Health- Elizabeth Adams- VNCH
o SNF-Debbie Mockler Young- MEC
o LTC- Erika Doyle- Valle Verde
o Surgery Center- Carmen Ramierez-Santini- Shepard CHC Surgical Center
 Date/Location
Action Item: PHD will look at holding the meeting at the EOC and see if we can do video
conferencing in Santa Maria.
Action Item: PHD will send out a letter asking executives to attend the meeting once the date,
location and time are determined.
3. Quarterly Sub-Specialty Meetings
The coalition will schedule quarterly sub-specialty meetings for specific facility types such as home
health, hospitals, surgery centers etc. to discuss disaster planning specific to the type of facility.
4. Wrap Up