Year 2 unit overview — Australian Curriculum: Mathematics

Year 2 unit overview — Australian Curriculum: Mathematics
School name
Unit title
Duration of unit
Coolkids School
Term 2 Mathematics
10 weeks
Unit outline
In this unit students will apply, explore and develop a variety of mathematical concepts on number sequences, measurement, time, months, seasons and the
use of the calendar.
Through content strands – Number and Algebra, Measurement and Geometry and Statistics and Probability students will be provided with opportunities to develop
understanding of:
Number and place value – Investigate number sequences, initially those increasing and decreasing by twos threes, fives and tens from any starting point, the
moving to other sequences.
Number and place value – Recognise, model, represent and order numbers to at least 1000
Using units of measurements – Compare and order several shapes and objects based on length, area, volume and capacity using appropriate uniform
informal units.
Using units of measurements – Tell time to the quarter-hour, using the language of ‘past’ and ‘to”.
Using units of measurements – Name and order months and seasons.
Using units of measurements – Use a calendar to identify the date and determine the number of days in each month.
Data representation and interpretations – Create displays of data using lists, table and picture graphs and interpret them.
Students will be provided with opportunities to access ICTs during this unit as a whole class, in group work and as individuals.
Achievement standard
By the end
of Year 2, students recognise increasing and decreasing number sequences involving 2s, 3s and 5s. They represent multiplication and division by grouping
of Australian coins with their value. Students identify the missing element in a number sequence. Students recognise the
Content descriptions
to be collections
General capabilities and cross-curriculum
features of three-dimensional objects. They interpret simple maps of familiar locations. They explain the effects of one-step
transformations. Students make sense
Number and Algebra
Measurement and Geometry
Statistics and Probability
of collected information.
and to
Using units
of measurement
and of strategies. TheyLiteracy
from 1000. They perform
addition and subtractionData
using a range
divide collections and shapes into
quarters and
Students order
shapes andand
using several
informal units.
They tell time to the quarter hour and use a calendar to identify the date and
 Investigate
 Compare
 Develop the language of fractions
the months
seasons. They
for everyday
initially included
those in
and draw twoshapes
and objects
 Create
of data using
lists,Students collect data from relevant questions to
lists, tables
by and
length, area, volume and capacity
table and picture graphs and
interpret them (ACMSP050)
 Apply concepts of equal portions
then moving to other sequences.
informal units (ACMMG037)
ICT capability
to develop proficiencies include:
Problem Solving
 Tell time to the quarter-hour,
to create online
Uses objects, technology andUse
solve mathematical
using the language of 'past' and
 Recognise,
andwith counting
'to' (ACMMG039)
Connecting model,
glossaries of fractions
least 1000  Name and order months and
 order
a date into
Critical and creative thinking
seasons (ACMMG040)
 Compare results from data collection.
 Identify the months in the year.
 Useas
to explain
how to
create fair
 Compare the changes to the climate
the months
and season
 Identify and describe the seasons.  Use a calendar to identify the
date and determine the number
of days in each month
Personal and social capability
 Counting numbers in sequence easily. (ACMMG041)
 Develop the notion of a fair share
 Describe and use mathematical language for units of measurement and number
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander
histories and cultures
Interpret data and describe the results
Describe and order time durations to the quarter hour.
Describe, order and identify the months and seasons of the year.
Demonstrate alternative ways of knowing
and sharing
Describe the assessment
Develop the notion of a fair share of
Make judgments
Assessment date
Relevant prior curriculum
Curriculum working towards
In the Australian Curriculum: Mathematics at Year 1
Number and Algebra
Number and place value
 Develop confidence with number sequences to and from 100 by ones from
any starting point. Skip count by twos, fives and tens starting from zero
In the Australian Curriculum: Mathematics at Year 3
Number and Algebra
Number and place value
Investigate the conditions required for a number to be odd or even and identify
odd and even numbers (ACMNA051)
Recognise, model, represent and order numbers to at least 10 000 (ACMNA052)
Recognise, model, read, write and order numbers to at least 100. Locate
these numbers on a number line (ACMNA013)
Measurement and Geometry
Using units of measurement
Measurement and Geometry
Using units of measurement
Measure, order and compare objects using familiar metric units of length, mass
and capacity (ACMMG061)
Tell time to the minute and investigate the relationship between units of time
Measure and compare the lengths and capacities of pairs of objects using
uniform informal units (ACMMG019)
 Tell time to the half-hour (ACMMG020)
Statistics and Probability
 Describe duration using months, weeks, days and hours (ACMMG021)
Data representation and interpretation
 Collect data, organise into categories and create displays using lists, tables, picture
Statistics and Probability
graphs and simple column graphs, with and without the use of digital technologies
 Represent data with objects and drawings where one object or drawing
represents one data value. Describe the displays (ACMSP263)
Bridging content
In the Essential Learnings by the end of Year 2
Links to other learning areas
Number sequences both increasing and decreasing by twos, threes, fives and
tens from any starting point.
Recognise, describe and order number to 1000
Tell time, describe and order the duration of events to the quarter hour.
Name and order the months of the year
Recognise and describe the characteristics of the seasons of the year.
Identify a day and date on a calendar.
Technology: This occurs in online matching games and online research for
origins of the month’s extension task.
English: This occurs through understanding and completing activities
worksheets, word walls and written responses to topics.
Week 1
By the end of week 1
 Observe and note students ability to count forward and backward to 100
 Observe students understanding and ability to complete the ‘Help the frog catch the
fly’ activity by counting in 2s
 Observe and note students’ ability and understanding on number patterns in 5s
starting from different points.
 Observe and note student’s ability to complete the number patterns quickly and
 Anecdotal notes on student ability to complete a number pattern and understand
how to use number patterns outside the classroom.
Week 2
 Observation and note students ability to investigate pattern sequence using By the end of week 2
hundreds board.
 Observe and note student’s participation and ability in a Pattern Game
 Observe and note student contribution during group activity.
Week 3
Observe and note student contribution during brainstorming and group work
Observe students understanding and ability to complete the cut and paste activity
on the months of the year.
Observe and note student’s ability and understanding of tallying and graphing
birthdays. Collect student work.
Observe and note student’s input and accuracy when identifying AM and PM and
work samples of the completion of the timeline event.
By the end of week 3
Week 1 Content descriptors addressed:
Unit of Number patterns (ACMNA027) &
 Recognition of numbers up to 1000
 The concept of a number pattern
 Able to read, write and verbalize
ascending and descending number
patterns (including 1s,2s & 10s)
 Create ascending and descending
number patterns
Week 2 Content descriptors addressed:
Unit of Number patterns (ACMNA027) &
Number pattern 5s & 10s have overlapping
 Able to read, write and verbalize
ascending and descending number
patterns (including 5s & 10s)
 Create ascending and descending
number patterns (starting from various
number points)
Week 3 Content descriptors addressed:
Units of measurements (ACMMG040)
Participates in brainstorming and group
Describes and orders events using the
Uses objects and diagrams to explore
months and seasons.
Uses Graphs and timeline to collect and
investigate data.
Collection of activities and quiz shows
correct answers.
Uses mathematical language for calculation
of time.
Anecdotal notes on students understanding and abilities to copy times and tell the
time using their own interactive clock face.
Anecdotal notes on students understanding and abilities to display and tell the time.
Week 4
By the end of week 4
Understands clocks have 60 minutes
Each hour number represents 5 minutes
Clock contains an hour and a minute hand
Can tell the time in a variety of ways
Ability to arrange events sequentially
Determine the hour hand from the minute
 Observe and note student contribution during brainstorming and group activity.
 Work samples – AM/PM activity of matching picture with time of day to assess
students understand of time language.
 Work sample – creation of analogue clock
By the end of week 5
Week 5
 Observe and note student contribution during brainstorming and creation of word
 Observe and note students understanding of time language using the terms ‘past’
and ‘to’
 Observe and note participation in group activities.
 Work sample – completion of matching game online – analogue and digital.
Week 4 Content descriptors addressed:
Unit of time (ACMMG039)
Week 5 Content descriptors addressed:
Unit of time (ACMMG039)
Concept terms of ‘past’ and ‘to’ in relation
to time
Represent times on an analogue clock.
Identify and verbalize 15,30 and 45 on an
analogue clock
Week 6 Content descriptors addressed:
By the end of week 6
Week 6
 Observe and note student understanding of Tally Marks
 Work Samples – Collection of activity of ‘Tally the toys” picture graph and column
 Collection of work – Class survey results and development and understand of pie
Observe and note student contribution to group activity to create column graphs.
By the end of week 7
Week 7
 Observe and note student contribution during brainstorming and group activity.
 Monitor students’ accuracy for measuring with cubes
 Observe and note student understanding and ability during informal measuring with
 Anecdotal notes about students’ involvement and ability to use hands accurately to
measure each other.
 Record students’ accuracy and understanding of their ‘big’ and ‘small’ tables.
 Observe students’ understanding of area measurement.
 Observe students contribution in pair work and accuracy when measuring area with
By the end of week 8
Week 8
 Observe and note student contribution during brainstorming and group activity.
 Observe and note students understanding of capacity and capability to estimate and
record new information.
Unit of Data (ACMSP069)
Information can be calculated using tally
Information can be depicted in various
graphs (pie, picture, column)
Calculate surveys using tally marks
Convert data into graphs (pie, picture and
Week 7 Content descriptors addressed:
Units of measurements (ACMMG037)
 Participates in brainstorming and group
 Understands that the largest
measurement is the longest.
 Understands that the smallest
measurement is the shortest.
 Measurement involves cm, mm etc.
 Use every day items to measure objects
with informal units.
 Record data in a table to compare and
order measurement.
 Make predictions on measurement of
 Identify size in order of small, medium
and big.
Week 8 Content descriptors addressed:
Units of Measurement: (ACMMG037)
 Collect student work: Check for accuracy in recording findings.
 Work samples – worksheet and picture activity
By the end of week 9
Week 9
 Observation and note students ability during written/verbal/hands on tasks
 Collect students work – Mark practice quiz
 Observation of student’s participation is group activities.
By the end of week 10
Week 10 Assessment Week
 Collect student work – written test on number recognition, number patterns, data
and time
 Collect students work- verbal/physical response on measurement and time
Measurement consists of different units
depending on the object (such as; cm, L,
Kg etc.)
 Capacity is the space that needs to be
 Read/interpret capacity measurements
of an object
 Ability to compare various quantities of
object capacity
 Able to visual estimate capacity levels
 Record information in relation to
Week 1: Counting Patterns
Counting on activities (1s, 2, 10s)
Number recognition to 100 (Hundreds board)
Complete the hundreds board and colour the
Week 1: Considerations (learning and assessment)
Students may count on by including the
original number instead of tapping the next
number (e.g. Count on 2 from 33, students
taps 33 then 34 but answer is 35)
Loses track when counting in 10s
Videos- Counting 100s, Counting 1000s, patterns,
ways to count
Show-me boards
Whiteboard pens
100’s board print out- Individual
Introducing counting by 2s & 10s- visual/verbal
aide of songs
Week 1: Adjustments (student’s needs):
Interactive Whiteboard (Hundreds board)
Counters (various colours)
Focusing on counting by 2s using number linesFind the missing number
Group rotation activities & manipulates
Buzz Game using 2s – Whole class activity
Work sheets in relation to counting by 2s &
10s -Worksheet
Small Group rotations each afternoon- focusing
on Patterns
Large hundreds board (2 colours)
Hand display
Number cards
Whiteboard pens
Show-me boards
100’s board print out- Individual
Interactive Whiteboard (Hundreds board)
Counters (various colours)
Group rotation activities & manipulates
Work sheets in relation to counting by 5s
Large hundreds board (2 colours)
Large concreted area
Model counting patterns while students are
individually working.
Extra time for students would still grasping
concept of 1s and 2s- counting forwards and
backwards before moving onto 10s
Scaffold learners with accuracy techniques
(explicit instruction- counting on and backwards)
Week 2: Counting Patterns
Counting by 2s, 5s, 10s- visual/verbal aide of
Investigating pattern sequences using hundreds
Pattern Game- Create a life size hundreds board
on concrete (chalk), students explore 2s, 5s &
10s patterns
Students count by 2s & 10s but starting with an
alternate number (e.g. count in 2s from 5)
Week 2: Considerations (learning and assessment)
Students may count on by including the
original number instead of tapping the next
number (e.g. Count on in 2s from 33,
students taps 33 then 34 but answer is 35)
Loses track when counting in 5s or 10s
Misconceptions of all 10s are multiple of 5s
so all 5s must be multiples of 10s.
Week 2: Adjustments (student’s needs):
Focusing on counting by 5s & 10s using
hundreds boards- Compare the number
Small Group rotations each afternoon- focusing
on Patterns
Collect formative assessment informationCounting patterns 2s, 5s & 10s
Model counting patterns while students are
individually working.
Extra time for students would still grasping
concept of 1s and 2s- counting forwards and
backwards before moving onto 10s
Scaffold learners with accuracy techniques
(explicit instruction- counting on and backwards)
Explore patterns of 5s & 10s starting from a
different number (e.g. 8). Compare patterns to
100s chart with patterns starting at 0.
Investigate/explain similarities
Week 3: Months/Seasons
Week 3: Considerations (learning and assessment)
Days of the week: YouTube Clip
12 months in a year: YouTube Clip
Months of the year cut and paste activity
Classroom calendar
Evaluate students’ prior knowledge by
brainstorming to assess understanding of
months, seasons, and calendars.
Establish the characteristics of each month and
Discuss the task and outcomes of how we might
understand the calendar.
Cut and paste activities identifying the months
and seasons of the year.
Activity to order events in a timeline.
Collect data of students birthdays, then a bar
graph using the calendar as a reference and
discuss order and least and most common
Students may have trouble remembering the
order of the months.
Student may have trouble with an analogue
watch as today’s technology is digital.
Week 3: Adjustments (student’s needs):
Include mnemonic devices that will help
student remember the order such as the
month of the year song.
Include concrete materials such as interactive
clock to provide a hands on approach in
order to facilitate learning.
Calendar/Date activity- Find dates through-out
the year (Extension- Linking seasons)
Students could investigate the origins of the
Students could log the times of their
favourite TV shows.
Week 4: Time
Week 4: Considerations (learning and assessment)
Large Interactive analogue clock face
Student Interactive analogue clocks – Paper
cut outs
What’s the time? YouTube Clip
Small group activities & Manipulates
Week 4: Adjustments (student’s needs):
Images (Timeline activity)
AM/PM worksheet
Time definition cards (e.g. of ‘half past’ & ‘
10 to’
Large Interactive analogue clock face
Student Interactive analogue clocks – Paper
cut outs
Explore Various types of clocks (analog/digital)discussing attributes & prior knowledge
AM/PM activities- matching pictures and time
of day
Hourly timeline- Discussing/Creating their day
Activity to order events in a timeline (within
24hr period).
Create their own analog clock- Paper
Small Group rotations/games each afternoonfocusing on Time
Students may confuse the hour hand and minute
hand. (use clock with colour coded hands)
Use worksheets as formative assessment (does
the students understand am/pm in 24hour
Be mindful of students who may have different
structure within a day (may have dinner before
shower or only brush teeth at night time etc.)
Using 24hour time to arrange timelines
Investigate timeframe (e.g. how long are we at
Week 5: Time
Week 5: Considerations (learning and assessment)
Brainstorming word wall- language and meaning
previous (o’clock, thirty) introducing ‘past’.
Using large colour coded hands Clock to
demonstrate, Using (individual) paper
manipulates to reciprocate
Students may confuse the hour hand and minute
hand. (use clock with colour coded hands)
Confusion may arise from exposure to 24 digital
Focus on the term ‘past’- make connection to
numbers 1-5 (5, 10, 20, 25)
Focus on the term ‘to’- make connection to
numbers 7-12 (35, 40, 50, 55)
Week 5: Adjustments (student’s needs):
Small Group rotations/games each afternoonfocusing on Time
Matching game online- analog & Digital
Formative assessment
Explicit teaching on when to use terms ‘to’ and
Focus on mastering half past first before moving
Use of a verbal clock my assist students with
learning difficulties
Small group activities & Manipulates
AM/PM worksheet
Internet- Link to Matching online game ‘Stop
the clock’
Video: Telling the time
Small group activities & Manipulates
Apply new knowledge: ordering of clocks that
include concepts of ‘to’ and ‘past’ (20 to 5, 5
past 5 etc.)
Include AM/PM into ordering activities
Week 6 Data
Week 6: Considerations (learning and assessment)
Butcher paper
Numeracy wrap Activity
Picture (represent various factors compare)
Small group activities & Manipulates
Demonstrating Tally marks- Class Survey of Birthday
(Months) - Discuss terms such as ‘Compare’, ‘Sort’
Create a Numeracy wrap Activity: Tally the toysDisplay your data in a picture graph and then a
column graph.
Class survey results- Develop a pie chart with tally
marks from previous lesson
Small Group rotations on data
Ability group activity- explore/compare (2, 3 & 4
factors) Create basic column graphs using cut out
Students to understand pie charts can be used as
fractions (divide whole number into multiple
parts) and to display data information (multiple
Week 6: Adjustments (student’s needs):
Students may find it difficult to draw charts
(blank templates will eliminate time being lost)
Provide extension questions to assess
students skills in Interpreting data
Week 7: Measurement
Week 7: Considerations (learning and assessment)
Evaluate students’ prior knowledge by
brainstorming to assess understanding of what
measurement means.
Students may not know how to repeat units
and may leave gaps when measuring with
non-standard units. E.g. Ribbon or cubes.
Establish the characteristics of measurement
e.g. small, medium and big.
Students may have trouble comparing
lengths and heights.
Provide opportunities to use mathematical
terms of measurement.
Discuss the task and outcomes of how we might
understand how to measure
Use concrete materials to demonstrate explain
Polar bear song
Week 7: Adjustments (students’ needs):
1m length Ribbons
Objects around the room
Recording sheet.
Butchers paper for graph
Big and small video
Shapes song
Large paper for tables
Pens, scissors, glue
Use problem solving questions. “How many
ribbons/cubes/counters bigger is ____ than
Shape bag with 30 different sized cardboard
Coloured counters.
Week 8: Considerations (learning and assessment)
Transition game
Small group activities & Manipulates
Demonstrate and provide opportunities for
students to measure items that are longer
than the ribbon so that students move the
ribbon repeatedly to measure the length of
an item.
Use ribbons to measure objects in the
Provide modeling and examples to help
scaffold learning.
Provide measuring equipment that is easy to
Make predictions on height of students and
record in a bar graph. Discuss the results to see
if their predictions were correct.
Use magazines to find pictures for small,
medium and big objects and glue the items into
the correct columns
Use coloured counters to measure the area of a
Week 8: Capacity
Rubix cubes
Videos: counting by 2’s, counting by 5’s,
counting by 10’s
Discuss which objects they found longest and
Use a table to record and compare results
Mystery bag with items varying in length
Predict & investigate activity- arrange in order
(unknown capacities)
Transition game – Which cup hold the most
Investigate how to record capacity (various
types of containers)
Language specific to capacity: litre, millilitre
(word wall & term cards)
Measurement representation activity
Worksheets- Capacity (formative assessment)
Group investigation activities
Week 8: Adjustments (student’s needs):
Revision lessons on required topics that need
assistance (evaluate formative assessment)
Provide opportunities to revise content using
written/verbal/hands on tasks
Practice quiz
Group rotation in afternoon vary according to
lesson content in the morning session
Measuring jugs
Measurement representation activity
Provide modeling and examples to help scaffold
Video on capacity
Provide measuring equipment that is easy to use.
Extension activities
Week 9 Revision
Students may make misconceptions with mm and
ml- make specific reference which each
measuring unit is referring to (length or capacity)
Students may be able to make connections
between ml & L (1800mls = 1.8 L).
Have students arrange in order (Container
holding the least to the most amount of liquid)
with different base units.
Week 9: Considerations (learning and assessments)
Students are giving extra guidance based on where
they are having difficulties understanding. (formative
assessment to provide information)
Week 9: Adjustments (student’s needs):
Extra teacher aide time or one on one teacher time if
available for students requiring extensive assistance.
Peer tutoring activities would also help students
struggling to grasp certain concepts.
Extension: Provide opportunities for activities to
extend beyond basic topics (such as counting
patterns in 3s, 4s & 7s, comparing different
Practice quiz
Small group activities
Measuring equipment (rulers etc.)
Test sheets
Objects to measure (e.g. liquids, toys etc.)
Teacher aide
measuring units (ml & L), interpretation questions on
data etc.
Week 10: Assessment
Week 10: Considerations (learning and assessment)
Provide the class with hands on tests based on
measurement and separate one on time.
Students demonstrate understanding of
measuring and recording various items (using
mms, cms & ml, Ls)
Interpret digital time and display on analog
clocks, verbalizing various times displayed
Written test on number recognition, number patterns,
Months/seasons and data.
Students who have reading process issues, fine
motor skills issues or learning difficulties- aide
guidance & extra time.
Provide time to explain and model the test
before students proceed on their own to ensure
Students who struggle with writing based test
may verbally respond with teacher/aide
Provide students with manipulates to assist in the
test (e.g. counters, rulers etc)
Measuring tapes
Measuring jugs
Test sheets
Objects to measure (e.g. liquids, toys etc.)
Teacher aide
Formative assessment
Use feedback
Ways to monitor learning and
Feedback to students
Reflection on the unit plan
Teachers meet to collaboratively plan the teaching, learning and assessment to meet the needs of all learners in each
Teachers create opportunities for discussion about levels of achievement to develop shared understandings; co-mark or
cross mark at key points to ensure consistency of judgments; and participate in moderating samples of student work at
school or cluster level to reach consensus and consistency.
Teachers strategically plan opportunities and ways to provide ongoing feedback (both written and informal) and
encouragement to children on their strengths and areas for improvement.
Children reflect on and discuss with their teachers or peers what they can do well and what they need to improve.
Teachers reflect on and review learning opportunities to incorporate specific learning experiences and provide multiple
opportunities for children to experience, practise and improve.
Identify what worked well during and at the end of the unit, including:
activities that worked well and why
activities that could be improved and how
assessment that worked well and why
assessment that could be improved and how
common student misconceptions that need, or needed, to be clarified.